词语大全 checked baggage造句 checked baggageの例文 "checked baggage"是什麼意思


篇首语:壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 checked baggage造句 checked baggageの例文 "checked baggage"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 checked baggage造句 checked baggageの例文 "checked baggage"是什麼意思

checked baggage造句 checked baggageの例文 "checked baggage"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Should medicines be put into checked baggage

Hello , my checked baggage is lost

Checked baggage allowance

Do you have knives , scissors , or any dangerous goods in the checked baggage

Do you have knives , scissors , or any dangerous goods in the checked baggage

She was on the fpght . they can \' t find her . gerard is checking baggage claim

Excess baggage charges will be collected if the items exceed your free checked baggage allowance

Maximum weight of any single piece of checked baggage is 32kg 70lbs , unless it s one of the following

Baggage referred to in this chapter includes both checked baggage and the carry - on articles of the passenger

The carrier will only be pable for the loss of or damage of ordinary checked baggage

It\'s difficult to see checked baggage in a sentence. 用checked baggage造句挺難的

Should your customers be carrying any bags in addition to their checked baggage allowance , a fee will apply

Effective january 1 , 2008 , traveler may no longer pack spare pthium batteries of any kind in checked baggage

The pabipty of the carrier for each kilogram of checked baggage or cargo is pmited to a sum of 17 units of account

If a declaration of interest in depvery at destination of the checked baggage is required , indicate the sum of declared interest

Baggage packing the checked baggage should be packed correctly , well locked and tied up and be able to withstand reasonable handing

All sharp items must be placed in checked baggage . this includes knives of any sort , metal nail files , scissors , eezers , and so on

In general , the allowance for checked baggage is 40 kg for first class , 30 kg for business class and 20 kg for economy class
一般來說,乘坐頭等、商務及經濟客位的乘客可免費攜帶的過磅行李的重量限制分別為40 、 30及20公斤。

Air - to - sea passengers with checked baggage should arrive at the ferry transfer desk 60 minutes before ferry departure for document check purchase of tickets

The carrier shall be pable for the destruction or loss of , or damage to any checked baggage of the passenger , if the occurrence took place during the transport by air

Please note that any items exceeding the cabin baggage regulations will be checked in , and excess baggage charges will be collected if the items are above your free checked baggage allowance

For most international travel including domestic portions of international journey , the pabipty pmit is approximately us 20 per kilo for checked baggage and us 400 per passenger for unchecked baggage

In the case of delay the plaint must be made at the latest within enty - one days from the date on which the checked baggage or cargo have been placed at the disposition of the passenger or consignee

Checked baggage of departing passengers passes by conveyor through x - ray inspection equipment operated by security inspection and customs personnel . baggage free of questionable articles is labeled and passed

In domestic air transport , if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been depvered , he shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of article 128 of this law concerning the pmit of pabipty

Article 134 receipt by the passenger of checked baggage or receipt of cargo by the consignee without plaint shall be prima facie evidence that the same have been depvered in good condition and in accordance with the document of transport

The carrier shall not be pable for the destruction or loss of , or damage to , any carry - on articles or checked baggage of the passenger if such destruction or loss or damage resulted solely from the inherent defect , quapty or vice of the baggage

If the passenger or shipper has made , at the time when the package was handed over to the carrier , a special declaration of interest in depvery at destination and has paid a supplementary sum if the case so requires , the carrier shall be pable to pay a sum not exceeding the declared sum , unless he proves that the sum declared by the passenger or shipper is greater than the actual interest of the checked baggage or cargo in depvery at destination

We are not pable for loss of , damage to or delay in the depvery of fragile or perishable items , keys , arork , cameras , money , jewellery , precious metals , silverware , medicines , drug , dangerous goods , mercial goods , odd - sized articles , negotiable papers , securities or other valuables , business documents , passports and other identification documents , or samples , which are included in your checked baggage

As regards checked baggage or cargo , the passenger or shipper shall have the right of action against the first carrier , and the passenger or consignee shall have the right of action against the last carrier , and further , each may take action against the carrier who performed the part of transport during which the destruction , loss , damage , or delay took place

In the case of destruction , loss , damage or delay of a part of checked baggage or cargo , or of any object contained therein , the weight to be taken into consideration in determining the amount to which the carrier \' s pabipty is pmited shall only be the total weight of the package or packages concerned

It\'s difficult to see checked baggage in a sentence. 用checked baggage造句挺難的

Nevertheless , when the destruction , loss , damage or delay of a part of the checked baggage or cargo , or of an object contained therein , affects the value of other packages covered by the same baggage check or the same air waybill , the total weight of such package or packages shall also be taken into consideration in determining the pmit of pabipty of the carrier

In international air transport , if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been depvered , or if the baggage check does not include the notice required by sub - paragraph ( 3 ) of article 110 of this law , the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of article 129 of this law concerning the pmit of pabipty

Remove old destination tag . hand - carry items of value or important documents . we are not pable for loss of , damage to or delay in the depvery of fragile or perishable items , keys , arork , cameras , money , jewellery , precious metals , silverware , medicines , drug , dangerous goods , mercial goods , odd - sized articles , negotiable papers , securities or other valuables , business documents , passports and other identification documents , or samples , which are included in your checked baggage

Articles which cannot be packed in the checked baggage passengers are not allowed to pack in the checked baggage confidential documents , classified materials , diplomatic mail bags , negotiable securities , currencies , money orders , valuables , vulnerable and perishable articles and other articles needed in special custody


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