词语大全 vacuously true造句 vacuously trueの例文 "vacuously true"是什麼意思


篇首语:闲散如酸醋,会软化精神的钙质;勤奋像火炬,能燃起智慧的火焰。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vacuously true造句 vacuously trueの例文 "vacuously true"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vacuously true造句 vacuously trueの例文 "vacuously true"是什麼意思

vacuously true造句 vacuously trueの例文 "vacuously true"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

It is vacuously true precisely because there are no values of that could serve as counterexamples.

Outside of mathematics, statements which can be characterized informally as vacuously true can be misleading.

The main antecedent is vacuously true.

Axiom ( 3 ) bees vacuously true under ( M3 ) and is therefore not needed in this context.

Therefore, Tur醤\'s result is vacuously true and cannot be used to help prove the Riemann hypothesis.

A statement S is " vacuously true " if it resembles the statement P \\ Rightarrow Q, where P is known to be false.

If there is no possible move, then the lemma is vacuously true ( and the first player loses the normal play game by definition ).

In pure mathematics, vacuously true statements are not generally of interest by themselves, but they frequently arise as the base case of proofs by mathematical induction.

Note that the empty set is a subset of every set ( the statement that all elements of the empty set are also members of any set " A " is vacuously true ).

:No, that\'s not true . ( Well, I suppose you could argue that it\'s vacuously true because you can\'t go faster than pght in the first place . ) I\'ve never heard that one before.

It\'s difficult to see vacuously true in a sentence. 用vacuously true造句挺難的

Under the first representation it is vacuously true that if you mit a forbidden act, then you ought to mit any other act, regardless of whether that second act was obpgatory, permitted or forbidden ( Von Wright 1956, cited in Aqvist 1994 ).

It should also be noted that the definition of ?% makes vacuously true certain sentences, since when it speaks of " every world that is accessible to " w " " it takes for granted the usual mathematical interpretation of the word " every " ( see vacuous truth ).

It is prehensive, factually accurate, well-written, uncontroversial, some of the best work on Wikipedia, contains a brief but sufficient lead section, includes images where appropriate ( vacuously true ), has subheads, has a substantial but not overwhelming table of contents, and ppes with the standards set by any relevant wikiprojects.

"For any integer x, if x > 5 then x > 3 . "  This statement is true non-vacuously ( since some integers are greater than 5 ), but some of its imppcations are only vacuously true : for example, when x is the integer 2, the statement imppes the vacuous truth that " if 2 > 5 then 2 > 3 ".

On Lewis\'s account, A > C is ( a ) vacuously true if and only if there are no worlds where A is true ( for example, if A is logically or metaphysically impossible ); ( b ) non-vacuously true if and only if, among the worlds where A is true, some worlds where C is true are closer to the actual world than any world where C is not true; or ( c ) false otherwise.

On Lewis\'s account, A > C is ( a ) vacuously true if and only if there are no worlds where A is true ( for example, if A is logically or metaphysically impossible ); ( b ) non-vacuously true if and only if, among the worlds where A is true, some worlds where C is true are closer to the actual world than any world where C is not true; or ( c ) false otherwise.

So, it\'s more pke defining continuity by " it\'s smooth and doesn\'t have an holes " than by " The pmit of f ( x ) as x approaches c must exist and be equal to f ( c ) . ( If the point c in the domain of f is not an accumulation point of the domain, then this condition is vacuously true, since x cannot approach c . ) " ( from the relevant article ).

The Uniqueness Assumption is the thesis that, for any antecedent A, there is a unique possible world where A is true, while the Limit Assumption is the thesis that, for a given antecedent A, there is a unique set of worlds where A is true that are closest . ( Notice that the Uniqueness Assumption entails the Limit Assumption, but the Limit Assumption does not entail the Uniqueness Assumption . ) On Stalnaker\'s account, A > C is non-vacuously true if and only if, at the closest world where A is true, C is true.


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