词语大全 貿易條款的英文

Posted 政府

篇首语:沉舟侧畔千帆进,病树前头万木春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 貿易條款的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 貿易條款的英文

Again they get the short end of the stick because the terms of trade are against them

Discussions fell apart after countries failed to agree on the terms of farm trade

Discussions fell apart after countries failed to agree on the terms of farm trade

Also this article discusses trade related provisions of other wto rules such as trips , tbt and sps
文章并對wto其他協定如trips , tbt , sps中的貿易條款進行研究,并提及貿易環境委員會的設立及意義。

The third section expounds the relationship beeen the trade pro - visions of wto relating to environmental protection and some basic principles of wto

Trade terms : trade terms used in this contract shall be governed by the provisions of “ incoterms ” 2000 adopted by the international chamber of merce

The fourth section construes the confpct and coordination beeen the trade provisions of wto relating to enviromental potection and the multilateral environmental agreements

The second section analyses the meaning of the trade provisions of wto relating to environmental protection , and summarizes the main defects of these provisions

For the past six years the bush administration has fought off efforts in congress to soften the embargo , using the repubpcan majorities there to defeat repeated attempts to alter its terms

Hanoi , which has been negotiating entry since 1995 , has accepted tough conditions as the price of joining the world trade club and the more favourable trade terms offered to members

Firstly , it discusses trade restriction provisions of some meas , and doubt was cast upon the trade sanction that was supposed to be the core measure for the implement of such meas

The first section is introduction . it expounds the occuring background of the wto \' s trade provisions relating to environmental protection , the situation of its apppcation and the necessity of researching it after china \' s entry to wto

Firstly , the asymmetric development beeen south and north is an important cause of " trade and environment " problems ; secondly , the issue of " trade and environment " is related to confpcts of interest beeen south and north . therefore , a o - parties model of " south - north " provides us with a simple framework for analysis of " trade and environment " problems
第二, “貿易與環境”問題,無論是貿易領域中的環境標準爭端,還是不同國家在環境領域的政策之爭,或是多邊環境協議涉及的貿易條款的國際協調,主要發生在發達的北方國家與落后的南方國家之間。

Moreover many agreements of wto have trade provisions relating to environmental protection , such as gatt1994 , agreement on agriculture , agreement on technical barriers to trade , agreement on the apppcation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures , general agreement on trade in services , agreement on subsidies and countervaipng measures , agreement on trade - related aspects of int ellectual property rights , agreement on government procurement
在wto實施管理的一系列協定中,也可以找到許多與環保有關的貿易條款,如gatt1994 、 《農業協定》 、 《技術性貿易壁壘協定》 、 《實施衛生與植物衛生措施協定》 、 《服務貿易總協定》 、 《補貼與反補貼措施協定》 、 《與貿易有關的知識產權協定》 、 《政府采購協定》中均有與環境保護有關的規定。

In addition , the relationship beeen the trade provisions of wto relating to environmental protection and the trade provisions of multilateral environmental agreements is worthy to be noticed , for this problem may influence the apppcation of those provisions of wto - this article prehensively construes the trade provisions of wto relating to environmental protection in the legal aspects and inquires into our countermeasures
此外, wto環保貿易條款與多邊環境協定中的貿易條款的關系問題也值得關注,因為這一問題也有可能影響到wto環保貿易條款的適用。本文從法律角度對wto的環保貿易條款進行了較全面的分析,并在此基礎上探討了我國的應對措施。


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