词语大全 改發的英文

Posted 病假

篇首语:欠伸展肢体,吟咏心自愉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 改發的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 改發的英文

Interwork call redirection deflection , icrd

After sending her a lot of " i mi you " texts , he ‘ s moved on

After sending her a lot of " i miss you " texts , he ‘ s moved on

The no . 8 northwest gale or storm signal and no . 8 southwest gale or storm signal were issued at 2 . 45 p . m and 4 . 45 p . m respectively

After sending her a lot of " i miss you " texts , he \' s moved on . now he sends his aunt dozens of jokes , most of them at the expense of ethnic kurds

With hagupit edging towards hong kong and intensified into a severe tropical storm before noontime , the hong kong observatory issued the no . 8 southeast gale or storm signal at 1 . 40 p . m . on 11 september

With kompasu beginnnig to move away and local winds gradually subsiding , the no . 8 signal was replaced by the strong wind signal no . 3 at 7 . 20 p . m . on 16 july . all tropical cyclone warning signals were cancelled an hour later

The observatory issued the first amber and red rainstorm warning signal of the year respectively at 10 : 15 a . m . and 10 : 40 a . m . the area of heavy rain moved southwards and rain over the territory began to weaken at around noon

According to of word of a place difficult of access of labor department work 1982 2 reply : ( 1 ) female worker is pregnant by family planning , open a proof through the doctor , need those who rest to protect a fetus , its protect a fetus breathing space , the regulation of the sickness treatment that executes according to this unit is dealt with ; ( 2 ) the disease is gotten to repeve cost after protecting an embryo to rest to exceed 6 months with sick leave , to salary of hair maternity leave changes when production , enjoy other birth treatment , sick rest still needs after maternity leave expires , the sun that expires from maternity leave rises , continue to send a disease to repeve cost ; ( 3 ) the female worker that protects an embryo to rest , when sick rest still needing after maternity leave expires , time of its sick leave and the sick leave before bearing and the time that keep an embryo to rest are amalgamative putation
根據勞動部勞險字1982 2號的復函: ( 1 )女職工按計劃生育懷孕,經過醫生開具證實,需要保胎休息的,其保胎休息時間,按照本單位實行的疾病待遇的規定辦理; ( 2 )保胎休息和病假超過六個月后領取疾病救濟費,至生產時改發產假工資,并享受其他生育待遇,產假期滿后仍需病休的,從產假期滿之日起,繼續發給疾病救濟費; ( 3 )保胎休息的女職工,產假期滿后仍需病休時,其病假時間與生育前的病假和保胎休息的時間合并計算。


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