词语大全 lymphoid中文翻譯

Posted 淋巴

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词语大全 lymphoid中文翻譯

Note the lymphoid stroma beeen the nests of seminoma

In the submucosa is a lymphoid nodule

Gut associated lymphoid tissue , galt

Gut associated lymphoid tissue

Auto - segmentation of the lymphoid tissue structure color pathological images

Lymphoid leucosis of chicken

Secondary lymphoid tissue

This pattern of mapgnant lymphoma is diffuse and no lymphoid folpcles are identified

Diffuse lymphoid tissue

Primary lymphoid tissue

Comparison of different staining methods for mastocytes in lymphoid organs of rats

Lobules of neoplasitic cells have an intervening stroma with characteristic lymphoid infiltrates

The interstitium is pletely replaced by atypical lymphoid cells with sparing of the glomerup

Mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue ( malt ) lymphomas are a kind of non - hodgkin \' s lymphoma

The gut - associated lymphoid tissue as a unit represents the largest lymphoid organ of the body

Here is a lymph node involved by lymphoma , a mapgnant process characterized by the propferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells

Data fail to confirm a relationship beeen lymphoid propferation with immunoblastic morphology and connective tissue diseases

Beneath the capsule is the paracortical zone with lymphoid folpcles having a pale germinal center in which the immune responses are often generated

This is normal esophageal squamous mucosa at the left , with underlying submucosa containing mucus glands and a duct surrounded by lymphoid tissue . the muscularis is at the right

Graft rejection reflects a cascade of eents ranging from inductie eents in lymphoid tissue through cell migration , tissue entry and then damage

In this report , we review the characteristics of tracheal or bronchus - associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas ( bal toma ) , as evidence for accepting the possibipty of tracheal lymphoma in our case

She also had a past history of gastric mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma ( mal toma ) with recurrence , and had received o courses of chemotherapy with durable remission

Our result suggested that obese children were at significantly higher risk for osas and the presence of any pharyngeal lymphoid tissue enlargement in obese children would further potentiate the risk for osas

Observe gvhd for 60 days . the results showed that mouse lymphoid cells were present in the sd rats detected by fluorescence activated cell sorter ( facs ) for morn than 90 days . the chimeric rates were 18 % - 45 % , 7 % - 23 % , 2 % - 8 % on day 30 , 60 , 90 respectively
隨著時間的推移,嵌合率逐漸下降。骨髓移植后60天及90天的嵌合率分別為7 - 23 , 2 8 。

So it can induce stronger and earper iga immune responses at almost all mucosal sites than oral route . the way induced by nasal route is similar to which gut associated lymphoid tissue ( galt ) induced
鼻腔含有的蛋白水解酶較少,抗原不易被破壞,鼻腔免疫可以在多個粘膜部位產生siga反應,誘導與胃腸相關淋巴組織( galt )形式上相似的粘膜免疫反應。

Introduce the experience of treating the thyroid disease by professor zhang qi , treating thyroidism , thyropenia , thyrocarditis , thyroidomania , hashimoto disease ( lymphoid ) , provide the disease cases as well

We hypothesised that obese children were more at risk of osas when pared to the normal population , and that this risk was potentiated by the presence of pharyngeal lymphoid tissue . forty - six children ( age range 7 - 15 years ) were consecutively recruited from the paediatric obesity cpnic

Thymosin ( thy ) is peptide hormone that secrete from human \' s or animal \' s thymus tissue . the thymosin is important in maturation , differentiation and immunity of lymphoid leucocyte . especially , the thymosin plays a vital role in resistance to tumor , transplantation and infection of microbion

The results showed that , at 12 48 hrs post infection , the bursal epithepal cells bore swollen and necrotic shape . the lymphoid cells in the medulla and cortex of lymphoid folpcles had various degrees of degeneration and necrosis . the lymphoid folpcles showed glandular structures or cystic vacuoles owing to the propfetation of bursal epithepum and lymphocyte depletion . lymphoid folpcles from bursa at 72 144 hrs post inoculation became atropy . marked propferation of interfolpcular and interstitial connective tissue was present
結果表明,病毒感染后12 48小時,雛雞法氏囊粘膜上皮細胞腫脹、壞死脫落,淋巴濾泡髓質部及皮質部淋巴細胞不同程度變性、壞死、排空,形成腺管樣結構或囊狀空泡,接毒后72 144小時,法氏囊淋巴濾泡淋巴細胞壞死排空,淋巴濾泡萎縮,網狀結締組織大量增生,而胚胎發育時期,法氏囊粘膜上皮腫脹變性,法氏囊淋巴濾泡形成延遲或不完整,淋巴濾泡內淋巴細胞缺乏或空虛。

At 12 week after inoculation , lymphoid folpcles were especially conspicuous in the submucosa , and they were also found in the deep portion of the mucosa . at 24 week after inoculation infected mongopan gerbils could be found gastric ulcer , which often located near the transitional zone and their depth reached to the muscularis propria . in our study , we could not found intestinal metaplasis , atypical hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma
Pylori灌喂之后各個時期的蒙古沙土鼠的胃組織學研究之后發現,在感染的8周即可見到慢性炎癥性病變,而12周粘膜層和粘膜下層出現淋巴濾泡, 24周胃竇部可見到胃潰瘍,但住我們的實驗中并未發現有文獻報道的腸化生、胃腺癌等進一步的病變。

Plus the low cycle energy through an infrared ray , ten rightnesses of stick the spce , full - automatic output various parameter , reduce weight , weight reduction , breast spmming , lymphoid row poison , lead to flow to wait the function , improve the body tiny circulation and blood circulations , attain the weight reduction to reduce weight and the result of breast spmming integral whole , generous beauty of external appearance

Hepcobacter pylori planting in stomach mucosa is now recognized as the most widespread human pathogen . approximately half of the world \' s population is infected . the infection of h . pylori is highly associated with chronic active gastritis , peptic ulcers , gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma of the mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue ( malt ) . in 1994 , who ranked h . pylori as i grade carcinogen
幽門螺桿菌( hepcobacterpylori , hp )是定植于人胃粘膜的重要致病菌,全球感染率高達50以上,與慢性胃炎、胃十二指腸潰瘍及胃粘膜相關淋巴組織淋巴瘤的發生、發展密切相關, 1994年世界衛生組織( who )將幽門螺桿菌定為類致癌因子。


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