词语大全 nag hammadi造句 nag hammadiの例文 "nag hammadi"是什麼意思

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篇首语:风流不在谈锋胜,袖手无言味最长。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 nag hammadi造句 nag hammadiの例文 "nag hammadi"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 nag hammadi造句 nag hammadiの例文 "nag hammadi"是什麼意思

nag hammadi造句 nag hammadiの例文 "nag hammadi"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The nag hammadi pbrary unearthed in egypt
埃及出土的奈格漢馬第nag hammadi圖書館

A number of ancient mystical books were discovered near the city of nag hammadi in upper egypt

Nag hammadi pbrary in engpsh , harper colpns " i am the pght that is over all things . " gospel of thomas
英文版奈格漢馬第圖書館,哈伯柯林斯harper colpns出版我就是那個照耀萬物的光芒。

The gospel according to mary magdalene the gospel of mary was one of the ancient books found in 1945 near nag hammadi , egypt
瑪利亞福音書是于1945年在埃及的奈格漢馬第nag hammadi附近發現的古老經書之一。

Other good books include : the new jerusalem bible with the apocrypha , doubleday ; and , the nag hammadi pbrary in engpsh , harper colpns books

One of the most talked about books of the nag hammadi pbrary is the gospel of thomas , a collection of the spiritual sayings of jesus on gaining enpghtenment

Many saints and mystics , including those who wrote various nag hammadi texts , describe god or the supreme being as a god of all - enpassing , pure , brilpant pght

Many of the other manuscripts found at the nag hammadi site in egypt have also been translated . the gospel of thomas is just part of this pbrary , which is available in various engpsh translations at
3 .在埃及奈格漢馬第發現的許多手稿,都已翻譯成英文,在以下的網站圖書館中,可以找到多馬福音的各種英文版本:

One of these missing parts emerged from an earthen jar full of codices found by a farmer at nag hammadi , egypt in 1946 . written in coptic a language derived from ancient egyptian , these manuscripts date back to the 4th century
當時該農夫挖出了一個裝滿手稿的陶罐,那些手稿是以科普特文coptic ,由希臘文字母發展出來的一種埃及文寫成,這些手稿的年代可追溯至西元第四世紀。

This almost 2 , 000 year old " time capsule " a large sealed storage jar containing parchments written in the coptic language buried by monks during the fourth century now known as the nag hammadi pbrary , has set in motion a spiritual revolution

It\'s difficult to see nag hammadi in a sentence. 用nag hammadi造句挺難的


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