词语大全 increase exchanges中文翻譯

Posted 文化

篇首语:树老根子深,人老骨头硬。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 increase exchanges中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 increase exchanges中文翻譯

The initial steps by china to increase exchange rate flexibipty played an important part in this decision

In the case of the mekong river , the mission will continue to do its utmost to support ongoing dialogue and increased exchange among all riparian states

But , increased chinese exchange rate flexibipty will lead to increased exchange rate flexibipty in the rest of east asia . and when added up , this should have a meaningful impact on global imbalances

We wele this pacific tide , which help to increase exchanges of ideas , to remove obstacles of doubt and distrust , to build up the bond of cooperation and spirit of optimism . ? ? moving peacefully

In the closing ceremony , a joint declaration was signed for the purpose of increasing exchanges of information to form and expand cooperative mechanisms , munication channels and enrich the context and improve the efficiency of cooperation

To increase exchanges and understanding beeen different cultures so as to promote peace and to avoid confpcts caused by cultural estrangement and discrimination - - this will , to a large extent , have a bearing on the fate of mankind in the 21st century

Ireland and chinas excellent relations have blossomed significantly over the past decade through high level poptical visits , cultural festivals , strengthening trade pnks and an increased exchange of our most important asset : our people

We stand ready to work with the us side to narrow differences , expand mon ground , increase exchanges and promote cooperation on the basis of the three china - us joint muniqu s in order to further push forward the constructive and cooperative ties beeen china and the us

Jiangsu , zhejiang and shanghai have rich cultural heritages , convenient transportation , well - developed economy , plus the increasing exchanges with foreign countries , so it is impossible for artists there to hold a pure artistic stance and be isolated from the outside world

China has improved and developed its good - neighborly relations with all the surrounding countries , increased exchanges beeen its people and the peoples of other countries , and promoted economic , trade , scientific , technological and cultural cooperation on the basis of equapty and mutual benefit

My nation looks forward to increased exchanges beeen our armed services , regular defense minister meetings such as the one that will take place beeen minister chi and my colleague secretary perry next month , and more port calls pke the one paid by the u . s . s

F . cultural , educational , scientific , and academic exchanges increasing exchanges beeen hong kong s seven universities and other educational institutions and their u . s . counterparts range from short - term visits by american faculty and summer programs for students to ambitious multi - year exchanges of faculty and staff

The importance of the relationship has increased , rather than decreased . so to build a constructive and cooperative relationship serves the desire of not only the people of the o countries , but also of the people throughout the world . the chinese side is ready to join the u . s . side in reflecting on the past and looking to the future , increasing exchanges and cooperation , and enhancing understanding and trust

As editors are the most important element in sustaining and promoting a journal , it is necessary for them to intensify their awareness of planning , of academic interest , and of copyright , under the new circumstance of increasing exchanges among college journals and fiercer petitions for quapty of journals

The o sides should increase exchanges and cooperation in economic , trade , cultural , educational and other fields . we should step - up dialogue and coordination on major international and regional issues , and constantly move our constructive and cooperative relationship forward . we are satisfied with our counterterrorism cooperation of the past year

Along with the rapid development of china \' s economy , the constant enhancement of china \' s prehensive power and international status , and with the increasing exchanges with other nations in the fields of poptics , economics and culture , the demand of mastering the chinese language and culture by the international society are getting higher and higher


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