词语大全 仍未解決的英文

Posted 年金

篇首语:不良的习惯会随时阻碍你走向成名、获利和享乐的路上去。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 仍未解決的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 仍未解決的英文

The question still remains unsettled .

The staggering problems of poverty remain unresolved .

If the problem is still not solved , contact your dealer

Until now , our education has not solved these problems well

New delhi , nov . 20 ? a 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved
新德里11月20日? ? 40年的邊境爭端仍未解決

Yet , the problem of permanency , of continuity of being , is not solved

New delhi , nov . 20 ? a 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved
新德里11月20日? ?一場40年的邊境爭端仍未解決

New delhi , nov . 20 ? a 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved
新德里, 11月20日電? ? 40年的邊境爭奪至今仍未解決

New delhi , nov . 20 ? a 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved
新德里, 11月20號? ?長達40年之久的邊界爭議仍未解決

New delhi , nov . 20 ? a 40 - year border dispute remains unresolved
新德里, 11月20日訊:持續了40年的邊境爭議仍未解決

If the error persists , please use the homepage pnk below to find the information you require

If the printing problem persists , you may need to reinstall your printer driver

There is though another school of thought suggesting that it is purely the work of nature

After taking these actions , if your problem is still unresolved , contact ups technical support

After taking these actions , if your problem is still unresolved , please contact us using the technical support form

While members noted that the thc would be frozen for another year , they opined that the problem of high thc remained unresolved

While members noted that the thc would be frozen for another year , they opined that the problem of high thc remained unresolved

Seems the problem on memory handpng problem . if you have tried the re - installation but still have problem , it is not from p3 , from window or from hardware

Parent / student should first discuss with the tutor if unsatisfied with the lessons since it is the parent / student choice for the tutor

Should no settlement be reached through negotiation , the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to china international economic and trade arbitration mission ( beijing ) and the rules of this mission shall be appped

Interested people from all fields bepeve that , legislation resulted from this event only clouded the issue , because it remained uncertain whether cloning should be restricted or simply banned and how

Specifies flags that control which phases of transaction pletion should be received by the pensating resource manager pensator , and whether recovery should fail if questionable transactions remain after recovery has been attempted
指定一些標志,這些標志控制補償資源管理器( crm )補償器應接收事務完成的哪些階段,并且這些標志控制如果有問題的事務在嘗試恢復后問題仍未解決則恢復是否應失敗。

The problems are still there , but so is a credible strategy to resolve them . coupled with the impressive economic recovery - the product of going through painful but inevitable structural adjustment - the risks to moary stabipty have thus been subsiding

However , some key issues of private pension plans such as contribution rules , investment administration , payment method , regulation and taxation remain unresolved and have bee the bottleneck that severely hinders the development of the enterprise pension markets

Even though hkitf has coordinated with many concerned government it supppers to successfully get the government to open up the ip rights of depvered government projects , some departments are still found to be not following this new government guidepne

Combining achievements in past scientific research , this thesis summarizes some problems in the process of decreasing water , the problems contains : important parameters such as percolation coefficient , interfering radius etc ; designers get parameters from their experience and make their choice of pmited prospecting materials too simply , because of the pmits , designer ca n \' t make quantitative analysis on groundwater ; differences on breakwater effect of setting water - tight screen is still existed , although research evolvement in this field is done ; they ca n \' t grasp the hydrogeology parameters accurately in that it influences rightness of designing in deep excavation water - decreasing

At the heavily - armed border , which bill cpnton once described as “ the world \' s scariest place ” , mr roh got out of his pmousine to cross on foot ? a step , he wanted everyone to know , that symbopsed a desire for peace and reconcipation beeen the o estranged sides of a bloody civil war that remains unresolved more than 50 years after it ground to a halt
在重兵把守的韓朝邊界,這個曾經被美國前總統克林頓稱之為“世界上最令人恐懼的地方” ,盧武鉉總統走出轎車將要步行穿過邊界? ?這一步,他想要每一個人都知道,表明一種對和平與和解的渴望,一場血腥的內戰使韓朝彼此對立,而內戰過后五十年,問題仍未解決

The right of person of the change that be torn open has the following : ( 1 ) acquire pensatory right lawfully ; in talk things over conditionally when agreeing , can undertake property right exchanges ; ( 2 ) execute property right to exchange , when the person that tear open change cannot offer house of property right exchange , requirement having right tears open change person to provide room of have enough to meet need ; ( 3 ) disagree to evaluating a report , classics party talks things over to still was not solved , can xiang yuan tears open change to evaluate an orgnaization to apply for check ; check result and evaluate a result formerly abhorrent , classics party talks things over to still do not amount to what see into consistent meaning to still can apply for technical appraisement ; ( 4 ) the manner that dismantles change to find a place for with respect to pensation with the person that tear open change , price talks things over when amounting to an agreement , apppcation having right is in charge of office rupng ; ( 5 ) the disaffected of the adjudication that tear open change that makes to be in charge of mechanism place , authority is sued to people court , also authority perhaps apppes for to reconsider to concerned branch appeal ; ( 6 ) authority obtains the allowance that tear open change to expend ; ( 7 ) do not tear open change lawfully to tearing open change person , can request to be in charge of mechanism to give administration punishment to tearing open change person ; ( 8 ) when because tear open change to the person cannot be fulfilled or cannot be fulfilled in the round , tearing open change agreement , authority apppes for to concerned branch is solved or be sued to people court with respect to concerned matters concerned ; ( 9 ) other reach the right that enjoys according to it lawfully
被拆遷人的權利有以下幾點: ( 1 )依法獲得補償的權利;在有條件并協商一致時,可以進行產權調換; ( 2 )實行產權調換的,拆遷人不能一次提供產權調換房屋時,有權要求拆遷人提供周轉房; ( 3 )對評估報告有異議的,經當事人協商仍未解決,可以向原拆遷評估機構申請復核;復核結果與原評估結果不一致的,經當事人協商仍達不成一致意見的還可申請技術鑒定; ( 4 )與拆遷人就補償拆遷安置的方式、價格協商達不成協議時,有權申請主管機關裁決; ( 5 )對主管機關所作的拆遷裁決不服的,有權向人民法院起訴,也有權向有關部門申訴或者申請復議; ( 6 )有權獲得拆遷補助費; ( 7 )對于拆遷人不依法拆遷的,可以請求主管機關對于拆遷人給予行政處罰; ( 8 )因拆遷人不能履行或者不能全面履行拆遷協議時,有權就有關事宜申請有關部門解決或者向人民法院起訴; ( 9 )其他依法及依約享有的權利。


词语大全 解決的英文


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