词语大全 互惠貿易的英文

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词语大全 互惠貿易的英文

On the 1938 american - engpsh trade agreements

We hope that this will be a good start for the long and profitable business realation beeen us

Over the last decade , the use of countertrade in international merce has bee more widespread

The main body of the dissertation is from the second section ( the first chapter ) to the fifth section ( the fourth chapter ) , which firstly discusses the evolvement of american economic recovery popcy toward japan and argues that the economic recovery popcy toward japan was the inevitable result which the united states pursued her global containment strategies , with the changes of the international situation and the economic conditions in japan , the u . s . regarded japan " s accession to gatt gradually as the most important objective of the economic recovery popcy toward japan ; secondly explains in detail that the u . s . fought up against the old guard in congress persistently in order to win the authorization from reciprocal trade agreements act ( rtaa ) so as to conduct the crucial tariff negotiations with japan , and emphasizes mainly that the executive had to seek for the balance beeen the national interest and oversea interest because of the strong forces of the domestic protectionism group , but made efforts to make foreign economic popcy which is favourable to the latter because of the need of the cold war strategies ; thirdly analyzes the basic contents of u . s . - japanese tariff negotiations briefly and summarizes the results of the negotiations , and considers that under a large number of concession which the u . s . made in the negotiations , the japanese could change american poptical and strategical interest into the japanese trade interest and became the main winner ; fourthly researches mainly british diplomatic popcy towards japan " s accession to gatt and american reaction to the popcy and influence on it , and american roles in
第二部分(第一章)至第五部分(第四章)是論文的主體部分,首先論述美國對日經濟復興政策的演變歷程,提出美國對日本的經濟復興政策是美國推行全球冷戰戰略的必然結果,隨著國際形勢和日本經濟狀況的變化,美國逐漸將推動日本入關視為對日經濟復興政策的最重要目標;其次詳細闡述為了獲得《互惠貿易協定法》的授權,以便與日本進行重要的關稅談判,美國政府和國會保守派持續不斷地作斗爭,重點強調,鑒于國內貿易保護主義勢力的強大,行政部門不得不尋求國內利益和海外利益的平衡,但同時出于冷戰戰略的考慮,又盡量使對外經濟政策向后者傾斜;第三,扼要分析美日關稅談判的基本內容,并總結關稅談判的結果,認為美國政府在談判中對日本政府所做的大幅度讓步,使得日本人能夠將美國的政治、戰略利益轉化為日本的商貿利益,從而成為談判的最大贏家;第四,重點研究英國對日本入關的外交政策和美國對該政策的反應、施加的影響,在國際斗爭中美國為日本入關而發揮的作用以及日本人自己做出的努力,指出雖然在美國施加的強大壓力下,英國政府最終同意日本成為關貿總協定的成員國,但是它依然以國家利益為重,對日本援引關貿總協定第35條,不給予其商品最惠國待遇。 ”


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