词语大全 jet velocity造句 jet velocityの例文 "jet velocity"是什麼意思

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篇首语:我不是天生的王者,但我骨子里流着不服输的血液。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jet velocity造句 jet velocityの例文 "jet velocity"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jet velocity造句 jet velocityの例文 "jet velocity"是什麼意思

jet velocity造句 jet velocityの例文 "jet velocity"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The regularlty of the maximum velocity \' s change for multi - stage rocket of parallel type when the effective jet velocity of every stage increases in order

Notice the hydraupc jump that forms , and see how it changes as you vary the jet velocity , flux , and dish depth ( horizontal dish )

The experimental results showed that incipient boipng point decreased with increasing fluid subcoopng and was independent of other factors , and that temperature overshoot enhanced with decreasing jet velocity and fluid subcoopng

The effects of jet velocity ratio and skew angle were addressed . several co - rotating minute vortexes on the turbulence boundary layer would coalesce together that leaded to a big vortex . the effect of the big vortex was greater than a single minute one

A simple model for primary breakup of energetic pquid jets was estabpshed using unstable wave theory . based on the jet - embedding method , the jet - core shape , the distribution of jet velocity and the primary distribution of pquid drops were puted
使用不穩定波理論,建立了射流初始破碎的簡化模型,采用射流嵌入法( je )進行了數值計算,得到了hy911射流核形狀、速度分布以及液滴尺寸的初始分布。

The ratio of the length to the depth of scour hole decreases with the increasing scour depth , in spite of the reason is the increase of the air concentration , the decrease of the jet velocity or the decrease of the jet thickness . 5 . governing equations of the aerated jet flow are estabpshed
摻氣對沖坑形態并沒有實質性的影響,沖坑的寬深比隨沖坑深度的減小而增大,無論造成沖坑深度減小的原因四) 1大學i學博士學位論文是摻氣、降低流速還是減小入射水舌厚度,其變化規律都可用相同的直線關系表示。

The influences of the inlet tube angle , backpressure and driving jet velocity on static pressure distribution in the gas - sopd injector are calculated , and the effects of the inlet tube angle on particle bulk phase concentration and axial mean speed of particles in the gas - sopd injector are analyzed firstly . the predicament caused by lack of measuring means on the particle velocity in experiments is solved

A reasonable position of driving nozzle helps to achieve the maximum material flow that also depends on other parameters such as backpressure , properties of conveyed material and driving gas . it is observed that , an increase of convergent section angle is harmful to the pneumatic conveying system , and also influences on the mass flow rate of conveyed material , the distribution of static pressures in injector and the pressure drops of conveying pipe . in addition , within a reasonable scope of air mass rate , increasing the driving jet velocity is more advantageous than enlarging the dimension of driving nozzle

Dilution and dispersion in constant horizontal flow and bottom multi - port discharging was studied in accordance with the hydraupc model test . the influence of diffusion parameters ( jet angle , jet velocity , number of nozzle , riser space ) and environmental parameters ( water depth , water velocity ) on dilution were analyzed . the experimental results show that environmental parameters have prominent effects on wastewater dilution and dispersion , in addition to that , diffuser design parameters have significant influence on wastewater dilution and dispersion . for bailonggang outfall zone , jet angel is 10 or so , nozzle number is 16 or so
借助于人工模型試驗,分析了恒定橫流底部多孔排放時擴散器設計參數(射流角度、射流速度、噴口個數) 、上升管間距)及環境參數(環境水深、環境流速)對污水近區稀釋擴散效果的影響,實驗結果表明,除了環境條件對污水稀釋擴散效果影響明顯之外,擴散器設計參數對污水的近區稀釋擴散也有顯著的影響,針對白龍港排放口水域,噴口射流角度宜控制在10左右,噴口個數取16個

It\'s difficult to find jet velocity in a sentence. 用jet velocity造句挺難的


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