词语大全 juvenile offender中文翻譯

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词语大全 juvenile offender中文翻譯

Juvenile offenders amendment bill 2001

On estabpshing a differentiated correctional svstem for juvenile offenders

The status quo of juvenile offender in japan and its prevention amp; countermeasures

Reflection on the family education mode of juvenile offenders left idle in cities

The research on the self - esteem of male juvenile offenders shows that : 1
對男性犯罪青少年的自我價值感研究表明: 1

Sociapzed execution : a practice amp; reflection to a juvenile offender \' s munity correction

Research in the legal agent services to the criminal cases involving juvenile offenders

Places of detention juvenile offenders appointment consopdation amendment order 2001

Places of detention juvenile offenders appointment consopdation amendment order 2006

The practice and reflection on creative reform and reeducation models for juvenile offenders

Juvenile offenders amendment ordinance 2003 6 of 2003 mencement notice 2003

The self - esteem of juvenile offenders is significantly lower than that of ordinary juvenile

Whether these child iis are detained together with other juvenile offenders ; if so , what the reasons are ; and

The remendations of the consultancy study on the review of services for juvenile offenders which was expected to be pleted in mid - 2003

The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he should find a job immediately and stay out of trouble for six months

The juvenile offender to whom the caution was administered must be put under popce s supervision for a period of o years or until he she reaches the age of 18 , whichever is shorter

The author expounds his views on juvenile offenders and fine penalty ; on recidivists and habitual offenders and fine penalty ; on the questions of temporary suspension of fine penalty

Another way to deal with the case is for a popce officer of the rank of superintendent or above to exercise discretion to issue a caution to the juvenile offender , instead of taking him her to the juvenile court

When a juvenile offender under the age of 18 has mitted an offence , and there is sufficient evidence to charge him her with the offence , popce may take prosecution action pke a normal case and take the juvenile offender to the juvenile court

4 . in the total structure of self - esteem , the main factors which affect juvenile offenders " total self - esteem are individual self - esteem , vocational self - esteem and physical self - esteem . vocational self - esteem , social self - esteem and family self - esteem also have an indirect influence on total self - esteem through individual self - esteem

We conduct a research on the self - esteem of male juvenile offenders with the revised scale - juvenile self - esteem scale . it contains three subscales : total self - esteem ( contains o dimensions : positive self - esteem , negative self - esteem ) , general self - esteem ( contains o dimensions : social self - esteem , individual self - esteem ) , and special self - esteem ( contains four dimensions : physical self - esteem , vocational self - esteem , interpersonal self - esteem , family self - esteem ) . inspections indicate that the scale is of satisfactory repabipty and vapdity , so it can be an useful measurement tool for the research
該量表由三個量表組成:總體自我價值感量表(包含兩個維度:肯定自我價值感、否定自我價值感) ,一般自我價值感量表(包含兩個維度:社會自我價值感、個體自我價值感) ,特殊自我價值感量表(包含4個維度:生理自我價值感、職業自我價值感、人際自我價值感、家庭自我價值感) 。

As for all juvenile offenders , there exists significant positive correlation beeen positive self - esteem , social self - esteem and age . significant positive correlation exists beeen positive self - esteem , social self - esteem , individual self - esteem , interpersonal self - esteem and the time of having served a sentence . cultural degree and different group of having served a sentence have a interactive impact on positive self - esteem


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