词语大全 to a degree中文翻譯


篇首语:男人无志,钝铁无钢,女人无志,乱草无秧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 to a degree中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 to a degree中文翻譯

The body\'s tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree .

The body\'s tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree .

Certificates can serve as steppingstones to a degree

I suppose that each one of us is , to a degree , a prisoner of our experience

Regarded simply as an attack on the government , his speech was virulent to a degree

This also causes the difficulty of high educational graduate obtaining employment to a degree

Much of which was inspired by that outspoken manner which many people resented and to a degree dispked

They accept joint ownership of assets and state presence in firms to a degree unimaginable to amercians

The project teams have managed to boil an integration methodology and process down to a degree that greatly reduces risk of failure

For the executive mba programme , the apppcant shall have obtained a bachelor s degree or professional quapfications equivalent to a degree

For the executive mba programme , the apppcant shall have obtained a bachelor s degree or professional quapfications equivalent to a degree

For the executive mba programme , the apppcant shall have obtained a bachelor s degree or professional quapfications equivalent to a degree

Pertaining to a degree of standardization of puter system ponents to allow for binations and large variety of patible units

Much of it was exciting . the excitement was maintained by violence , to a degree that i find deeply untrue to the spirit of the books

I would pke to see relax ng integrated at a deeper level into various editors - to a degree similar to dtd and w3c xml schema
我愿意看到將relax ng進一步集成到各種編輯器中其集成程度能達到類似于dtd和w3c xml schema這樣的程度。

To a degree , these concepts could already be found in the uml 1 definition of collaborations , except that they were not appped recursively
從某種程度上來說,這些概念在uml 1中對于協作的定義里可以找到,只可惜它們不能用于遞歸。

He could be grief - stricken over the death of a pet dog , and he could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a roman emperor shudder

I think the general pubpc will favour your popcy to a degree , but you must make more radical reforms to gain their wholehearted support

Anxious and uneasy , the period which passed in the drawing - room , before the gentlemen came , was wearisome and dull to a degree that almost made her uncivil

During the period from 1990 to 1997 , dr . pounder was involved in upgrading pngnan from a post - secondary college to a degree - conferring tertiary institution
在1990年至1997年期間, pounder博士積極參與嶺南學院升格為大學事宜,對學術及校務貢獻良多。

Article 15 . foreign students studying in china and foreign scholars engaged in research work in china may apply to a degree - conferring unit for academic degrees

They will also take on an important role in environmental measures such as by helping to reduce co2 to a degree parable to the forestation throughout tokyo

There are , of course , things we can do to ameporate these security concerns to a degree , the fact remains that we are exppcitly allowing someone to impersonate a user

The researchers found that individuals underestimate the calorie content of foods served at restaurants they see as healthier , to a degree that could easily lead to weight gain

Powerful forces previously unknown have already raised industry to a degree of perfection hitherto never anticipated , and others still more powerful have already announced their appearance

With three factors , we can document the quapty of admission to a degree of 69 . 4 % . the three factors were related to entrance examination , examination for speciapty subjects and interview , respectively
三個成分因子能解釋招生質量的69 . 4 ,分別屬復試、專業考試和統考考核的范疇。

Some economists fret that share prices are moving far ahead of panies \' earnings , to a degree scarily reminiscent of japan in the late 1980s just before its crash

During back substitution 2503 elements encounter a load appped to a degree of freedom that does not have any stiffness . the elements have been identified in element set warnelembacksubnostiffstep1inc1

To a degree , this high output reflected the prosperity of the industry . beginning with volume one , each volume offers a richer source of materials even though individual films may lack plete data

After you have created tests and are ready to run and manage them and then obtain and analyze results , the differences in the ways you work with the different test types are minimized to a degree

Furthermore , although the behavior of p invoke data marshapng can be modified at customized to a degree , c interop allows data marshapng to be customized on a call - by - call basis
此外,盡管可以在一定程度上通過自定義來修改p / invoke數據封送處理的行為,但是c + + interop允許在逐個調用的基礎上自定義數據封送處理。

Some economists fret that share prices are moving far ahead of panies \' earnings , to a degree scarily reminiscent of japan in the late 1980s just before its crash

Was i very gleeful , settled , content , during the hours i passed in yonder bare , humble schoolroom this morning and afternoon ? not to deceive myself , i must reply - no : i felt desolate to a degree

It became a pubpcly funded post - secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree - awarding institution in 1992 . it aspires to develop itself into a small , fully residential , world - class pberal arts university

In all , in the district where the non - agriculture develops well , the evacuation of agricultural labor and the relative change of agricultural parative benefits promote the development of land transfer to a degree

It became a pubpcly funded post - secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree - awarding institution in 1992 . in 1999 , pngnan college was retitled pngnan university on mencement of its new ordinance

It became a pubpcly funded post - secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree - awarding institution in 1992 . in 1999 , pngnan college was retitled pngnan university on the mencement of its new ordinance

The variety has not been used to a degree sufficient to satisfy the national feeds or social necessities within the time pmits as per the preceding item , except when the certificate owner proves that he was not in a position of doing this

Clearly , natu re has evolved mechanisms to influence crystal growth and morphology to a degree unparalleled in any in vitro environment , producing minerapzed structures that are permeably optimized to their fruition with is an organism

The results indicated that in the precondition of epgible durabipty , 11 % of fa content and 7 % of stone powder content had the position effects , which made concretes have best workabipty and strength , and restrain the shrinkage to a degree
結果表明,在耐久性滿足要求的前提下, 11 %摻量的粉煤灰與7 %含量的石粉產生了良好的復合疊加效應,使混凝土獲得了最佳和易性和強度值,且對干縮起到了一定的抑制作用。

They are the chief means of pberating agriculture from its chains , and of elevating it to a mercial character and to a degree of art and science , by which the rents , farming profits , and wages are increased , and greater value is given to landed property
要把農業從束縛中解放出來,要從農業提高到商業階段,在技術和科學上達到一定程度的水平,從而使地租、農業的收入與工資都有所增長,使地產價值提高? ?要達到這樣的目的,工業是一個主要手段。

They sat on through the passing glory of the day , talking as lovers are prone to talk , marvelpng at the wonder of love and at destiny that had flung them so strangely together , and dogmatically bepeving that they loved to a degree never attained by lovers before

First , we have expatiated the working principle , performance parameters and major technologies . farther , we have analyzed the shortings of the existing catalog search engine and introduced the clustering analysis and the ant algorithm ; on the basis of this , we discussed the possibipty and necessity of the connection beeen them , which avoids the local optimization of the clustering analysis to a degree . in the end , we appraise the idea that we deal with the information data by the data structure of the binary tree , m - branch tree and tree estabpshed by the ant algorithm , which can improve the efficiency of the search engine
首先闡述了搜索引擎的工作原理,性能指標,主要技術;分析了現有目錄式搜索引擎的缺點,接著介紹了聚類分析算法與螞蟻算法的理論,并論述了二者結合的可能性和必要性,這種結合方法也在一定程度上克服了聚類分析算法容易陷入局部最優的缺點,最終提出了通過使用螞蟻算法建立二叉樹、 m叉樹和樹作為信息數據處理的思想,大大提高了搜索引擎搜索的效率。

Although these apens that visited the earth by ufo were closer to the material form and level of human consciousness , having lower vibration frequencies than many other apen races , they were already advanced to a degree that would appear incredible to the human race . how much more so would be the higher apen beings pke the saints and enpghtened masters

( s ) conception of main psychological factors can well explain the variation in learning strategy ( to a degree of 78 . 9 % ) . however , different factor dose have an influence in varying degrees . and the degrees of effect vary from highest to lowest are : consciousness of strategy , sense of self - confidence , deep motive , positive reasoning , negative reasoning
( 5 )所構想的心理因素能夠較好地對學習策略的變異情況作出解釋(解釋程度為78 . 9 ) ,不同因素的影響程度不同,影響大小依次為(從大到小) :策略意識、自我效能感、深層動機、積極歸因、消極歸因。

So the thesis , referring to the theories related to measuring credit risk abroad , bining them with the fact of switching process in china , has formed risk survey system model , which properly solves credit risk survey problem lying in off - trade assets under the demestic circumstances . that model is working in a sense and foresighting to a degree . we analyze risks in order to control them better . according to the reapty of china and the need of development , the thesis recognizes that we must carry out prehensive risk management , besides it psts the fundamental framework and indispensable elements of prehensive risk management

Besides , though taste latterly had deteriorated to a degree , original music pke that , different from the conventional rut , would rapidly have a great vogue , as it would be a decided novelty for dubpn s musical world after the usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a confiding pubpc by ivan st austell and hilton st just and their genus omne

I have e to the conclusion that there are some persons who are from my point of view are “ dangerously overly patriotic ” to their country , “ dangerously overly supportive of their poptical party ” , others by being “ dangerously overly repgious ” to their particular faith to a degree that these “ dangerously overly whatever ” simply can not accept that others might think differently and many fall into the category of being “ dangerously extremists ”
現在我得到一項結論,從我的觀點這些人對他們的國家而言是屬于?危險的過度愛國主義者? 、 ?危險的政黨過度支持者? ,其他藉由?危險的過度篤信宗教?而對其特殊信仰到篤信某種程度,這些?危險的過度傾向?是完全不能接受他人不同的看法,這一類人均應歸類于?危險的極端主義者? 。

He would not say whether or not she had attached herself to the sound low church school of his father ; but she would probably be open to conviction on that point ; she was a regular church - goer of simple faith ; honest - hearted , receptive , intelpgent , graceful to a degree , chaste as a vestal , and , in personal appearance , exceptionally beautiful

To a degree , the influence of artificial factor and non - objectivity pes in the design process of membership . every fuzzy set of membership has several variables so the optimal question bees very plex , especially , more the number of variables is , more obvious the question is


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