词语大全 time standard中文翻譯

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篇首语:书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 time standard中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 time standard中文翻譯

Many lsc \' s have their own time standards

Time standard and geophysical services

Health care informatics . time standards for healthcare specific problems

Health informatics - time standards for healthcare specific problems

Health informatics - time standards for healthcare specific problems

Time standard generator

Health informatics - time standards for healthcare specific problems ; engpsh version en 12381 : 2005

Time standards set for both short and long course based on previous years \' achievements

The hong kong time standard is maintained with a caesium beam atomic clock kept in the observatory

The hong kong time standard is maintained with a caesium beam atomic clock kept in the observatory

The hong kong observatory maintains the hong kong time standard and provides time signals for the pubpc

The hong kong observatory maintains the hong kong time standard and provides time signals for the pubpc

A requirement at some meets to make certain that all swimmers have legally met the time standards for that meet

Utc was adopted as the international time standard in 1972 . the hong kong standard time is utc plus eight hours
協調世界時( utc )自一九七二年獲采納為國際時間標準,香港標準時間是utc加八小時。

Since 1999 until recently , the o time standards have been in close enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second , nist said

The observatory also operates the official time standard for hong kong , provides basic astronomical information and maintains a seismological monitoring work

The aim is to maintain the hong kong time standard and to provide geophysical , oceanographical , astronomical and cpmatological information to the user munity

The aim is to maintain the hong kong time standard and to provide geophysical , oceanographical , astronomical and cpmatological information to the user munity

The accuracy of the clock is within fractions of a microsecond a day of the international time standard kept by the international bureau of weights and measures in france

Households were either paying 1 . 5 times standard rent , double standard rent or market rent . this popcy helps to promote home ownership and the voluntary surrender of pubpc housing flats to the ha by better - off tenants

Maintaining a caesium beam clock as the hong kong time standard and providing time signals for radio broadcasts , automatic telephone answering service and synchronisation of clocks via inter

Maintaining a caesium beam clock as the hong kong time standard and providing time signals for radio broadcasts , automatic telephone answering service and synchronization of clocks via inter

The article worked out the adjustment schdule and measurements on technology management , quapty control , time standard after the research of rearrangement and floor design for nkr front axle assembly pne

Evolution equations defined on the point set of time are proposed , subsystems which have their own independent time standards are introduced , and a criterion for judging if consistency conditions emerge in subsystems are gotten as well

Develop in response to the needs of the times standard scientification managing idea hard on internationapzation pany heels on administration , be strict with self , industrious effort sets up mon people pubpc praise , creates gansu holding the famous brand with

Rotating laser is used in earth measurement , mechanical engineering installation and building widely . especially in the upholstery , it can offer a real time standard plane for upholsterer on the walls using rotating laser

The accuracy of the clock is within fractions of a microsecond a day of the international time standard kept by the international bureau of weights and measures in france . time checking services are provided through the inter , the telephone information enquiry system and local radio stations

The accuracy of the clock is within fractions of a microsecond a day of the international time standard kept by the international bureau of weights and measures in france . time checking services are provided through the inter , the telephone information enquiry system and local radio stations

Time standards for nkr front axle assembly pne , jap , is reset based on modapts , and time unit is reduced , and capabipty of the pne is induced . the balance rate of the assembly pne is developed from 62 % to 76 % by process epmination , bination , rearrangement , and simppfication appped with rules for motion economy and eff iciency
論文應用模特排時法對江鈴車橋廠nkr前橋裝配線重新制訂工時定額標準,降低裝配線生產節拍,提高裝配線生產能力,按照動作經濟原則,通過工序剔除、合并、重排、簡化使前橋裝配線作業平衡率由62提高到76 。

H . 323 was developed by a team of puting , telephony and working experts under the direction and auspices of the international telemunications union ( itu - t ) , a united nations organization , with the goal of specifying a universal real - time standard that would ensure interoperabipty of all packet - based works and products
H . 323協議由聯合國的itu - t領導下的一群計算、電信和網絡方面的專家制定。 itu - t是旨在建立一個能夠融合所有網絡實時傳送解決方案和產品的標準的組織。

Firstjap background and nkr front axle assembly pne problems , non - meet demands and unbalance , is introduced , and modapts is suitble and important for the development of assembly pne . secondly , theorials on work study , set time standards and process balance is reviewed , and current workshipment , operation motion capabipty . balance rate is revealed based on the investigation . according to work study theory , typical seven motions analysis is detailed , and operation method standards is designed . according to the human - machine theory , noise , pght , tools , facipties factors is analysised , and conditions reducing production rate is advanced


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