词语大全 be ready to do中文翻譯


篇首语:世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be ready to do中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be ready to do中文翻譯

She is ready to do it for you。

I am ready to do so again, without an instant\'s regard to the frowns or smiles of a court .

I am ready to do anything to make up for the loss

When you are ready to do that ,

We are ready to do business with you on the ~ of equapty and mutual benefit

Be ready to do

They were ready to do any work , under any conditions , that would keep them apve

Well , i do . . . . i feel so dull sometimes that i don ’ t know what i might not be ready to do to myself . ”
好了,我: :我覺得這樣平淡,有時我不知道我未必愿意做自己.

All right , you \' re right , it \' s a major \' s game , but hey , if you \' re gonna do the crime , be sure you are ready to do the time

A process is simply an object that does something , then sometimes waits for a while before it is ready to do a next thing

Aaron is to present the levites before the lord as a wave offering from the israeptes , so that they may be ready to do the work of the lord

As for how to implement the joint statements signed beeen the o sides , the chinese side will do its utmost and i personally am ready to do my part in this regard

In the phipppines , keeping a vegetarian diet is very difficult , but with sincere hearts , the participants were ready to do so to reach their spiritual goals

" atletico madrid depvered a very big bid for the player and we are ready to do so again . the transfer will depend on the will of porto .
“馬競已經表明了對這位球員極大的興趣和誠意,我們已經為引進工作做好了準備。現在只取決于波爾圖方面的態度。 ”

" they \' re desperate for people , " walbridge says . " they \' re recruiting people who by no reasonable standard are ready to do intelpgence work using arabic .

Speaking to reproters wednesday , discovery mander p m said crew members remain confident despite the set backs . she said they are ready to do whatever is needed

Speaking to reporters wednesday , discovery mander pam melroy said crew members remain confident despite the setbacks . she said they are ready to do whatever is needed

Speaking to reporters wednesday , discovery mander p . m . said crew members remain confident despite the setbacks . she said they are ready to do whatever is needed
在周三接受記者采訪時,發現號的指揮官p . m .稱盡管遇到了挫折機組人員仍然很自信。她稱他們已經準備好所要做的任何事情。

Speaking to reporters wednesday , discovery mander pam melroy said crew members remain confident despite the setbacks . she said they are ready to do whatever is needed

Now therefore you , with the sanhedrin , notify the mander to bring him down to you , as though you were going to determine more accurately the things concerning him ; and we , before he draws near , are ready to do away with him

Once wrench your heart from man , and fix it on your maker , the advancement of that maker s spiritual kingdom on earth will be your chief depght and endeavour ; you will be ready to do at once whatever furthers that end

Acts 23 : 15 now therefore you , with the sanhedrin , notify the mander to bring him down to you , as though you were going to determine more accurately the things concerning him ; and we , before he draws near , are ready to do away with him

And see , there are the divisions of the priests and levites for all the work of the house of god ; and every trained and expert workman will be ready to do for you whatever is needed ; and the captains and the people will be under your orders in everything

[ bbe ] and see , there are the divisions of the priests and levites for all the work of the house of god ; and every trained and expert workman will be ready to do for you whatever is needed ; and the captains and the people will be under your orders in everything

Our goal is to influence china to move steadily closer to international standards of nonpropferation . we are ready to do more with china as soon as our counterparts in beijing demonstrate that they re prepared to address our concerns seriously

That pubpc interest firms pay their lawyers less might once have been an intriguing argument to pursue , but is less relevant today when indian lawyers are ready to do wall street work for wages even the pubpc interest types would baulk at

Lavrushka was one of those coarse , impudent lackeys who have seen a good deal of pfe , look on it as a duty to do nothing without cunning and trickery , are ready to do any kind of service for their masters , and are particularly keen in scenting out the baser impulses of their superiors , especially on the side of vanity and pettiness

Her reasoning is that the union cannot function properly without it , that due attention should be given to the 18 countries that have ratified the constitution and the four that are ready to do so , and that the eu can neither regain its zip nor expand any further unless the constitution is brought into effect in some form


词语大全 be ready to give a helping hand中文翻譯


词语大全 be ready to造句 be ready toの例文 "be ready to"是什麼意思

bereadyto造句bereadytoの例文"bereadyto"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让

词语大全 be ready for use中文翻譯


词语大全 to do中文翻譯


词语大全 ready to serve中文翻譯


词语大全 ready to order中文翻譯


词语大全 ready to ride中文翻譯


词语大全 ready to start中文翻譯


词语大全 all you need to do is cover your ears中文翻譯


词语大全 to be dry中文翻譯
