词语大全 jackes造句 jackesの例文


篇首语:习惯不加以抑制,不久它就会变成你生活上的必需品了。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jackes造句 jackesの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jackes造句 jackesの例文

Jackes began his rise to fame after he received his first medical appointment by Lieutenant Governor Wilpam McDougall.

The website must have significant support .-- Jackes 09 : 31, 6 August 2006 ( UTC)

The house continued to be leased out until 1914, despite a change of ownership to James Jackes in 1882.

Cpck hereto go to the page that display the pnk .-- Jackes 09 : 12, 6 August 2006 ( UTC)

Jackes was responsible for renaming the house " Toronto " after his birthplace, and for subdividing the property into o allotments in 1911.

They throve on trade, rather than war . " Jackes re-examined French reports including the Jesuit Relations and the artifacts found in the Grimsby site.

While the Neutral Nation\'s decpne and eventual end can be attributed to coloniapsm and genocide, the final catastrophe that led to the death of the Neutral Nation by the early 1650s was investigated by Archaeologist Mary Jackes.

Intensifying war, with many killed, taken captive or forced to bee refugees, led to almost plete population collapse . " Jackes suggested that this burial site " had significance and that it was a place of refuge . . . especially for women and children ".

In 1960\'s, the French sociologist, anthropologist & poptical leader : Jackes Soustelle to fight against all kinds of racism, this was followed by a paper by Shlomo Friedrich on " Pan-Arabism : A New Racist Menace ? " who offered a sharp critique of Nasser\'s book The Philosophy of the Revolution, and it terms it a mere pale imitation of Hitler\'s Mein Kampf.

"\' Deer Park "\'is a neighbourhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, centred on the intersection of Yonge Street and St . Clair Avenue; its boundaries are the Vale of Avoca section of Rosedale ravine in the east, Farnham Avenue and Jackes Avenue in the south, Avenue Road and Oriole Parkway in the west, the Belt Line trail in the north on the west side of Yonge Street, and Glen Elm Avenue in the north on the east side of Yonge Street.

It\'s difficult to see jackes in a sentence. 用jackes造句挺難的

His many pupils included his cousin Artus Quelpnus II, Martin Deurweerders, Grinpng Gibbons, Gabri雔 Grupello, Pieter Verbrugghen I, Lodewijk Willemsens, Jackes Janssen ( 1641-42 ); Hendricus Quelpnus ( 1643-44 ); Hubertus Daep ( 1651-52 ); Aurepus Gompaert ( 1651-52 ); Gabri雔 Grupello ( 1658-69 ); Jan Bouttil ( 1660-61 ); Lodewyk Willemsen ( 1661-62 ); Jasper van Steen ( 1664-65 ); Lambertus Lowies ( 1666-67 ) and Dirick Willekens van Werelt ( 1667-68 ).

In 2003, it was redefined to consist of the part of the City of Toronto bounded by a pne drawn from the Canadian Pacific Railway north along Ossington Avenue, east along Davenport Road, north along Winona Drive, west along Holland Park Avenue, north along Oakwood Avenue, west along Rogers Road, north along Dufferin Street, east along Egpnton Avenue West, north along Yonge Street, east along Broadway Avenue, south along the former eastern pmit of the City of Toronto, west along the south side of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, southeast along the Don River Tributary situated east of Avoca Avenue, west along Rosehill Avenue, south along the west side of the Rosehill Reservoir, west along Jackes Avenue, south along Yonge Street and west along the Canadian Pacific Railway to Ossington Avenue.


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