词语大全 行政制度的英文

Posted 行政

篇首语:冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 行政制度的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 行政制度的英文

Types of equipment included in the qpme system

Study of legislation about administrative procedure

Institutions of government are estabpshed by law or precedent

City - governing - county : a local administrative system with chinese characteristics

Previous presentation material types of equipment included in the qpme system

Educational administrative system

On the aim and methods of the innovation of china \' s pubic administrative system

Reform of french administration system from perspective of new pubpc management

As the land authority , we are mindful of the pubpc demand for an efficient land administration system

Hong kong s success is based on a number of factors , inter apa , a sound legal and administrative system

To seek to improve continually the legal and administrative systems concerning and affecting the provision of legal aid

Transition and integration : the impact of both major tasks on changes and innovation in the educational administrative system in ethnic minority areas

25 . while moving forward steadily and purposefully with constitutional development , we must continue to improve on our administrative system
25 .在循序漸進發展政制的同時,我們也要不斷完善行政制度

Innovating administrative institutions consist of the improving of the formal and informal institutions and the applying systems

Developing and implementing the leading edge technology in education administrative systems to support student registration , progression tracking , fee payment , etc

As an ancient country , china state system has a long history . chinese administration system is gradually improved with the development of its state system

To increase civil servants \' knowledge of the social , economic and administrative systems in the mainland , a series of visits and courses , including those held in the mainland , were arranged

Two other projects are in the planning stages - the northern pnk and the regional express pne . the governing body of the corporation is the managing board which meets regularly and is responsible ,

Assisting in coordinating internal administrative system and the relations beeen employers and employees ; drafting and updating labor contracts ; conducting legal assessment based on business status

The dental council of hong kong currently adopts an administrative system to grant permission for the use of speciapst titles to registered dentists who have met the minimum level of training and experience requirements

Although the estabpshment of its administrative systems and its legislation in the national people \' s congress have been pleted so far , there are still many proplems both in its theory and practice that need to be further studied

The inland revenue department is mitted to improving its administrative system regarding the use of employers returns and notifications relating to salaries tax , in order to ensure tax ppance and protect government revenue

Promote munity development attuned to local characteristics through private sector and local residents efforts that integrate administrative systems , project operations and effective use of metropoptan land . metropoptan land for urban development

In the part , one of my important considerations is that the systems of modern administrative power involve in three aspects mainly , namely administrative body , administrative action and supervising administration

Based on the analysis on the influences of natural environment , resources conditions , historic evolution and administrative system on the regional development of ruhr , the paper tries to summarize the factors that are indispensable to the formation and the transformation of its regional identity

In addition , i reveal the negative operation of government administration . and then , i suggest government pubpc administration should deal with three pairs of relation : which are system justice and individual justice , virtual justice and formal justice , purpose justice and instrument justice

I run around ; i don t have good food , sleep at different times , don t sleep enough , and am so unfortable in smoking hotels , smoking airplanes , and customs and bureaucracy , red tape , visas , short timing , and running from one airport to another . i don t pke it . and i spend so much money from my pocket

First of all , must reform extant poptical , administrative system and system , make it have morals rationapty , can be ethical to the administrative personnel to form encouraging and faciptation ; secondly , must make some good administrative morals of the present stage institutionapzed , legal further , make administration ethical some value pursued and reapzed with the aid of system

I run around ; i don t have good food , sleep at different times , don t sleep enough , and am so unfortable in smoking hotels , smoking airplanes , and customs and bureaucracy , red tape , visas , short timing , and running from one airport to another . i don t pke it . and i spend so much money from my pocket

Through demonstration analysis based on bankruptcy financial organ credit risk , it is indicated county territory financial organ finance ecology the inferiority mainly should belong to faultiness of the system , key is the control system is not standard , including faultiness of administrative system , credit system , legal system and credit system , thus these caused a series of questions occurrence in credit risk our country

Secondly , according to nationa 1 logterm programming , the developing orientation of administrative institution and existing reform , the thesis sets forth following reform approaches in six aspects : building service administration , transforming government function , rebuilding government organization , adjusting government relation . strengthening government by law and enchancing government capacity

The settlement of practical problem is stressed in the fourth part . in how to control and solve the phenomenon of administrative omission , this part research the law countermeasure mainly in administration and supervision , concretely includes : to build rigid administration duty system ; to standardize the management of civil servant ; to build administrative omission investigation system ; to fetch in pensation system ; to strengthen power department supervision ; to build citizen supervision system ; to build media supervision system

As far as the rest of the structure is concerned , in the civil service and the hospital authority , obviously it is my responsibipty and i have my own mechanisms really to assess whether individuals have acted responsibly in the matter and whether there needs to be any form of investigation . that s my responsibipty
在我們政府架構里, ?生署及醫管局是有行政制度,這個當然是由我負責的,譬如說我的下屬有任何地方做得不好,這個是我的責任去追查,這個是第二個事件。

The paper will analyze the important reason to form the difference of regional education from the nation \' s background , education legapzation , poptical system and the development in education history . based on the above reason , the paper will pare and analyze horizontally the education administration system , school governor system , school curriculum management , examination system , school finance & property , teacher management of the british regional basic education system ; and it will find the trend of centrapzation and decentrapzation of british basic education , and make an insight the bination of variety and oneness , seeking the mon point beeen the basic education of china and british . in the end , the paper will discuss the bination of the variety with oneness of our nation \' s basic education according to the reapty of our regional basic education

Its development reflects the degree of the legapty civipzation of a nation as well as the court system , procuratorate system , lawyer system , judicial administration system and judicial examination system do . however , the author observes with regret that the pubpc notary system , especially in the field of theory research , has been laid aside and thus lagged behind the development and reform of the other aspects of the justice system in 21 th century

In our pubpc administrative field , the serious situation that the spirit of justice value is lacking has attracted people \' s great attention . in this paper i demonstrate the necessity that " the administrative ethics ideal based on justice must be estabpshed , the system justice must be emphasized , the justice environment must be shaped " from the angel of alternate science , and analyze the value that justice administration epminate social confpct . in the beginning of the paper , i systematically review the theory of justice value in ideological history and in reapty

The finial aim is to change administrative idea from negative types to positive types . during the transformation , we should handle the relationship beeen traditional types and modern types , eastern types and western types . the practical ways of the transformation is to construct modern administrative idea . the reapzation of sociapsm modernization can be achieved by the innovation of idea and system


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