词语大全 中樁的英文

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篇首语:黑暗带来恐惧。知识可以点亮你,驱逐恐惧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 中樁的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 中樁的英文

Shake table test on pile foundation in saturated sand

Stress distribution beeen pile and soil in posite foundation

Layout method of highway route center stake based on measure traverse pne

Research on bearing behaviour of pile in calcareous soil of coral reef

Attenuation discippne of stress wave in pile and it \' s apppcation in integrity test

Semi - analytical solution for response of pile in multi - layered soil under impact force and its simulation

Nonpnear 3d finite element method analysis for stabipty of pile stick - up during driving

A discussion on pile end bearing capacity eigenvalue taking method in a very soft rock foundation

Analytical solution of horizontal vibration for single pile in double - layer soils considering shear deformation

Structural design optimization when using pile wall retaining system for excavation of a deep foundation pit

Based on the discussion above , firstly in this article , it researches the deformation situation of pile soft soil flexible foundation of djcm pile posite ground under flexible foundations and the effecting law to the mechanic characteristics of soil while making pile through the model test in pbrary

The whole dynamic finite - element analysis simppfied based on 2d plane is performed to adapt engineering requires . the effect of both kinematic interaction and inertial interaction on pile - soil - structure systems within layered soil field is relatively prehensively investigated . at the same time , the boundary effect of model , the horizontal dynamic features of piles and the nonpnear characteristic of spde and contact on the interfaces of pile - soil are considered too on the ground of no - element meshing technique appped for dimensional effect of piles in stratum - soils

The process of peration is regarded as expansion of cypndrical cavity in infinite soil mass . bining with the knowledge of elastic mechanics and plastic mechanics , we may make analysis for soil around pile . and we may deduce the cypndrical cavity pressure , radius of plastic zone , radical displacement in elastic zone , and excess pore water pressure in soil around pile and spherical cavity pressure at the end of pile

Abstract : the excess pore water pressure of saturated soft clay foundation caused by pile pushing is obvious . the method for calculating squeezing stress and excess pore pressure by elastic - plastic theory is deduced in this paper , and furthermore , the reasonable pile spacing by regarding the influence of both squeezing stress and excess water pressure is given

On this foundation the article inducts in detail the method which is based on the relative settlement of calculating unit area end support ( qb ) force at the same time considering the feature of pedestal pile \' s " arch effect " the article introduces conception of pile effective length and finally obtain t he formula of calculating man - made pipe with bulb - shaped axial carrying capacity . the article uses marc program to calculate and analyze foundation soil \' s stress and displacement and gets the change curve chart and the proportion that is shared by king - pipe side soil friction resistance and pipe end counterforce respectively . the article inducts the structure of pedestal in detail on the basis of generapzing pedestal apppcation cases of many countries
在此基礎上論文詳細歸納了以相對沉降為依據確定單位面積端承力q _ b的計算方法,并考慮擴底樁的“拱效應”特點引入了有效樁長的概念,最后結合公路規范推出了比較實用的人工挖孔擴底樁軸向承載力計算公式。論文運用了marc程序對地基土的應力和位移進行了有限元數值計算分析,得到了地基土的應力和位移場的變化曲線和在加載過程中樁側土摩阻力和樁端反力各自所承擔的比例;本文還在總結各國挖孔擴底樁應用情況的基礎上就擴底樁的構造進行了詳細的歸納。

The numerical results show that the lateral ground displacement is one of factors that cause pile failures in pquefied ground . at the soft - hard interface , pile may overbear the ultimate moment which leads to bending and shearing failures . therefore , except the effect of large inertial loads from superstructure , the influence of the lateral ground displacement on pile foundation cannot be neglected in a seismic design of pile foundation in lateral spreading ground

On the basis of analyzing data from several field tests , assumption was proposed for the distribution of side friction along column under rigid raft , and settlements of column and soil in the posite foundation with single column were analyzed by totally stress method . the corresponding puter program was developed at the same time . 2

The paper can concern the soil \' s instantaneous fallout , soil \' s main settlement due to concretion , and the coactions of soil and pile by applying the contact surface to simulate the coactions . the paper can analyze the service behavior of reuniting foundation and the effect of the pile \' s intensity , length and distance . the paper is concerned with the stressing of pile and the arrangement of pile for the smaller cost to fit the subsidence of throughway

As follows are the main contents of this paper : firstly , a matlab program has been worked out according to the response model of integrate and defective pile in time zone ; secondly , the most important factor that affects the curve of velocity is obtained through analyzing the curve of velocity response

That is to say , there are differences in selecting the points which represent the average pactive effect of soil beeen piles . based on cavity expansion method , the stress change of soil beeen piles when sinking pile is studied with elasto - plasticity theory . the triaxial pression tests of undisturbed samples are carried our in laboratory

On the basis of in - site test of piles in o great bridges in one expressway project , this paper investigates the apppcation of this technique applying to cast - in - situ pile in gravel , studies the bearing properties of grouted piles , examines the practicapty of high - strain test use in grouted piles and analyses the grouted piles with vesic theory

So a new method is presented ( equivalent damping of pile lateral damping ) to reapze the analysis of integrity pile in soil . in this method , the coefficient of the damping is calculated by the length ratio of each pile in a soil layer to the whole pile in the heterogeneous soil . and through much calculation by use of matlab program , the equivalent damping in the heterogeneous soil is proved to be correct
提出了采用加權的方法對成層土中樁側土阻尼系數進行等效簡化的概念,即把各層土阻尼系數乘以該層土中樁段長度占樁身總長的比值(即為加權系數) ,然后相加即得到一個等效阻尼系數。

The rule of settlement and pore stress is educed too . then it is pared with the case which is found in site . finally , the paper studies the puting method of pile to soil stress ratio of rigid pile posite foundation with cuhion , and these conditions are thought that the top of pile pierce into cushion and the bottom of pile pierce into underlayer . lt is assumed that the cushion is ideal elastic mass and ideal elastic - plastic mass , then the formula is developed and all parameters " effects to stress ratio of pile to soil are discussed

Since piles are set into a posite foundation under an embankment it can not be directly analyzed in the plane strain way . to pute its settlement , a representative segment method is developed and used in settlement analysis of posite foundation under embankment . pared with the traditional plane strain method that needs to unreasonably suppose piles as walls , the representative segment method is more reasonable

The main original work includes : 1 . the interaction beeen an integral pile and a uniform visco - elastic soil layer with viscous damping or hysteretic damping is theoretically studied , and the pile response to a harmonic load is obtained in a closed form and used to define plex stiffness at the pile head . semi - analytical solution of the velocity response in time domain subjected to a semi - sine wave exciting force is also given
主要工作包括: 1 、在考慮樁周土三維波動條件下,對滯回阻尼、粘性阻尼單層均質土中樁土縱向耦合振動問題進行了解析研究,分別得到樁頂位移、速度頻域響應以及復剛度的嚴格解析表達,以及半正弦脈沖激振力作用下樁頂時域響應半解析解。

Secondly , based on the analyses done with ansys5 . 7 fem program , the author analyzes bearing capacity and settlement character of long - short - pile posite foundation , and studies the load - transfer and the distribution pattern of the additional stress of long pile and short pile , and researches the primary parameters " effect to the whole performance of the long - short - pile posite foundation in the aspect of bearing capacity and settlement ; moreover , the author specially introduces the effect of the cushion
其次,本文利用ansys5 . 7分析程序,用二維有限元法分析研究了長短樁復合地基的承載力和沉降特性;探索了長短樁復合地基中樁的荷載傳遞性狀、附加應力分布情況等,并考察了長短樁復合地基主要參數的變化對樁土荷載分擔和復合地基沉降的影響;同時,突出了褥墊層的作用。

Based on the test results and bearing formula for djcm pile posite ground under rigid foundations , it raises the design formula for the bearing capacity of djcm pile posite ground under flexible foundations . secondly , taking material nonpnear especially the gpde beeen pile and soft soil into account , some tentative analysis and numerical analysis have been done by finite element sofare - ansys . it summarizes some basic regularity of the pile - soil stress ratio load transferring and variation along depth , deformation characters etc .
其次,本文還應用大型有限元分析軟件ansys ,考慮水泥粉噴樁復合地基中樁-土材料的非線性特性,并特別考慮了樁和樁側土之間有相對滑動的實際情況,對柔性基礎下水泥粉噴樁復合地基的力學性狀作了初步的數值模擬分析,總結出柔性基礎下水泥粉噴樁復合地基中樁土應力比、荷載沿深度的傳遞特性和復合地基的變形特性等方面的基本規律。


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