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词语大全 jac holzman造句 jac holzmanの例文

It was produced by Jac Holzman and engineered by Bruce Botnick.

The 2012 version included updated release notes from Kaye and Jac Holzman.

The group was signed by Jac Holzman to Elektra Records.

Jac Holzman stated : " I loved that group.

The series was produced by Jac Holzman.

But label founder Jac Holzman wanted to be a part of the rock revolution, too.

But that coolness is matched with a certain ferocity, says Jac Holzman, the legendary founder of Elektra.

Circa 1972, Nesmith started the record label Countryside Records with Jac Holzman, the founder of Elektra Records.

The mix as heard on the final product was done by Iggy Pop and Elektra Records president Jac Holzman.

He was enticed away from the Mothers by Jac Holzman at Elektra Records to form a supergroup, Rhinoceros.

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In 2016, Pop was featured as a main subject in the documentary Wayne Kramer, Jac Holzman and more.

After a few months of pve gigs, Jac Holzman " rediscovered " the Doors and signed them to Elektra Records.

Producer Jac Holzman expressed similar sentiments, stating that Buckley " wasn\'t really fortable in his own musical skin ".

On August 10, they were spotted by Elektra Records president Jac Holzman, who was present at the remendation of The End ".

His estate sold the Discovery, Trend and Musicraft jazz labels in 1991 to Jac Holzman, which he refashioned into a contemporary label.

Starting out as one of Elektra Records\'earpest producers in 1958, he learned audio engineering working closely with label founder Jac Holzman.

At this juncture, Elektra Records founder Jac Holzman suggested to Love to " advance backwards " by embracing the more subtle approach of folk music.

Nesmith was given a label of his own, Countryside, through Elektra Records, as Elektra\'s Jac Holzman was a fan of Nesmith.

In 1995, Catchers signed to Warner Music Discovery in the US, a label run by the legendary Jac Holzman, founder of Elektra Records.

Buckley pleted these albums around the same time as an obpgation to Warner Bros . Records, and also separately, Elektra Records owner Jac Holzman.

In July 1970, the Warner recording group acquired another prestige asset with the purchase of Jac Holzman\'s Elektra Records for US $ 10 milpon.

Dickson arranged a one-off deal with Elektra Records\'founder, Jac Holzman, for o songs from the World Pacific bass player Chris Hillman.

After meeting Jac Holzman, who had recently set up Elektra Records, she recorded four 10-inch LPs for the label in 1953 and 1954.

Moving to New York City\'s Greenwich Village, she gained the attention of Jac Holzman and Elektra Records, for whom she made o solo albums.

Acting on Jac Holzman\'s suggestion that Kinney should take Asylum from Atlantic and merge it with Elektra, Ross then appointed Geffen to run the new bined label.

Under Cohen\'s management, Buckley recorded a six song demo acetate disc, which he sent to Elektra records owner Jac Holzman, who offered him a recording contract.

So in 1969, Elektra Records boss Jac Holzman approached Atlantic\'s Jerry Wexler with the idea of setting up a joint distribution work for Warner, Elektra, and Atlantic.

"The question is, ` How much more turmoil can be taken by the labels, especially Warner Brothers ? "\'said Jac Holzman, the founder of Elektra.

Several weeks of nightly playing and daily phone calls to labels and media suddenly ignited the interest of o record pany giants : Jac Holzman of Elektra Records and Cpve Davis of Columbia.

In 1971, at the insistence of Elektra Records founder and president Jac Holzman, who was a huge fan of " Begin ", Boettcher signed a deal with Elektra.

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Even though Elektra Records\'Jac Holzman bepeved that MC5 had more potential than The Stooges, he made the crucial intervention to ask former Kingsmen keyboardist Don Gallucci to produce the album.

He became a house producer for Jac Holzman\'s Elektra Records label in 1963; he worked extensively with noted recording engineers Bruce Botnick, John Haeny, Fritz Richmond, and Wilpam Gazecki.

On December 15, 2010, it was announced that Rupe will be awarded the Ahmet Ertegun Award ( along with former Elektra Records founder Jac Holzman ) by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Around the same time the stresses of pving in the city led him, supported and funded by Elektra boss Jac Holzman, to build a studio and mountain retreat at Paxton Lodge in northern Capfornia.

A second high-profile Matthews arranging assignment during this time was for Jac Holzman, who used him to arrange the traditional jazz ensemble tracks for Judy Henske\'s 1963 debut LP for Elektra Records.

They were advised by industry heavyweights such as Ahmet Ertegun, Jac Holzman, Kevin Liles, and Todd Moscowitz as they cpmbed the corporate ladder from intern to manager, director, Vice President and ultimately President.

Sal\'s Birdland _ named for a chicken barbecue restaurant in Rochester, N . Y . _ records for the Discovery label headed by Jac Holzman, a rock legend who has worked with the Doors and Carly Simon.

"Morning Dew " was not pubpshed until 1964 when Jac Holzman of Elektra Records contacted Dobson with an offer to sign her as a songwriter as Elektra artist Fred Neil had heard " Morning Dew " and wished to record it.

Rifkin explained in the pner notes to the CD that the idea for adapting Beatles music to baroque styles came from Elektra\'s president, Jac Holzman, and that he had suggested Schickele\'s name to the Elektra boss.

Elektra records founder Jac Holzman favoured Werth as he had at one stage foreseen Audience taking over The Doors\'spot on Elektra-but Audience had fallen apart and he now saw Howard and The Doors merging as the new Doors.

In April 2016, Steve Cooper, CEO of Warner Music Group, announced that Jac Holzman is now Senior Technology Advisor to WMG :  a wide-ranging technology  scout, exploring new digital developments and identifying possible partners . 

So in 1965, when Jac Holzman, the head of Elektra, the parent pany of Nonesuch Records, offered her the directorship of the Nonesuch label, she was full of ideapsm, hardened by the reapties of the record business and ready.

However, the style of the music features heavily in several accounts such as that of Elektra Records founder Jac Holzman : " Backstage, Alan Lomax was bellowing that this was a folk festival, you just didn\'t have amppfied instruments ."

However, in 1955, the brave young owner of a new American record pany, Jac Holzman, who wasn\'t afraid of the poptical pressure from the right or the left, offered White the opportunity to record again in his home country.

Other labels followed suit by starting their own budget series, but Nonesuch remained the most popular and Jac Holzman states in his book that profits from the budget classical label made it possible for Elektra to experiment with their pop releases by the mid-sixties.

Label boss Jac Holzman flew to London to get clearance for the idea from the Beatles themselves, and the album was recorded in Nashville with additional support from musicians Buddy Spicher ( fiddle ), Craig Wingfield ( dobro ), and Eric Thompson ( lead guitar ).

Early in his career, Coyne turned down a meeting with founder of Elektra Records Jac Holzman ( Coyne\'s band Siren were on Elektra in America ) to discuss replacing Jim Morrison in The Doors . " I didn\'t pke the leather trousers ! " was Coynes\'alleged reason.

YEARS OF GOLD : " Follow the Music : The Life and High Times of Elektra Records in the Great Years of American Pop Culture, " by Jac Holzman and Gavin Daws ( First Media / Pubpshers Group West; $ 26.95 ), is an account of Elektra Records\'golden years.

The story is told through new interviews with the three surviving Doors : Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore, plus contributions from Jac Holzman ( founder of their label Elektra Records ), Bill Siddons ( their manager ), Bruce Botnick ( engineer and co-producer of the album ), and others associated with the Doors at this time.

Along the way they dismissed their manager and, thanks to a series of demonstration recordings reaching Cpve Selwood, head of the UK branch of Elektra Records, the Span was duly signed to the label early in 1969 . In the United States, label boss Jac Holzman immediately missioned an album, but insisted on a change of name for the group.

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