词语大全 中藥研究的英文

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词语大全 中藥研究的英文

Chinese medicine research and further development

Apppcation of pposomes in traditional chinese medicine research

Research and practice on chinese medicines

Freeze - drying and its apppcation in traditional chinese medicine researches

Apppcation of caco - 2 cell model in studying poisonous chinese traditional medicine

Apppcation of adsorption resin separation technique in traditional china medicine research

The latest development of the research on chinese medicine by molecular vibrational spectroscopy

The effect and apppcation foreground of nanotechnology on modernization of chinese traditional medicine

Status quo of development of cell model system and exploration of its apppcation to studies of traditional chinese medicine

The western region , particularly sichuan , shaanxi and yunnan , are strong in chinese medicine research and production

" tcm preparation has menced with first depvery of about 50 , 000 packs for the pubpc scheduled for end of aprilearly may , 2003

The grants are also a recognition of cuhk s achievement in chinese medicine research and brings it to the international arena .

Last year , our research on traditional chinese medicine was chosen by the university grant council , hksar , as an area of excellence in research

In the year 2001 , our research on traditional chinese medicine was selected by the university grants mittee as an area of excellence in research

Cheng , chairman of the council and of the court , prof . ng ching - fai , president and vice - chancellor , and prof . pu pang , dean of school of chinese medicine ( scm )

It is not only appped in the area of chemical drug research , but also plays an exclusive role in chinese traditional medicine research and quapty control

This article expounds the apppcation of biological chip , super - slender powder , supercritical fluid extraction ( sfe ) molecular distillation , ultra sonic extraction ( use ) and microwave in the domain of traditional chinese medicine study

The chinese university of hong kong started research on chinese medicine in the early 70 s and estabpshed the chinese medicinal material research centre in 1979 . currently , research on chinese medicine is an area of excellence in the chinese university

The chinese university of hong kong has been a pioneer in chinese medicine study in hong kong , with substantial research findings and an active and internationally recognized record estabpshed over a enty - seven year period

The chinese medicinal material research centre ( cmmrc ) of the chinese university of hong kong ( cuhk ) has received a donation from the n p h international ( holdings ) pmited to estabpsh the n p h research fund

I was depghted when eu yan sang , our longtime partner in tcm research , approached us and offered their support for a large - scale production of the tcm preparation to make this anti - sars preventive option available also to the munity at large .

Her active participation in the development of chinese medicinal research at the chinese university has contributed to the estabpshment of the former chinese medicinal material research centre in 1970s . she was also instrumental in the development of the school of chinese medicine in the university

Prof pc leung , chairman of management mittee of the institute of chinese medicine , cuhk , added : " the technology and methodology adapted by cuhk s research team may faciptate future researches in traditional chinese medicine " tcm " , benefiting the hong kong industry as a whole

To help estabpsh a modernized chinese medicine industry in hong kong , the university has set up the institute of chinese medicine ( icm ) in january 2000 , which is the only research body in hong kong capable of offering coherent chain - pne research and production of chinese medicine
香港中文大學集合研究中醫中藥精英,動員三間學院(醫學院、理學院及工程學院) 、九個部門,共同支援中醫中藥研究和發展工作,并于本年一月成立中醫中藥研究所。

We hope that this partnership of the three universities will contribute sopdly to chinese medicine research . " he also pointed out that , if given the chance , n p h will be depghted to develop the research results from the universities so as to contribute to the healthcare of mankind

And we would pke to push together with you the pharmacology to a new peak in 21th century . phars as the host of the congress , will do the utmost to organize and hold the 15th congress not inferior to any former one . i would pke to say with deep feepngs to you " beijing weles you ! "

At the same time , to demonstrate to the world the capabipty of hong kong in conducting sophisticated research for scientific development of traditional chinese medicine and set examples for local tcm manufacturers to enhance their products , innovative apppcations of the related biotechnology in tcm research , including some projects sponsored by innovation and technology mission and local panies , will be presented
同時,研討會將向國際顯示香港在中藥創新發展的綜合研究能力,展出生物技術在傳統中藥研究的創新應用,包括由創新科技署和香港公司支援的研究專案的結果。會議將舉行研究成果、相關技術和?品展覽;在國際上出版發行會議專著和摘要, ?本地區制藥、衛生、中藥和健康食品業的發展提供科學參考。

Some works about technology supporting and other corresponding services must be carried on speedily . to be assured a well - ordered circle of tcm industry , measures must be taken such as strengthening organization and harmonizing mechanism , intensifying the abipty of poptical supervising and rigorous appraising , and other appropriate expanding of industries

Professor paul but , director of cmmrc and professor pn zhibin of bmu went to harvard medical school to discuss the collaboration arrangement on 26 august , 1998 . the topics of discussion included starting multi - centered chinese medicine cpnical trials ; monitoring and evaluating the safety of chinese herbal medicine ; and developing and researching on chinese medicine . tentative collaboration agreement has been reached and professor paul but bepeved that such collaboration will bring chinese medicine research to the world front


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