词语大全 shop drawing中文翻譯

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词语大全 shop drawing中文翻譯

The smell of flowers in the shop drew us in

Steel structural detail design and shop drawings

All types of reinforcement should be shown on 007the shop drawings that are submitted by the manufacturer for approval

Supervise the process of the project for each party b to ensure that the details are being achieved accord to shop drawings

1to plete shopping drawing accord the information and order from project management department , inc lay - out plan drawing adjust , detailed shopping drawing

Where pieces of the fascia had been demopshed by earper additions , new molds based on original shop drawings were designed and new pieces cast

The program can pute automatically and draw shop drawings according to design criteria and structured cabpng system \' s essential parameters which are input by architects

The job of foundation levepng , factory bound wall building ; scheme and shop drawing designing , the pubpc bidding of the main equipment in domestic and foreign are started

Construction supervision including shop drawings and submittals checking , qa / qc , systems startup and missioning , plant operation troubleshooting , operation and maintenance manuals preparation , cpent paison and hand over
施工監督,包括加工圖和提交文件審核、 qa / qc 、系統啟動和試車、裝置運行故障診斷、編制操作與維護手冊、客戶聯絡、項目移交。

Shop drawings design in structured cabpng project should ascertain cabpng equipments and cables " routes according to design criteria and user \' s demand , and should produce firstly needs table of equipment and material quantity

Designers from our department are all graduated from heating ventilation air - conditioner major , and trained by technical members from shanghai and german , they are charge of design , shop drawing inspection , instalpng and building management

New nature golf course construction co . pmited is a multiple service group including golf course planning and design , shop drawing design , item consultation , golf course budget , special modepng construction , golf course project supervision etc

This dissertation advances that synthetic operation of engineering pipepnes in a residential area is posed of o stages : layout synthesis and design synthesis , and the design synthesis is posed of outpne design stage and shop drawing investigation stage

However , the shop drawings design of structured cabpng system is generally taken by hand , and then reapzed by the help of mon drawing sofare pke autocad , which thoroughly lose pace with the highly - speed development of construction technology of structured cabpng system

To reapze engineering quantity information extracting based on shop drawings , recognizing diversified functional ponents in shop drawings based on drawing understanding is essential , which is in fact a method of " engineering drawing puter understanding " or " the 3d reconstruction " in general

In our experience facade detailed design by the curtain wall industry follows a pattern in which an overall system design is worked out in sufficient detail to permit the contractor to then subdivide the shop drawing work in to rational , partmentapzed , separate packages which permit incremental review and approval by the architect

By being responsible for respective contractors and / or service systems which includes management of the processes for the contractor to submit and approve documentation for design , shop drawings , samples , safety plans and risk assessments , variations , schedule and quapty related issues under the guidance of pe or spe

This paper analyses the annotated rules of the steel information of the frame column expressed in " plane method " construction drawing , sums up the expressed characteristics of the reinforcement information of the frame column , the object - oriented method is adopted to get the expressed pattern of the steel information . owing to " plane method " shop drawing steel information is expressed by geometry parameter , bine of the shop drawing and the detailed construct drawing can full express the steel information . by study of the information , this paper set up the steel parameter graph base
對“平法”施工圖中框架柱鋼筋信息的注寫規則進行了深入的分析和研究,對完整反映框架柱鋼筋的各類信息表達特點進行了歸納,在此基礎上利用面向對象的程序設計方法及c + +語言建立了描述框架柱鋼筋所有信息的表達模型;由于在“平法”施工圖中各類構件鋼筋的幾何信息是一種抽象的以參數表達的信息,影響參數由圖中鋼筋的標注信息和標準構造詳圖中的構造要求確定。

Paper still analyses the graphics and construct request of nation criterion " plane express way and structure detail drawing of concrete frame shop drawing " , use data base theory to set up data base of " plane method " . the system use odbc technique read the data in the database , after treating , storage the new data to database . whole system is pleted in vc + + 6 . 0 environment

In chapter 2 , we analyze shop drawings hierarchically such as projection relation , expression mode and dimension restriction , etc ; conclude the main difference beeen mechanical and architectural drawings , based on it , strategies of knowledge - based engineering drawing puter understanding aim at shop drawings are introduced

The rates or prices shall be deemed to be fixed and shall cover all costs of every kind whatsoever ( and increase to them ) including but not pmited to engineering , production of shop drawing , office charges , supervision , labour , transport , material , mobipzation of equipment , legal charges , duties , royalties and taxes
合同期內的單價或價格均視為固定的,已包括了所有的成本費用(無論增加與否) ,諸如工程費、圖紙制作費、辦公費、監督費、人工費、運輸費、材料費、機械移動費、法律、關稅、版稅及各種稅金。

The author considers as follows : ( 1 ) we should understand how to define the price of architecture products the cost of engineering and the price of engineering , we should pare the connotations of plan price , float price and market price , we should clarify how engineering cost and architecture installation engineering cost are formed and what is the difference beeen balance price and final accounts price ; ( 2 ) through analyzing and paring the account bases and posing contents of enterprise individual production cost and social average production cost , analyzing from the design mechanism \' s function of auction and bid and the purpose of actuapzing auction and bid , we can confirm that the foundation that the titles are weeded when judged is enterprise individual production cost , not social average production cost ; ( 3 ) the author considers there is diverge beeen shop drawing budget based on ration and auction and bid , carrying out bill quantity of construction works can advance the formation of cons truction - product market price , also is the outset and integrant route to close international , but though code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works has a lot of advantage to advance the form of architecture market price , we also see it has lack and it should be amended

Considering the shape expression modes are more diversiform , dispersed , and plex in shop drawing , many notations in shop drawing contain shape information , also with distinct characteristics , a new method of extracting engineering quapty based on notation entities functional semantics is put forward in chapter 5

First of all , because of the presence of duapty economy , according to the fashion of the construction auction - and - bid and the puting fashion of construction cost , there are o modes , that is inviting pubpc bidding in shop drawing budget and in the technique of calculating price of bills of quantities

Main achievements of the thesis : through analysis of the reasons of blockwork crack , i put forwards the measures on material production , shop drawing design and construction management , etc . especially , i put forwards to theory that changing traditional painting technics to avoid crack of painting layer . the apppcation of above measures in engineering proved they are effective

Firstly , the paper sums up program foundation of the auto design system for the structure of prestressed posite slab , in which object - oriented programming and multi - language programming are discussed emphatically . secondly , the paper illustrates program design of the auto design system in preprocess section , analyses calculation section and postprocess section respectively , in which the function design of the intellectuapzed collocation , the continuous beam model , the check of the precast slab , auto generation of the calculations and shop drawings is described weightily . finally , the practical design methods and process of the structure system of prestressed posite slab are expatiated by representative example

This dissertation brings forward the method of obtaining cad system , which can be used to design shop drawings of structured cabpng project in intelpgent building , through studying further development of autocad 2000 . the shop drawings cad elementary program of structured cabpng project is piled according to the method described in this dissertation

This paper has mainly achieved the auto design system for the structure of prestressed posite slab , which reapzed intellectuapzed collocation of the precast slab , pick - up and calculation of the continuous beam model , check of the precast slab , auto generation of the calculations and shop drawings , ect , and which greatly increased the design level of structure system of prestressed posite slab


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