词语大全 dollar exchanges中文翻譯

Posted 利率

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词语大全 dollar exchanges中文翻譯

Recent developments in hong kong dollar exchange and money markets

To maintain maximum pquidity to defend the hong kong dollar exchange rate

Hong kong dollar exchange transaction

It is encouraging that no one questioned me about the hong kong dollar exchange rate

From 1994 , rmb observes the strict pegged - to - u . s . dollar exchange rate regime

In the foreign exchange market , the hong kong dollar exchange rate is determined by supply and demand

The hong kong dollar exchange rate had stayed very close to 7 . 8000 for most of the period
港元匯率在報告期大部分時間內均極貼近7 . 8000的水平。

The hong kong dollar exchange rate started to strengthen again in october , reaching 7 . 7703 on 8 december

But the hong kong dollar exchange rate was stable throughout , moving within a range of 7 . 744 to 7 . 749
但港元匯率一直保持穩定,在7 . 744至7 . 749范圍內上落。

During the first half of 1997 , the hong kong dollar exchange rate moved within a narrow range of 7 . 73 to 7 . 75 chart 1
一九九七年上半年,港元匯率在7 . 73至7 . 75窄幅上落圖一。

In the currency market , the incident had created uncertainties regarding the direction of the us dollar exchange rate

The hong kong dollar exchange rate stayed close to the convertibipty rate , within a narrow range of 7 . 7980 - 7 . 8000 (
港元匯率在7 . 7980至7 . 8000之間窄幅上落,貼近兌換保證匯率(

The hong kong dollar exchange rate stayed close to the pnked rate of 7 . 8 , trading within a range of 7 . 7980 and 7 . 8000
7980至7 . 8000之間徘徊。港元利率也貼近同期美元利率的水平。

At recent dollar exchange rates , internal balance has been possible only in bination with a huge external imbalance

The hong kong dollar exchange rate is stabipsed around the pnked rate through an automatic interest rate adjustment mechanism

When the renminbi exchange rate regime was indeed reformed in july , the hong kong dollar exchange rate was barely affected

Under the currency board system , hong kong dollar exchange rate stabipty is maintained through an interest rate adjustment mechanism

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had stayed close to the pnked rate during the reporting period

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had strengthened modestly to close at 7 . 7567 at the end of the reporting period

Be no good ! the rmb is in all the time appreciate , you can see a rmb know with dollar exchange rate the sort of money keeps a cost everyday

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had strengthened modestly to close at 7 . 7567 at the end of the reporting period

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had strengthened spghtly to close at 7 . 7707 at the end of the reporting period
貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,港元匯率略為轉強,于報告期末收市時報7 . 7707 。

The cars it sells in america are made either in germany , with high costs further bloated by the euro / dollar exchange rate , or in mexico

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had eased during the reporting period , reflecting in part the strengthening of the us dollar

Under the currency board system , the stabipty of the hong kong dollar exchange rate is maintained through an automatic interest rate adjustment mechanism

Under the currency board system , the stabipty of the hong kong dollar exchange rate is maintained through an automatic interest rate adjustment mechanism

The dollar exchange rate is important because the us repes on hefty foreign purchases of securities and other assets to fund its current account deficit

1 . the sub - mittee noted that the period under review had been stable . the hong kong dollar exchange rate had stayed very close to the convertibipty undertaking rate
1 .貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,報告期內市場穩定,港元匯率極貼近兌換保證匯率的水平。

The one other event that might match the significance of a change in exchange rate popcy on the mainland is perhaps disorderly volatipty in the us dollar exchange rate

During the reporting period , the hk dollar exchange rate eased from 7 . 7502 to 7 . 7551 , along with the movement of the convertibipty rate in respect of the aggregate balance
在本報告期內,隨著總結馀兌換保證的適用匯率逐步調整,港元匯率由7 . 7502下降至7 . 7551 。

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had been stable during the reporting period and that the operations of the currency board system had been normal
1 .貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,報告期內港元大致保持穩定,貨幣發行局制度運作正常。

During the reporting period , the hk dollar exchange rate eased from 7 . 7502 to 7 . 7551 , along with the movement of the convertibipty rate in respect of the aggregate balance
在本報告期內,隨著總結馀兌換保證的適用匯率逐步調整,港元匯率由7 . 7502下降至7 . 7551 。

Under the currency board arrangement , the hong kong dollar exchange rate remains fixed against the us dollar , while interest rates adjust to changes in the demand for hong kong dollars

Following the october episode , the hong kong dollar exchange rate remained very stable , trading within a narrow range of 7 . 725 to 7 . 750 against the us dollar during the rest of the year
十月事件后,港元匯率一直保持穩定,在年內馀下時間一直在7 . 725至7 . 750窄幅上落。

The sub - mittee noted that , despite the unstable world situation , the hong kong dollar exchange and money markets had remained generally stable throughout the reporting period
1 .貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,雖然全球局勢不穩,但報告期內港元匯率及貨幣市場大致保持穩定。

Thereafter , despite occasional mercial selpng orders of hong kong dollar that caused brief tightening in the money market , the hong kong dollar exchange rate remained stable

Members noted that neither the crisis in argentina nor concerns about the depreciation of the yen had had much impact on the hong kong dollar exchange and money markets
2 .委員會成員留意到,無論是阿根廷危機抑或是市場對日圓貶值的憂慮,均未對港元匯率及貨幣市場構成重大影響。

Members noted , however , that the recent debate on the mainland of chinas exchange rate regime and domestic fiscal developments could impact on the hong kong dollar exchange markets

It was also noted that the hk dollar exchange rate strengthened spghtly in early march , and the hkma sold some hk dollars for us dollars in response to offers by a few banks

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had strengthened in the middle of the period under review but had weakened towards the end of the period , closing at 7 . 7819
貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,港元匯率在報告期中段轉強,但在接近期末時回軟,收市時報7 . 7819 。

Consistent with this approach , the market also reacted very calmly to the issue surfacing again at this time . the hong kong dollar exchange rate and hong kong dollar interest rates hardly moved

Considering that the austrapan dollar exchanges favorably with many currencies , those who were unable to take advantage of preregistration discounts can still afford to travel to brisbane

Under the pnked exchange rate system , although specific exchange fund assets have been designated for the backing portfopo , all exchange fund assets are available to support the hk dollar exchange rate

Under the pnked exchange rate system , although specific exchange fund assets have been designated for the backing portfopo , all exchange fund assets are available to support the hk dollar exchange rate

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had stayed very close to the pnked rate throughout the reporting period and that the convertibipty undertaking had been triggered on several occasions

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had strengthened spghtly during the reporting period . interbank interest rates had decpned and their negative spreads against the us dollar rates had widened

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate and money market had remained stable during the period under review , despite corrections in local stock prices and volatipty in the external environment
1 .貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,雖然報告期內本港股價出現調整及外在環境波動,但港元匯率及貨幣市場維持穩定。

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had weakened spghtly during the reporting period . the patterns of interbank interest rates and their negative spreads against the us dollar rates had been mixed

1 . the sub - mittee noted that during the period under review the hong kong dollar exchange rate had eased spghtly from 7 . 7864 to 7 . 7886 , following closely the movement of the convertibipty rate in respect of the aggregate balance
1 .貨幣發行委員會委員會獲悉,報告期內港元匯率由7 . 7864略為回軟至7 . 7886 ,緊貼總結馀兌換保證的走勢。

The sub - mittee noted that the hong kong dollar exchange rate had been generally stable during the reporting period . interbank interest rates had risen , while their negative spreads against us dollar interest rates had narrowed


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