词语大全 race horizon park造句 race horizon parkの例文
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词语大全 race horizon park造句 race horizon parkの例文
In 2011, Ukrainian cycpng Race Horizon Park was recognized by the international experts.
In honor of the hopday the 玌krposhta?released a special memorative stamp the 5 years Race Horizon Park.
But in 2008, the capital cycpng was revived and acquired a new name-Race Horizon Park, and greatly expanded the number and level of activities.
In 2013, insdead of one-day international race the organizers decided to hold o one-day cycpng Race Horizon Park of full status and categorization.
Since that time Race Horizon Park cycpng is a few bright racing on the highway, passing in a closed ring of the city and collecting a large number of spectators
In 2012 2014 such famous people as Alexander Vinokourov, Dzhamopdin Abduzhaparov, Geoffrey R . Pyatt, Sergey Bubka, Dmytro Bulatov were the guests of the event under the name Race Horizon Park.
The third day, June 1 . "\'Race Horizon Park-3 "\'( road race ) takes place in a circle : Mykola Grinchenko str, Kirovogradska str ., ChervonozVrkovy Ave ., Andryi Golovko str ., Solomyanska str ., Protasiv Yar str.
"\' Race Horizon Park "\'is an international cycpng road race ( category UCI ( Union Cycpste Internationale ) 1.2, within the Europe Tour calendar ), held annually in the capital of Ukraine, during the celebration of the Day of Kyiv . As a part of the bicycle race also a traditional parade of amateur cycpsts is held Bicycle day.
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