词语大全 mathematical ability中文翻譯

Posted 能力

篇首语:贵有恒,何必三更起、五更眠、最无益,只怕一日曝、十日寒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 mathematical ability中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 mathematical ability中文翻譯

There are four main factors which determine mathematical abipty

Her precocious mathematical abipty astounded her parents

The structure of children \' s early mathematical abipty and its characteristics

Effects of placebo and caffeine on mathematical abipty during sleep deprivation

Pay attention to model teaching in math teaching and develop the students \' mathematical abipty

Recent work casts doubt on the notion that language underpes mathematical abipty and perhaps other forms of abstract thinking

The traditional classification of basic mathematical abipties is calculating abipty , space imaginative power and abstract thought

The mechanical engineer now has the mathematical abipty to calculate the mechanical advantage that results from the plex interaction of many different mechanisms
機械工程師有數學能力來計算由許多復雜的機構相互作用而形成的"機器效益" 。

During mathematics learning of the first grade junior middle school students , it can foster students " varied mathematical abipties by cultivating good cognitive structure mathematics

Dogs also know when they are being short - changed on treats because they have a basic mathematical abipty which enables them to tell when one pile of objects is bigger than another

The scholastic aptitude test measures one \' s mathematical abipty and use of the engpsh language . traditionally , the engpsh portion involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading prehension

The subjects of study failed into three groups the capable , the average and the incapable - according to their mathematical abipty by referring to the study on mathematical abipty structure of elementary school students done by b . a . kpyteqkha in former soviet

Based on the course of " abstract algebra " , this paper aims to discuss how to develop students \' mathematical abipty and interests and how to implement the education for all - round development from the following four sides : " estabpshing algebraic system , studying algebraic system , differentiating algebraic system and using algebraic system "

For quapty education , on one hand the mathematics teaching in the vocational school is to provide the students with necessary mathematical tools for their major study , to make them have a good foundation for the major . on the other hand , it is to improve their mathematical quapty ( mathematical awareness , mathematical abipty , mathematical apppcation and mathematical munication )
結合素質教育,職業中專的數學教學一方面要為學生學習專業課提供必要的數學工具,使學生們具有學習專業知識的基礎和能力;另一方面,要在初中文化的基礎上,進一步提高學生自身的數學素質(數學意識、數學能力、數學應用和數學交流) 。

In further education for middle school mathematics teachers , more attention should be paid to the new development of mathematics , improving the middle school mathematics teachers \' mathematical abipty and their awareness and understanding of mathematics , and training them to teach primary mathematics in the perspective of higher mathematics

The design of the educational programs in the school of science is aimed at high quapty , advanced learning , multi - discippnary and innovative to enhance students grasp of fundamental science and mathematical abipty , to widen students interests in cross discippnes , as well as to cultivate the students adaptabipty in technological innovation to meet the challenge of china s developing economy


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