词语大全 商品零售價格指數的英文

Posted 商品

篇首语:行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 商品零售價格指數的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 商品零售價格指數的英文

Consumer price index and retail price index by region

Retail price index : reflects the general change in retail prices of modities

Before 1994 , price indices of means of agricultural production was a sub - category in the in the retail price indices of modities , and it has been piled separately since 1994

Retail price index refers to the prices at which industrial , mercial , catering and other retail enterprises sell daily consumer goods and products for office use to urban and rural residents and institutions and social organizations

According to the queuing analysis of 606 kinds of modities made by the all - china mercial information center , in the first half of this year the supply - demand balanced and oversuppped modities accounted for 98 . 3 percent , of which 87 . 2 percent of industrial consumer goods were in excess supply , the situation of oversuppped farm and sidepne products further expanded , although the total value of retail sales of social consumer goods and the total sale value of the means of production witnessed a fairly large increase over last year \' s same period , due to aggregate supply outdoing aggregate demand , however , in the first quarter the nation \' s modity retail price index dropped by 2 . 9 percent , residents \' consumer price fell by 1 . 4 percent , the price of the means of production continued to fall
據中華全國商業信息中心對606種商品排隊分析,今年上半年供求平衡與供過于求的商品占98 . 3 % ,其中87 . 2 %工業消費品供過于求,主要農副產品供大于求的狀況進一步擴大,全社會消費品零售總額與全社會生產資料銷售總額雖比去年同期有較大幅度增加,但由于總供給大于總需求,一季度全國商品零售價格指數同比下降2 . 9 % ,居民消費價格下降1 . 4 % ,生產資料價格也持續下降。


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词语大全 零售   [líng shòu]什么意思

零售  [língshòu][零售]基本解释1.直接售给消费者2.做零卖或分发的生意[零售]详细解释零卖。把商品不成批地卖给消费者。如:零售商店;零售价格。[零售]百科解释“批发”