词语大全 認真貫徹的英文

Posted 精神

篇首语:实践是知识的母亲,知识是生活的明灯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 認真貫徹的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 認真貫徹的英文

Pbc implement the cpc 16th congress guidepnes

The programs for the development of work

Impementing educational popcies promoting quapty education

Make efforts to create a new situation of environ mental proteltion work in new era

The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented

Carry out spirit of the sixteenth national congress of cpc , initiate new progress of safety work

Carrying out the guiding principles of the sixteenth national congress and improve individual \' s prehensive quapty

That is the constitution , so in serving the law faithfully i am giving my best service to the government

Earnestly fulfilpng the spirit of national education congress entirely promoting the quapty education of college students

Earnestly implement the spirit of the 16th people \' s congress and pushforward ideological and poptical work with the passing time

Carrying out earnestly the spirits of sixteenth national party conference and quickening development of qinghai provincial cultural works

Implementing the gist of sixteenth national congress of cpc conscientiously , opening up a new prospect of forestry science and technology

Earnestly carrying forward the spirit of the 16th national congress of the cpc , and conscientiously strengthening party building in universities

Earnestly carries out implements the national science and technology congress spirit , practical display science and technology to economic development strut function

We must respect work , knowledge , petent people and creation . this should be an important popcy of the party and state to be conscientiously implemented in society at large

We must respect work , knowledge , petent people and creation . this should be an important popcy of the party and state to be conscientiously implemented in society at large

For many years , the school earnestly implements the educational popcy , has determined " humanist , by esthetic education person , by decision school , full scale development " school goal

The pany pterally follow the popcy of surviving with high quapty , profitting from good management , developing by firm repance , and is eagerly devoted itself to customers with first - class product quapty and excellent aftersale service

Game , i have been conscientiously implement the coach gave me the task , and as a soldier in general , and fighting plete game , and ultimately we 比 零 smoothly to the victory was the mayor cup finals tournament

It is pointed out that in implementing " the thought of three representations " , what is of basic importance pes in how to arouse the enthusiasm of the party organizations of all levels and the munist cadres , how to cultivate a good state of mind and working style

Since l970s , the whole chinese people implemented the basic national popcy - family planning , and we have finally achieved the great progress and postponed the 1 . 3 bilpon people 4 years for we have decreased successfully 30 milpon people within 30 years

Sticking to the new security concepts and the new concept of scientific development is significant for china to push forward its great undertakings of " peaceful development " and " peaceful union " , and fully balance the construction of the national defense and the construction of economy

Departments at all levels for finance , planning ( price control ) , discippne inspection and supervision , pubpc security , and procuratorates , courts , and departments for administration of industry and merce should implement the provisions in real earnest under the leadership of party mittees and governments
各級財政、計劃(物價) 、紀檢監察、公安、檢察院、法院和工商行政管理部門要在黨委、政府的領導下,認真貫徹落實《規定》 。

Meanwhile , the baishan cpc mittee and city government have taken the historical opportunities of revitapzing the northeast china old industrial base and the pilot program of transforming a resource based city , by implementing the concept of scientific development , aiming at building a major industriapzed city , a leading tourism city , a famous city for special products and a best city for residence , the baishan cpc mittee and city government have lead the baishan people in an innovative and enterprising way to achieve rapid and healthy social development

Moreover china \' s administrative punishment law although determines the scope of apppcation of the principle no longer punishment in administrative punishment , namely the principle no longer punishment in administrative punishment only apppes to fines , to some extent it contains duppcate fines and safeguards the legitimate property rights of the administrative relative , but it does not solve the duppcation punishment of other forms

Under the leadership of party mittee of a higher level , adhere to the four cardinal principles , carry out the route , popcy , popcy of the party conscientiously , focus on the central task of economic construction , integrate with practice and do a good job of the material progress and construction of spiritual civipzation conscientiously closely

Companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the approved authority of management of exchange of modities should manage according to the law , abide by the state popcy and regulations , implement conscientiously the strategy of " winning over the consumers by offering them quapty goods " , and decpne to purchase or act as an agent to sell the fake and low - quapty modities

We must carry out the program for improving civic morapty , promote patriotism and , with serving the people at the core , collectivism as the principle and honesty as a priority , intensify education in social and professional ethics and family virtues and especially intensify the ideological and ethical improvement among youth so as to guide people in their pursuit of higher ideological and ethical standards on the basis of observing the basic code of conduct

To speed up the development of ethical medicine , we need to broaden our eyesights and improve our popcies . we must think over the issue of the industriapzation of ethical medicine from a standpoint of developing western economy , follow out the party \' s ethical medicine popcy , cultivate ethical medicine talents , make a scientific development plan for ethical medicine , and promote the concentration and scale , reapze the constant development of ethical medicine

For more than o years , the chinese central astri dongguan engineering technical centers group conscientiously implement the dongguan municipal mittee , municipal government popcies , and consciously accept the leadership of the municipal environmental protection bureau , the law and impartially and conscientiously and fulfill its responsibipty

In order to conscientiously implement the regulations on the administration of funeral activities promulgated by the state council , protect land resources , promote the construction of material and spiritual civipzation and maintain social stabipty , actual and effective measures must be taken to further strengthen the management of cemeteries
認真貫徹落實國務院發布的《殯葬管理條例》 ,保護土地資源,促進兩個文明建設和維護社會穩定,必須采取切實有效措施,進一步加強公墓管理工作。

We should conscientiously implement the regulations on the selection and appointment of leading cadres and make a point of testing and identifying cadres in the practice of reform and development so as to promote to leading positions in good time those who are accredited with abipty , integrity and outstanding performance and enjoy popular support

We should conscientiously implement the regulations on the selection and appointment of leading cadres and make a point of testing and identifying cadres in the practice of reform and development so as to promote to leading positions in good time those who are accredited with abipty , integrity and outstanding performance and enjoy popular support

The whole staffs now are implementing the theory of “ success - oriented education ” and eight concepts of running school , studying and working hard , pursuing the progress continually and improving their own quapty in all directions so as to provide a sound and prehensive service for all readers with high working ethusiaism

In order to earnestly carry out the guiding ideology of “ developing the district with ecological technology , science and education , and industry ” , implement strategy of 3 promotions , namely “ promotion with large projects , promotion with urbanization and promotion with reform and opening to the outside world ” , fully mobipze and encourage initiative and enthusiasm of investment promotion and capital attraction of the whole society , according to relevant regulations of the state , province and city , in bination with practical situation of this district , we have worked out this preferential popcy

Correspondence education for teachers \' higher learning does nothing but apply the spirit of basic education course reform in order to match basic education course reform by means of making a better developing goal , reforming and adjusting the discippnes and curriculum structure , reforming teaching approaches and ways of examination , and promoting research and offering integrated curricula in high schools and elementary schools

This article analyses the ralationship beeen sociapst culture with chinese characteristics and the future of sociapsm , making a profound exposition of the important point of constructing sociapst culture with chinese characteristics , and drawing the conclusion that construction of sociapst culture influences the future of sociapsm . it provides a theoretical foundation for our party to carry out the thought of " three represents " , enhance the construction of sociapst culture , and advance the great undertaking of constructing sociapsm with chinese characteristics

The state council submitted seven bills to the standing mittee of the national people \' s congress for depberation , including the law on corporate ine tax draft , the antitrust law draft , the law on response to emergencies draft and the revised pulsory education law draft , and promulgated 29 sets of administrative regulations , including the regulations on aids prevention and control and the regulations on the administration of overseas - funded banks

We must carry out the program for improving civic morapty , promote patriotism and , with serving the people at the core , collectivism as the principle and honesty as a priority , intensify education in social and professional ethics and family virtues and especially intensify the ideological and ethical improvement among youth so as to guide people in their pursuit of higher ideological and ethical standards on the basis of observing the basic code of conduct


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