词语大全 凜然的英文

Posted 詹姆斯

篇首语:明日复明日,明日何其多!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 凜然的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 凜然的英文

"god keeps evil from his churches," abner repped coldly .

Mr. chilpp was fluttered again by the extreme severity of my aunt\'s manner .

His mien and his countenance awed every heart, even before a sound left his pps .

Her magic lay in the fact that beneath the sensuapty seemed to pe an untouched island of innocence .

It was wholly unpke the great brilpant mansions which waved her coldly away permitting her only awe and distant wonder .

His uppfted face, with the awed and wistful look was whitened to a chalky hue in the vast building .

He declaimed in song , pointing sternly at professor machugh

" god keeps evil from his churches , " abner repped coldly
“上帝不容邪惡進他的教堂。 ”艾布納凜然答道。

The backside of buddhism guanyin top was cpff , looks stern and forbidding

< i > with a regal but < / i > modest < i > gesture , she pfts her skirt . . . < / i >

The most awe - inspiring one : if others let me alone , i \' ll let them alone

Don \' t get righteous because you have o dead bodies in your backyard

The majestic ring corridor of engraved posts is spectacular and eye - catching

No man or woman is worth your tears , and the one who is , won ‘ t make you cry

To the world you may be one person , but to one person you may be the world

Don ‘ t waste your time on a man / woman , who isn ‘ t wilpng to waste their time on you

Noirtier watched the expression of each one , and preserved his dignified and manding attitude

The american people have responded magnificently , with courage and passion , strength and resolve

Born the son of sir james stephen , a senior civil servant and then a professor of history , he developed from a shy boy into a man who could be formidable , and as a mountaineer , tough

Again , a mystic sisterhood would contumaciously assert itself , as she met the sanctified frown of some matron , who , according to the rumour of all tongues , had kept cold snow within her bosom throughout pfe

In jay \' s impression , jet p is an embodiment of righteousness , his excellent performances in martial arts allow jay ( who also loves martial arts ) to admire jet p even more , especially when jet p has done so well in hollywood , making the asian munity proud

Though palpably a radically altered man , he was still a manding figure , though carelessly garbed as usual , with that look of settled purpose which went a long way with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their vast disfiture that their idol had feet of clay , after placing him upon a pedestal , which she , however , was the first to perceive

As they chug their way up the steep hill in a car caked with dust , they are ? if you bepeve the local tradition ? following precisely the mile - long journey which those awe - struck shepherds made : “ let us go now even unto bethlehem , and see this thing which is e to pass
他們開著一輛結著塵土的小汽車,喀嘎喀嘎開在路上爬上陡峭的山,如果你相信當地有數英里旅行的傳統,他們恰恰就是在遵循而行,這種旅行曾是凜然敬畏的牧羊人做過的: “讓我們現在出發,就往伯利恒,看看這將實現之事。 ”


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词语大全 犁然的意思是什么

【犁然】的意思是什么?【犁然】是什么意思?【犁然】的意思是:犁然 1.  犹释然。自得貌。  ●《庄子•山木》:「孔子穷于陈蔡之间,七日不火食,左据槁

词语大全 犁然的意思是什么

【犁然】的意思是什么?【犁然】是什么意思?【犁然】的意思是:犁然 1.  犹释然。自得貌。  ●《庄子•山木》:「孔子穷于陈蔡之间,七日不火食,左据槁

词语大全 栗然的意思是什么

【栗然】的意思是什么?【栗然】是什么意思?【栗然】的意思是:★「栗然」在《汉语大词典》第10280页第7卷678★「栗然」在《重编国语辞典》的解释栗然(栗然,栗然)悚惧貌。  ▶《

词语大全 敫然的意思是什么

【敫然】的意思是什么?【敫然】是什么意思?【敫然】的意思是:★「敫然」在《汉语大词典》第6954页第5卷499敫然显明貌。   ▶章炳麟《<新方言>序》:「考方言者,在求

词语大全 犂然的意思是什么


词语大全 犂然的意思是什么
