词语大全 ph d中文翻譯

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词语大全 ph d中文翻譯

B . a . university of hong kong , ph d princeton university
文學士(香港大學) 、博士(普林斯頓大學) ;

Dunnell , ruth “ tanguts and the tangut state of ta hsia ” ph d diss , princeton university , 1983
鄧如萍: 《黨項和黨項人的國家西夏》 ,普林斯頓大學1983年博士論文。

A staunch supporter of free and fair trade , dr . supachai received his ph d in economic planning and development at erasmus university in rotterdam . in 1974 , he began his professional career at the bank of thailand
他畢業于鹿特丹伊拉斯謨斯大學erasmus university in rotterdam ,獲頒經濟策劃及發展博士學位。

Prof stigptz received his ph d from massachusetts institute of technology and subsequently taught at yale , princeton , oxford and stanford . in 1993 , he joined the council of economic advisors and from 1997 2000 he was senior vice - president and chief economist with the world bank

Prof stigptz received his pberal arts education at amherst college and obtained his ph d from massachusetts institute of technology . at the age of 27 , he was hired by yale as a tenured full professor . he subsequently taught at princeton , oxford and stanford
斯蒂格利茲教授早年于安默斯特學院amherst college就讀,深受該校的博雅教育所薰陶,其后在麻省理工學院mit完成博士課程年僅27歲時,受聘為耶魯大學教授,其后分別在普林斯頓牛津和史丹福等大學任教。

Ph d from aix - marseille university iii , france ; professor of physiology , vice dean of the school of the precpnical and forensic medicine , sichuan university ; member of the standing mittee of the chinese association of physiological sciences and the association of physiological sciences of sichuan province ; member of the editorial board of the acta physiologica sinica and the sichuan journal of physiological sciences
現任四川大學華西基礎醫學與法醫學院副院長、生理學教授、博士生導師,中國生理學會常務理事、教育工作委員會副主任委員,四川省生理科學會常務理事, 《生理學報》編委, 《四川生理科學雜志》編委。曾先后在法國國家科學研究中心

Ph d from aix - marseille university iii , france ; professor of physiology , vice dean of the school of the precpnical and forensic medicine , sichuan university ; member of the standing mittee of the chinese association of physiological sciences and the association of physiological sciences of sichuan province ; member of the editorial board of the acta physiologica sinica and the sichuan journal of physiological sciences


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