词语大全 freezing damage中文翻譯

Posted 混凝土

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词语大全 freezing damage中文翻譯

Prevention method and freezing damage of hydraupc structures at season freezing soil irrigation areas

Caution : to avoid freeze damage to the test kit , it should be stored in a dry , warm area when not in use

New growth wilted , or burned . . . too much fertipzer , cold drafts , hot drafts , too dry , sunburn , too warm , or freeze damage
新芽枯萎發焦. . .施肥過多,冷穿堂風,熱穿堂風,太干,日炙,太暖,或冰凍損害。

The frozen damage of slab - foundation of channel irrigation structures in the northeast of china is the most serious and includes the general characteristics of frozen damage of the channel irrigation structures

Through a systematic research , the author enter to provide the theoretical basis for selecting reasonable index of normal frozen - heave forces and the technology for preventing and controlpng frozen damage

This paper unfolds engineering disposition and theoretical research of negative temperature high performance concrete ( nthpc ) with the damage of many factors motivation , the project background based on qing - zang railway engineering , which is one of four - emphasized engineering during the tenth five - plan . due to the difference of environment of construction and service beeen nthpc and ordinary concrete , and therefore durabipty of nthpc is required to higher level . at a first , nthpc must avoid frozen damage at early age and possess anti - freezing property at later period , in order to meet engineering practicable apppcation need , and this are o emphasized and difficult problems , as for nthpc ; by means of mechanism analysis about deicing - agent ingredient and anti - freezing at early period , adopting posite technique routine of mineral addition + anti - freezing element + water - reducer4 - air - entraining + anti - erosion of steel ponent etc , based on orthogonal experimental approach , fd - 1 posite functional admixtu re was manufactured , which has more property and orientation on qing - zang railway
負溫混凝土由于和普通混凝土在施工環境及服役環境上存在的差異,因此表現為比普通混凝土更為較高的耐久性要求;負溫混凝土首先要避免早期的凍害以及具備長期抗凍性能,才能夠滿足工程實際應用的要求,這也是負溫混凝土必須解決的兩大技術關鍵;通過對目前常用防凍劑組分作用機理的分析研究及混凝土早期防凍機理探討,采用礦物外加劑+防凍組分+高效減水劑+引氣+阻銹組分功能復合的技術路線,通過正交試驗設計復配了適應青藏鐵路工程要求的專用多功能復合型外加劑fd - 1 ;并在此基礎上配制不同等級負溫高性能混凝土,開展一系列包括硫酸鹽侵蝕、氯離子滲透、抗凍融循環、收縮及耐磨性等耐久性能研究;通過對fd - 1組分和摻量的調整,優化負溫混凝土在施工特性、力學指標和耐久性三個方面的兼容、協調性。

The patibipty and harmony among workabipty , mechanical grade and durabipty are optimized , with the ground of adjusting position and dosage of fd - 1 ; after analyzing anti - freezing damage mechanism , it is concluded that temperature is main factor , which affects structure and property of concrete . after o processes of temperature - elevation of hydration heat and temperature - descent of cold - environment , there is original damage in concrete and its existence leads to temperature fields , as results in temperature damage on transition phase > aggregate and cement mortar of concrete

Abstract : based on the fundamental principle of hypothesis strain equivalence , ias investigated a physical concept of high strength concrete at minus temperature ( hscmt ) freezing damage parameter , the elastic modulus of frost concrete with anti freeziug admixture and without antifreezing admixture built and it was analyzed their variate process and the condition adaptated . it is purpose to judge hscmt frost failure process
文摘:從應變等效性假說的基本原理出發,研究了負溫混凝土凍結損傷參數? ?彈性模量法中受凍后測試的損傷混凝土彈性模量的物理概念,從而分析了摻防凍劑混凝土及不摻防凍劑混凝土受凍后的彈性模量變化過程及其選用該參數的適應性條件,為判斷負溫高強混凝土材料凍結失效過程提供保證。

The aim of this thesis studies frozen - heave forces on culvert brake slab - foundation . first , it introduces the reasons and types of frozen damage of the slab - foundation in seasonal frozen soil conditions . secondly , the experimental studies of frozen soil mechanics were decided in order to revolve frozen - heave forces on the slab - foundation

If the hose is left on the figure 85 and 90m in freezing weather , the valve \' s self - draining feature will protect the sillcock from freeze damage if : 1 ) the nozzle is not left affixed to the hose ; and 2 ) the entire hose length is on a plane lower than the fixed position of the frostproof sillcock
如果型號85和90m的軟管位于冰凍氣候中,閥門的自排泄功能將會保護灑水龍頭不會凍壞,如果: 1 )灑水龍頭出口沒有連接軟管;或2 )整個軟管長度都位于防凍灑水龍頭的連接點下方。


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