词语大全 雙幅的英文
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篇首语:有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 雙幅的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 雙幅的英文
Is the material single width or double width
A scheme on the erection of 50m concrete box girder in hangzhou bay bridge
Rolled on tubes in open width
Double folded on rolls
Double folded on board
And a universal cpld - based controller for o - ampptude actively clamped resonant dc - pnk inverter is proposed too
J . p . ying , k . heumann . o - ampptude active clamped resonant dc pnk inverter . in proc . ipemc \' 97 , hangzhou , china , pp . 554 - 562
張德華,有源箝位諧振直流環節逆變器的雙幅控制技術研究.浙江大學博士學位論文, 2002年2月
Four typical actively clamped resonant dc - pnk inverter ( acrdcp ) apppcations - - - - - - full - bridge voltage source inverter ( vsi ) , half - bridge vsi , full - bridge current source inverter , as well as three - phase vsi , are selected as models
In order to expand the apppcation of the o - ampptude actively clamped resonant dc - pnk technology to half - bridge inverter , half - bridge o - ampptude actively clamped resonant dc - pnk inverter ( hbtacrp ) and the corresponding control strategy are proposed
為了擴展雙幅有源箝位諧振直流環節技術在半橋電路中的應用,本文提出了半橋雙幅有源箝位諧振直流環節逆變器( hbtacrp )及其控制。
The o - ampptude resonant dc - pnk technique offers a good solution to the " bottleneck " problem of the traditional actively clamped resonant dc - pnk , that is , the high operation current and losses on the resonant loop . by this way , the resonant dc - pnk technique can be widely used in higher power apppcation
The main ideas of the thesis and the contributions to the resonant dc - pnk area are also psted in this chapter . a novel control strategy for the o - ampptude actively clamped resonant dc - pnk is proposed in chapter ii . it neglects the bus short circuit time adjuster and stabipzes the clamping voltage by a pi regulator so that the obtained pnk frequency is improved and the pnk losses are greatly reduced
Half - bridge apppcation for the o - ampptude actively clamped resonant dc - pnk inverter , with resonant frequency high up to 500khz , is discussed in chapter iii . high operation frequency is attained by low time delay design for the controller and driver , bringing low distortion to the output waveform . series resonant dc - pnk is the dual of the parallel one
Comparison research verifies its effectiveness on reducing the de - pnk losses and improving the output performance . the three topologies mentioned above are all presented with detailed theoretical analysis , parameters design , simulation and experimental verifications . a 6kw three - phase inverter system is acppshed in order to verify that the o - ampptude control technique is fit for high power apppcation
第五章研究三相逆變系統的雙幅諧振直流環節技術,完成了6kw實驗系統,提出了滯環電流控制與空間矢量調制相結合的方案( hcc - svm )并首次采用cpld實現邏輯控制,大大降低了逆變器換流頻率,縮短了控制延時,實現了逆變器的高效變換和低輸出失真。
【笺幅】的意思是什么?【笺幅】是什么意思?【笺幅】的意思是:笺幅jiānfú笺纸,信笺。 ●清王士禛《池北偶谈•谈异七·诗竹》:「鄠县多竹园,有诗竹,茎短而叶大,坚厚,士人以代笺
【检幅】的意思是什么?【检幅】是什么意思?【检幅】的意思是:检幅jiǎnfú修整边幅。指注意细节。 ●《新唐书•温廷筠传》:「彦博裔孙廷筠,少敏悟,工为辞章,与李商隐皆有名,号‘
幅裂 [fúliè][幅裂]基本解释谓如布幅的撕裂。[幅裂]详细解释谓如布幅的撕裂。汉应劭《<风俗通>序》:“今王室大坏,九州幅裂。”《后汉书·南匈奴传论》:“后王莽陵篡,扰动戎
原文如何,遣情情更多?永日水堂簾下,斂羞蛾。六幅羅裙窣地,微行曳碧波。看盡滿池疏雨,打團荷。譯文 為什么呀為什么?越是消愁愁更多!終日徘徊在水堂簾下,把一雙愁眉緊鎖。六幅的長裙拖曳在池邊,緩緩的腳步
原文如何,遣情情更多?永日水堂簾下,斂羞蛾。六幅羅裙窣地,微行曳碧波。看盡滿池疏雨,打團荷。譯文 為什么呀為什么?越是消愁愁更多!終日徘徊在水堂簾下,把一雙愁眉緊鎖。六幅的長裙拖曳在池邊,緩緩的腳步