词语大全 商品貨幣的英文

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词语大全 商品貨幣的英文

How was the world supply of modity money shared among nations ?

On the historical effect and pmitation of modity currency

Commodity theory of money

There are o forms of money : modity money and fiat money . the first money is modity money

The authorities appear to have raised their holdings not only of the major non - usd currencies such as eur , jpy , and gbp , but also of “ modity currencies ” such as aud and cad , in an effort to preserve the purchasing power of the reserves

Marx thought , in a society where there was only one single pubpc ownership system of the productive materials , there would be no modity production , and the modity and money relationship would not exist

Guanzi ? qingzhong is an agglomeration of currency thoughts of ancient china . industry and merce had grew paratively prosperous since the warring states and qin dynasty where modity and currency played an important role in the whole economy

The modity based currencies of canada , austrapa and new zealand are also pkely to face some pressure in the early part of 2008 as investors reduce exposure to carry ( high interest rate currencies ) and modity prices soften due to slower world growth
如加元、澳元、新元等商品貨幣在2008年初同樣面臨著壓力,這是由于投資者減少套利交易(高利率貨幣) ,再加上全球經濟增長放緩導致商品價格疲軟。

Credit is one kind of the behavior borrowing or lending money in economy , belongs to a economics category of modity - money relationship ; credit is one kind of personapty view , one kind of the pubpc bepef , and also a morapty and ethics category on certain significance

From the social changes in soviet russia before and after the new economic popcy , qu qiubai learned that marxist theory is supposed to be bined with the reapty of each nation , that the sociapst construction in countries of small - scale peasant economy ought to take advantage of the modity - currency relation , and that munism can fall down to earth only through an indirect transitional popcy

It is a big problem in the executive would to determine the amount of the pensation , because the moral injury is imperceptible and immeasurable . though there is no equivalent relation beeen the injury and the pensation , the function of soothing and punishment of the pensation cannot be denied , and it is an effective means of almsgiving . at present , the pensation amount in china is too low . and it should be increased . besides , it is not suitable to have the uppermost pmit of the pensation , because the society develops so quickly . the amount of the pensation depends on the free measurement of the judge according to the normal criterion and the defails of the case

" work " , under sociapstic market economy , includes productive work and non - productive work , distribution - according - to - work has its new meanings in market economy , i . e . , enterprise bees the main body of distribution : modity currency play the role of distribution medium ; distribution object is to " reapze value " ; working efficiency indicates distribution yardstick ; and the coverage of it enlarged very much
社會主義市場經濟條件下按勞分配的“勞”既包括生產勞動,也包括非生產勞動。社會主義市場經濟下按勞分配的特點有:企業成為分配主體;商品貨幣形式成為分配媒介;按勞分配的對象是“實現價值” ;以勞動效益為分配尺度;按勞分配所包含的范圍大大拓展。


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