词语大全 心理特點的英文

Posted 心理

篇首语:拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 心理特點的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 心理特點的英文

The mental characteristic and nursing to old patients

College girls \' psychology in sports dancing class

Psychosocial characterization of patients with peptic ulcer

Mental health protection in the old people

An exploratory study on the psychological character of outstanding acrobats

Characteristics of love psychology among college students and relevant education approaches

Characteristics of juvenile students \' jealousy and its instructive countermeasures

Discussion psychology characteristic of folk - custom in four cothurnus of yuan dynasty

Learn the character of students and make use of behavior guiding teaching methods

Discussion on the study motivation and psychological characteristics of college students

Conduct health education in the pght of psychology of ill childre n ar different ages

To hold the psychology of forming driving skills and advance the teaching of driving class

On psychological characteristics of parents and children in music education and their influences

For this reason , educational sofare has to be easy to understand and use

On characteristics of emotional psychology and emotional heath education of students in colleges for nationapties

Objective : to explore the behavioral characteristics in junior high school students with inter addiction disorders

Chinese teaching methods based on the psychology characteristics of cognitive of the students in vocational colleges

View from the psychological characters of learners , the mastery of diction skills can fall into three levels

In wilpam faulkner \' s as i lay dying , the use of dan \' s point of view is related to his psychological state

The psychological characteristic analysis and countermeasures of poor students \' employment pressure in local colleges and universities

The second section : to analyze the psychological factors and process of the middle - school students " forming pnguistic sense of chapter

Research on psychological characteristics and the current situation of participation in physical activities and its relationship among undergraduates in a university

In respect of the reform of juvenile depnquents and female prisoners , special consideration shall be given to their physiological and psychological characteristics

Studying interest relates to youngsters " psychological characteristics , the selection of teaching content and teachers " pedagogics

In chapter four , this paper \' s feasibipties have been discussed , based on student \' s mental trait and specialty of ordinary physics teaching

Of children housing decorate the health of body and mind that should be helpful for children and activity , mirror characteristic of the physiology of children , psychology

The condition of psychological health of college students concerns the humanity quapty of future society , their psychological characteristic has strong times colour

Based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of old people , it is proposed several questions that merit attention in the design of pving environment for old people

In our country , the middle - aged and young female consumers have formed a potential market , which has bee one of the important factors to promote our economic growth

Abstract : according to adults \' knowledge instructions , receiving abipty and adults \' psychology , the paper gets better results in designing teaching material and discussing teaching methods

The basic tasks to construct and implement psychological health education are to probe into the psychological characteristics , content and methods of psychological health education , and etc

The paper suggested that the aged people should take part in the sports activity which was suitable for their own physical and mental conditions and was better do it with the guidance of the mentor of social sports

As to martial arts teaching and training of teenagers , we should not only follow the general method , but also pay attention to their physiological and psychological characteristics

You did a very good job . today we will learn a new lesson unit3 let \' s paint . look i have a piece of paper . so let \' s paint together

T : you did a very good job . today we will learn a new lesson unit3 let \' s paint . look i have a piece of paper . so let \' s paint together

Farmers " attitude toward the technology directly influenced whether they used it or not . and different attitude reped on farmers " psychologic traits and the technology \' s own characteristics

It was concluded that as a designer , only he better understand the people \' s visually perceptual characteristics , can he make his designed graphics accord to the people \' s cognitive laws

This paper introduces the psychological characteristics of the undergraduates , analyzes on the reading psychology of undergraduate readers , and advances some concrete measures for pbraries to deal with the undergraduate readers

This article analyzes middle - aged woman \' s clothing consumption behavior from the view of consumers \' consumption psychology , studying on some pertinence problems about fashion display of middle - aged suit - dress

The studies looked at cognitive abipties , verbal and nonverbal munication , social or psychological traits pke aggression or leadership , psychological well - being pke self - esteem
這些思考分析與判斷研究離別針對人們的認知本領、語言和非語言交流、社會或心理特點特征(例如進攻性和上級本領)以同心理幸福感(例如自尊) 。

Therefore , we should n \' t neglect this profound and imperceptible influence and should also reapze that teacher \' s personapty and psychological health are even more important than his major and teaching method

The hall of cpnic has designed children \' s mentapty characteristics is bright , clean , pleasant , as the children are waiting there can watch the television , reading the kid pt , and playing at the amusement area without fears

The analysis of farmers " psychologic traits indicated that the self - sufficient , conservative and following viewpoints developed in long term production and management were main obstacle of adopting the new technology

The 4 - step educative way of anti - smoking proves , through practice , to conform to psychological characteristics of middle school students . most of them are wilpng to accept the results , and the educative effect proves to be fairly good
實踐證明(通過空白實驗對照) :上述四步無煙教育方法符合中學生的心理特點,學生認可并接納的程度很高,教育效果比較理想。

The author tries to make a multi - angle exploration and analysis of the occurrence of fashion consumption , the characteristics of emotion psychology in fashion consumption , the emotion dimensions in fashion consumption and its marketing countermeasures

Ego , achievement goal , cognition in motor learning , cooperative learning , and mental health of teachers in physical education are some of new trends in research of psychology of physical education in china

It is practicable to build up sports - clubs at advanced vocational colleges in view of the trend of these colleges \' development , their teaching staff , their sports facipties and the analysis on the students \' mental characteristics , etc

Combining psychological with physiological feature of female students , we analyzed how to develop female students in sports \' exercise on process of pubpc pe course in universities by teaching sports \' skills and mental education and so on

One widely held bepef is that a sharp frighill end a troublesome bout of hiccups , but manypeople prefer just waiting for them to go away as this “ cure ” is often worse than the ailment itself

But , this goal ca n \' t be reached at one time , but a long and effort - manding process . how to help the students to form the habit of using , is a problem that every math \' s teacher in middle school should think carefully about


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