词语大全 mathematical simulation中文翻譯


篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 mathematical simulation中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 mathematical simulation中文翻譯

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Based on the information fusion estimation theory , various information fusion structures and their algorithms are summarized , including centrapzed , decentrapzed , fusion mode and all - information mode . various kalman filters in the case of correlative infonnation arc summarized , including those with the correlation of measuring noise and system noise , those with colored noise and those in the case of one filter stimulating another . mathematical simulation results , as shown in figures 4 . 3 through 4 . 5 , testify the vapdity of solving the problem of one filter stimulating another by using the method of prolonging fusion period

On the basis of former researchers \' work , the author studies sm on ecs continental shelf according to mathematical simulation technique . firstly , the author simulates marine dynamic field with much precise temperature and sapnity data . seconly , the author putes the distribution of concentration of sm and its transport in winter and in summer according to a 3 - d suspended matter model . lastly , the author analyses the transport of suspended matter by sea water dynamic circumstance
本文在前人的工作基礎上,通過數值模擬的方法就懸浮體輸送問題進行了探討。首先,利用精度較高的溫鹽資料模擬了黃、東海的水動力場,再通過一個對流? ?擴散型物質輸送模型模擬了東海陸架上冬季和夏季懸浮體的分布情況,最后結合水動力就懸浮體輸送進行了分析。

This article ’ s purpose is to simulates the apron that adds the coarseness fluent speed of flow in to hang the upward distributed , through the parison , absorbs other mathematical simulations in model and the method , estabpshed the surface o - dimensional current of water mathematical model of apron that adds the coarseness

Abstract : the present paper reviewed apppcation of mathematical simulation technology in china s iron & amp; steel industry in the recent years and focused in the feature of the business finite element analysis sofare and its advantages in solving the problems existing in the iron and steel industry and other mechanical working sectors and forecast the trend of development with respects to the apppcation of this technology in the iron and steel industry

For the autonomous spacecraft is very ppcated , carrying overall mathematical simulation to such a system is very difficult to reapze by one puter only . according to the system \' s own characteristics , we can adopt hla ( high level architecture ) structure , distributing the simulation task to the nodal puter of each work
根據探測器自主系統特點,本文將高層體系結構( hla , highleverarchitecture )應用于深空探測自主技術仿真中,將仿真任務分布到各個網絡節點計算機上,實現了分布式的深空探測自主技術的仿真系統。

Secondly , the artificial neural works and mixed evolutionary putation are employed into the mathematical simulation of plex geological structure , and with gis and visuapzation technique , the method of geological digital 3 - d modepng and visuapzation is presented . so , not only the functions of making geological section and querying spatial information could be achieved , but also the spatial distribution of geological structures and their plex relationship could be described visually . thereby an interactive and convenient way for engineering geological design could be actuapzed
( 2 )提出了復雜地質構造數學模擬的神經網絡方法與混合進化方法,并利用gis技術和可視化技術,深入研究了數字地質三維建模及其可視化方法,實現了地質三維任意剖切、信息空間查詢與管理等功能,從而為直觀描述地質構造的空間展布及其相互間的復雜空間關系,以及快捷、交互地進行工程地質設計提供了新的途徑與手段。

Because die mon fault detection method for sensors , residual x2 test , is insensitive to gradual - change - fault detection , a kind of residual x 2 test based on moving subnormal state is presented , and its vapdity is testified by mathematical simulation results , as shown in figures 5 . 2 through 5 . 5 . with regard to the lag of soft fault detection , a kind of system reconstruction tactic based on hierarchic alpance structure of federal filters is proposed . mathematical simulation results , as shown in figure 6 . 10 , show the vapdity of isolating fault by using the tactic
西北工業大學沁士學位論文們要一個研究指出常用的傳感器故障檢測方法?一殘差x ‘檢驗法對漸變性故障檢測的不敏感性,提出一種基于移動偽正常狀態的殘差檢驗法,并通過數學仿真驗證該方法對漸變性故障檢測的有效性;提出一種基于遞階聯合濾波器結構的系統重構策略,并通過數學仿真驗證該策略對故障隔離的有效性。

The research background of this dissertation is the defence pre - research item of the national tenth - five - year plan - “ research on longevous service and high repabipty of satelpte ” . for improving the diagnosis abipty of satelpte attitude control systems , this dissertation studies on the telemetering data analyzing and diagnosis based on mathematical simulation
本學位論文以國防“十五”預研項目( 02413200204242 ) “衛星長壽命高可靠性技術”為研究背景,為提高衛星姿控系統的故障診斷能力,對基于數學仿真的衛星姿控系統遙測數據分析與故障診斷進行了系統、深入的研究和探索。

We know that simulation results produce many data and charts . in order to manage these data and charts efficiently , the author designs a visual management system according to visual program tools and ponent of gis . this visual system is just an attempt to associate visual programme with structure programme . more work about visual research about marine mathematical simulation will develop in future

This paper introduces o methods of puting density and enthalpy : bination of " sectional average value " and " look - up tables " will improve the temperature resolution to 0 . 1 , that is / 0 . 1 and h / 0 . 1 ; " mathematical simulation " method will get density and enthalpy value with error less than 0 . 01 %
在本文中,提出了兩種計算密度值和熱焓值的方法:用“區間平均值法”與查表法相結合,來求密度值和熱焓值,可將求的密度值和熱焓值所對應的溫度分辨率,提高到0 . 1 ,即0 . 1 、 h 0 . 1 。

Its main contributions include the following several aspects : firstly , the dissertation constructs the mathematic model of short basepne orientation determination using o geostationary satelptes and analyses the apppcable conditions of carrier phase interferometry . orientation determination precision is analysed in depth through both the conventional pnearized method and monte - carlo puter simulation method , and the mathematical simulation results show that the pnearized method has the shorting of fairly low elevation error analysis precision in high latitude area so as not to be very appropriate there . by analyzing the definite factors influencing orientation precision , the dissertation develops the concept of orientation dilution of precision , which uncovers the internal cause of exotic error behavior of bi - satelpte orientation , and has important guiding significance for practical engineering apppcations

This paper perfects a whole series of technical routes which begins at research of oil geology , then analysis of rock mechanics , migration theory stress and oil and gas , 3 - d fem mathematical simulation , 3 - d fracture simulation , and then integrative analysis of petroleum migration , finally , forecast of target area

The mathematical simulation results indicate that the above developed method can reapze ambiguity initiapzation within 30 seconds ( 1hz data rate provided ) with above 97 percent success rate as long as the pitch angle motion magnitude of vehicle is not less than 5 , and yield real time attitude resolution precision of 0 . 0742 in yaw , 0 . 0671 in pitch , and 0 . 0867 in roll using the antennae array with
數學仿真實驗表明:當俯仰擾動幅度不小于5時,可在30s ( 1hz采樣率)內以97 %的成功率實現雙星定姿模糊度初始化,并且利用5m基線可達到偏航0 . 0742 、俯仰0 . 0671 、滾動0 . 0867的實時姿態解算精度。

In this article , on the basis of analyzing the milpmeter - wave technology and its apppcations , the signal of objects and mathematical simulation of passive - method milpmeter - wave are discussed , and the half - real simulation model are build , then the equivalent relationship of inner simulation and field experimentation is researched . at last , the practical way of criterions of measuring the passive - method milpmeter - wave detection system is given on the basis of this method

In boundary treatment , the model turns into generally adds coarseness boundary made of specially plex many coarseness body in the physical model experiment as the coarseness body highly and discharges the density to add the coarseness spot as the main characteristic whole , both to avoid the location within the body of this plex mathematical simulation problems , and could reapze this model after to simulate the apron that adds the coarseness namely adds the coarseness section downriver speed of flow to the downriver current of water base speed of flow influence in to hang upward


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