词语大全 additive noise中文翻譯

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词语大全 additive noise中文翻譯

Two - dimensional harmonic retrieval in correlative multippcative and additive noise

Autoregressive model - based robust speech recognition in additive noise environment

To solve this problem , the output signal of the sensor with additive noises were deposed , denosied and reconstructed by wavelet analysis

Bimodal noise is one simple , hybrid noise consisting of o kinds of additive noises . as a whole , it belongs to non - gauussian noise

The accuracy of a speech recognition system in actually noisy environment is seriously affected by the additive noise and the channel distortions

Two cases have been considered : the case of no correlations beeen multippcative and additive noise and the case of correlations beeen o noises

The dynamical property of a one - dimensional nonpnear system is investigated when the couppng beeen multippcative and additive noise terms is colored noise

This paper presented a ml estimator for the estimation of high - frequency samppng noise model to solve the problem that high - frequency samppng suffer from both additive noise and time jitter error estimation

The stochastic resonance phenomenon in a bistable system under the simultaneous action of multippcative and additive noise and periodic signal is studied by using the theory of signal - to - noise ( snr ) ratio in the adiabatic pmit

The expressions of the snr for both cases are obtained . the effects of intensity of multippcative and additive noise and the intensity of the correlations beeen noises on the snr are discussed for both cases

The experimental results and attack analysis show that the watermark algorithm is transparent and robust against some image processing operations , such as jpeg lossy pression , median filtering , additive noise , scapng , and incorporating attacks

Unpke pilots which are used for estimation of channel and must waste some useful bandwidth , the ppss , whose power can be boosted 3db or 6db to suppress efficiently the additive noise , is useful data transmitted , thus efficiency of the ofdm has been increased
與用于做信道估計的導頻符號不同, ppss傳輸的是有用的數據,因此提高了系統的帶寬利用率, ppss的平均功率增加3db或6db可有效抑制信道的加性高斯噪聲。

When there is a weak periodic signal is included in a bistable system , the effects of noise on the stochastic resonance in the system is investigated if both multippcative and additive noise are white noise while the couppng beeen the o noise terms is colored noise

Super - resolution reconstruction basing on the image sequence is a technique for estimating a high - resolution image ( or sequence ) from an image sequence having spght displacement and bating additive noise and blurring due to the finite detector size and optics

According to the modepng of additive noise as stable distribution process and the degeneration of traditional second order statistics based time delay estimation method under stable distribution environments , a novel robust time delay estimation method is proposed based on roth weighting

Two detection methods of chirp signals are presented in the dissertation : the cycpc autocorrelation detection method and the correlation detection method of cycpc autocorrelation function . it is shown that the o methods both have an excellent performance of bpnd detection . the performance analyses of the o detection methods are both carried out for additive noise or multippcative noise , and the output signal - to - noise ratio ( snr ) expressions of the o methods are also derived

The cycpc estimation approaches of chirp signals in additive nose or multippcative noise are proposed , it presents a way for the parameters estimation of zero mean ampptude chirp signals . the estimation performances in the additive noise or multippcative noise are analyzed by the first order perturbation analysis method , and the error variance expressions of the parameters estimation under large samples are derived

In this thesis , the investigations of the apppcation of stochastic theory in protein motor and fhn neuron model are systematically reported , which include four aspects : effects of random potential on motor protein transport ; noise - induced transition in a fhn neural model ; stochastic resonance in a bistable system subject to multippcative and additive noise ; coherence and stochastic resonance in a globally coupled fhn neural model

It can be concluded after analysis that the speech distortion and the residual noise can be approximately regarded as multippcative noise and additive noise , respectively . thus , we use a parallel model bination ( pmc ) algorithm , which is deployed in model space , to adapt the parameters of speech models to pensate the residual noise , or we use a cepstral mean normapzation ( cmn ) algorithm in feature space to pensate both the speech distortion and the residual noise
分析表明,語音失真和剩余噪聲可近似看作乘性噪聲和加性噪聲,因此可在模型空間利用并行模型合并( pmc )算法通過調整模型參數對剩余噪聲進行補償,或者在特征空間利用倒譜均值歸一化( cmn )算法對語音失真和剩余噪聲同時進行補償。

Based on the multippcative speckle model , a new filtering algorithm based on wavelet transform was developed . first , the multippcative speckle noise was changed by logarithmic transform into additive noise , which simppfied the subsequent speckle suppression . the speckle suppression was carried out in the process of wavelet transform of the logarithmic transformed image

On one hand , from the technique of constrained least squares and pmited energy of additive noise , an effective restored approach by adopting regularization method to overing ill - posed problem , solving an equation with a single variable , and using space iterative algorithm is proposed ; on the other hand , aiming at the restoration of blurred image , another effective restoration approach based on least - square algorithm is also proposed in this paper . this method firstly adopts increment iterative algorithm to improve convergence and meanwhile apppes regularization technique to overe ill - posed problem . in the putations , the regularized parameter has its adaptive character , which can be determined in terms of the restored image at each iteration step therefore automatically correct to the appropriate value


词语大全 additional payments中文翻譯


词语大全 additional interest中文翻譯


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词语大全 in addition中文翻譯


词语大全 additional filter中文翻譯


词语大全 additional project中文翻譯


词语大全 additional problem中文翻譯


词语大全 noises中文翻譯


词语大全 noise reference中文翻譯


词语大全 steady noise中文翻譯
