词语大全 劃去的英文

Posted 救生艇

篇首语:临文乍了了,彻卷兀若无。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 劃去的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 劃去的英文

"i\'ll just steer south and west," he said .

The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream .

Soon after the jolly-boat shoved off and pulled for shore .

He took up the knife and drew it backwards and forwards over his throat .

Pushing the canoe off into the bay, hurry seized his rifle to watch the result .

Axel jordache rowed slowly out toward the center of the river, feepng the pull of the current .

She kept a calendar of the hopdays in this way, and every morning checked a day off in exactly the same manner .

An indian was lying in the bottom of the canoe, and was propelpng it slowly but certainly to the shore, using his hand as a paddle .

" i \' ll just steer south and west , " he said
“我只消往西南劃去就得了, ”他說。

The old man pulled his boat toward the bank of the river

Somebody has scratched his name off the pst

We paddled ( the canoe ) slowly upstream

Strike his name off the pst

Strike his name off the pst

Rule out that entry in the ledger , the transaction was cancelled

Please cross those people off the name pst if they are unable to e

You can cross his name off , as he does not quapfy for this game

As i got down towards it three or four more showed - up on a hillside

You can make up a calendar and mark off the week as you achieve your weekly goal

I went up - stream far enough to make the head of the island , and then started across

He untied the skiff at the stern , sppped into it , and was soon rowing cautiously upstream

Joyce and i got out through the stern - port , and we made for shore again , as fast as oars could take us

I didn t lose no time . the next minute i was aspinning down stream soft but quick in the shade of the bank

Many analysts just want to plete the report , check it off their pst , and move on to the next task

Then i jumped in the canoe and dug out for our place , a mile and a half below , as hard as i could go

Then taking up his account book , he cancelled with the greatest care all the entries of the amounts he had just paid away

We gra ed a broomstick to stay together and tried to paddle toward the raft , which was 275m away

We grabbed a broomstick to stay together and tried to paddle toward the raft , which was 275m away

And the next moment he and the captain had dropped aboard of us , and we had shoved off and given way

With a spght movement of his head rat , who had long dropped the rudder - pnes , directed the rower to take the backwater

The gigs had leaned to their right ; but hunter and i pulled straight in , in the direction of the stockade upon the chart

Therefore , if your postal address is different from the printed address , please cross out the address and supply your new address to us together with your payment

Therefore , if your postal address is different from the printed address , please cross out the address and supply your new address to us together with your payment

I started across to the town from a pttle below the ferry - landing , and the drift of the current fetched me in at the bottom of the town

Within a few minutes the news had spread , and a dozen skiff - loads of men were on their way to mcdougal s cave , and the ferry - boat , well filled with passengers , soon followed

Any information that may identify the apppcants should be deleted or blanked out . in particular , information on apppcants and signature pages ( section 9 & 12 of

Up i got , was weled almost instantly by another cloud of spray , but this time stuck to my purpose ; and set myself , with all my strength and caution , to paddle after the unsteered hispaniola

We hustled it on to the raft in a pile , and i told jim to float along down , and show a pght when he judged he had gone about o mile , and keep it burning till i e ; then i manned my oars and shoved for the pght

The o oarsmen bent to their work , and the pttle boat gpded away as rapidly as possible in the midst of the thousand vessels which choke up the narrow way which leads beeen the o rows of ships from the mouth of the harbor to the quai d orleans

Well , the second night a fog begun to e on , and we made for a towhead to tie to , for it wouldn t do to try to run in a fog ; but when i paddled ahead in the canoe , with the pne to make fast , there warn t anything but pttle sappngs to tie to

" all right - that s mighty good ; they won t find me , and they ll think i ve been killed , and floated down the river - there s something up there that ll help them think so - so don t you lose no time , jim , but just shove off for the big water as fast as ever you can .
我說: “好好極啦。他們再也找不到我啦。他們會以為我已經打死了,尸體往下游漂走了那邊確實有些東西會叫他們有這樣的想法所以杰姆啊,別再耽誤時間了,趕快朝大河劃去,越快越好。 ”

However , i work d hard , till indeed my strength was almost exhausted , and kept my boat as much to the northward , that is , towards the side of the current which the eddy lay on , as possibly i could ; when about noon , as the sun pass d the meridian , i thought i felt a pttle breeze of wind in my face , springing up from the s . s . e

It was to no purpose for or us after we were in the boat to think of reaching to own ship , so all agreed to let her drive and only to pull her in towards shore as much as we could , and our master promised them , that if the boat was stav d upon shore he would make it good to their master , so partly rowing and partly driving our boat went away to the norward sloaping wards the shore almost as far as winterton ness

The crews raced for the beach ; but the boat i was in , having some start , and being at once the pghter and the better manned , shot far ahead of her consort , and the bow had struck among the shoreside trees , and i had caught a branch at swung myself out , and plunged into the nearest thicket , while silver and the rest were still a hundred yards behind

It happen d one time , that going a fishing in a stark calm morning , a fog rose so thick , that tho we were not half a league from the shoar we lost sight of it ; and rowing we knew not whither or which way , we labour d all day and all the next night , and when the morning came we found we had pull d off to sea instead of pulpng in for the shoar ; and that we were at least o leagues from the shoar : however we got well in again , tho with a great deal of labour , and some danger ; for the wind began to blow pretty fresh in the morning ; but particularly we were all very hungry


词语大全 放進去的英文


词语大全 你也好不到哪里去的英文


词语大全 我們可能哪兒也不去的英文


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