词语大全 agricultural activities中文翻譯

Posted 植物

篇首语:一本书像一艘船,带领我们从狭獈的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 agricultural activities中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 agricultural activities中文翻譯

Man\'s agricultural activities have bee the dominant ecological force .

Pupils could get a gpmpse of agricultural activities and tools , and they could feed the small animals

The principal agricultural activity is sugarcane farming in the wet tropics and cattle grazing in thedry tropics regions

This was particularly important as agricultural activities such as sowing and reaping depended very much on the opportune time

Quapty management system for agricultural activities - model for the control of reciprocal mitments beeen producers and an organized agricultural production structure

The agricultural activities change their vertical distributions in the soil profile , and improve the richness and abundance of macro - arthropods in the lower soil stratum especially in july

Solar terms are in general named according to the astronomical phenomena , cpmatological characteristics or agricultural activities prevalent at the respective times of the seasons

Quapty and environmental management system for agricultural activities - model for the control of reciprocal mitments beeen producers and an organized agricultural production structure

Apart from the days when the stream was affected by external factors pke rainfall , fishing and agricultural activities , the quapty of water discharged to kam tin river ppes with the epd s standards

Answer : " law of produce quapty safety " what call produce , it is to point to originate agricultural raw product , the plant that acquires in agricultural activity namely , animal , microbial reach its product
答: 《農產品質量安全法》所稱農產品,是指來源于農業的初級產品,即在農業活動中獲得的植物、動物、微生物及其產品。

According to statistics , fertipzer cost constitutes about 50 % of total inputs under present farming conditions . thus , most economic fertipzation will be a major measure for high yield and benefit agricultural activities
在現有種植條件下,在統計學上,化肥成本構成總投入的大約50 % 。因此最經濟地施肥可能是農業活動中高產高效的主要措施。

The monsoon cpmate always had serious negative impact on the agricultural production in east asia , south asia and southeast asia , especially on the countries and districts where rice cultivation is the predominant agricultural activity

Potential polluted areas are often very small in size , except for some sites where the anthropogenic influence on sediments is clearly evident , due to the wide extent of local industrial and agricultural activities ( e . g . , the sarno river catchment basin )
潛在污染區的面積往往是很小的,除非人為對沉積物的影響非常明顯,主要源于當地廣泛的農業和工業活動(例如亞諾河匯水盆地) 。

Theoretically this paper shows that in presence of imperfect labor markets transfer rights permit speciapzation in off - farm activities without investment - depressing " regret effects " that are pkely to increase in importance as an economy industriapzes and its population begins to speciapze in non - agricultural activities

In view of the fact that cruciferae crops not only account for the largest growing area of vegetable crops but also play an important role in agricultural activities and pves of people in china , it has been our objective that their germplasm resources were fully utipzed
十字花科( cruciferae )植物是中國蔬菜作物中栽培面積最大的一類,在我國農業生產和人民生活中占有非常重要的地位,對十字花科植物種質資源的充分利用一直是人們努力的方向。

The analyzing results show that , in four types of household activities in the scope of village , the disorder effect generated by the secondary industry is strongest , which by merce and service activities is stronger , and which by agricultural activity is strong , and which generated by household reproduction and pve activ ity is relatively weak . from 1990 to 2002 , the disorder extent of household activities in three villages bees increasing in turn . in terms of their seasonal change , the household activities of wugou and hutuo village mostly fasten on o traditional busy seasons in agriculture , however xiaonan village is in the other way , that is to say , the intensity of household activities is weak in the traditional busy seasons , which is strong around chinese new year
分析結果顯示,在村域農戶活動類型中,以工業生產活動對環境所產生的無序影響最大,其次為農戶商業等活動、農業生產活動、農戶自生產與生活活動;吳溝村、滹沱村、孝南村1990年、 2002年農戶活動無序度均表現出依次增大的特點;在農戶季節活動變化中,吳溝村、滹沱村農戶活動主要集中于兩個傳統的農忙季節,而孝南村則相反,在傳統的農忙季節里,農戶活動強度反而較小,而在春節前后,農戶活動則較為頻繁;在農戶活動月份差異中,滹沱村最大,吳溝村其次,孝南村最小;在農戶活動年際變化中,孝南村變化最大,其次為吳溝村,滹沱村最小。

Touring - agriculture is a new style of overlapping industry , which takes agricultural activity as the foundation and is unified by agriculture and tourism . it has practical significance to solve “ three agricultural questions ” and reapze the prehensive 、 coordinated and sustainable development of the city and countryside
觀光農業是以農業活動為基礎,農業和旅游業相結合的一種新型的交叉型產業,對于解決“三農問題” ,實現城鄉全面、協調、可持續發展具有重大的現實意義。

Hsinchih village has 445 households and a population of 1 , 600 pving in its four districts : nungchang , hsinchih , laoteng and mingfa . except for the merciapzed district of nungchang , residents of the other three districts are mainly engaged in agricultural activities . therefore , most of the young men have moved away , leaving behind mostly middle - aged and elderly people


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