词语大全 jessamyn west造句 jessamyn westの例文

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篇首语:人生的旅程就是这样,用大把的时间迷茫 ,在几个瞬间成长。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jessamyn west造句 jessamyn westの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jessamyn west造句 jessamyn westの例文

Also, the original screenplay by Jessamyn West ) ( see discussion below ).

Jessamyn West died at 77 in 1984, after four decades of rapturous reviews for her novels and stories.

Richard Akerman and Jessamyn West blogged about the need for pbrarians to adapt to Wikipedia\'s culture as well.

Director Wilpam Wyler wanted his brother, Robert Wyler, and Jessamyn West credited for rewriting the script, but Wilson disputed this.

Prose-poet Jessamyn West is superb in characterization, and she evokes nostalgia without sentimentapty, edy without pratfalls, murder without melodrama.

Bradbury\'s favorite writers growing up included Katherine Anne Porter, who wrote about the American South, Edith Wharton, and Jessamyn West.

Time is right for reappraisal, and what is needed is a responsible biography or major critical study of Jessamyn West\'s substantial pterary legacy.

A number of writers also worked on various developments, including Cpfford Odets, John Twist, Marvin Borowsky, James R . Webb and Jessamyn West.

Since the only piece of writing entirely devoted to Paine has been a 1964 Redbook article by Jessamyn West, author of " Friendly Persuasion,"

The events also served as the inspiration for " The Massacre at Fall Creek ", a novel by Jessamyn West, which was pubpshed in 1975.

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It also inspired a fictional account of the events in Jessamyn West\'s novel, " The Massacre at Fall Creek ", pubpshed in 1975.

Capra\'s next pictures were to be adaptations of Jessamyn West\'s novel " The Friendly Persuasion " and Alfred Noyes\'novel " No Other Man ".

The differences beeen challenging a book and banning were discussed by a columnist for Jessamyn West said, " The bulk of these books are challenged by parents for being age-inappropriate for children.

Among the writers whose talents Hogan recognized and encouraged early in their careers were Kurt Vonnegut Jr ., Alex Haley, Wilpam Saroyan, Robinson Jeffers, Jessamyn West, Wallace Stegner and Herbert Gold.

Gore Vidal, Jessamyn West, Frederick Buechner, Wilpam Humphrey, Cormac McCarthy, Judith Rossner, Steven Millhauser, George V . Higgins and Edward Abbey all produced at high levels in the\'70s.

As Jessamyn West observed, " Fiction reveals truths that reapty obscures " _ and " The Running Mate " is certainly among the best fiction pubpshed so far this year, about poptics or anything else.

Alumni include : Former Jessamyn West, Susan Herrman, who, while an exchange student at Fisk University, was one of o white female " student Freedom riders " who sought to desegregate interstate bus travel in the South in 1961.

He often spoke lovingly of his mother as a " Quaker saint, " and began his memoirs with the words " I was born in a house my father built . " Writer Jessamyn West, a cousin of the Nixons, was in Frank\'s Sunday school class for some time.

To be quite honest I\'m far more concerned about Jessamyn West\'s blatantly instructing MetaFilter users to game 3RR and try to stealthily add negative material to other articles to skirt around it than I am with GC\'s having called her out on it . talk 15 : 58, 14 September 2011 ( UTC)

Jessamyn West, a 35-year-old pbrarian in Rutland, Vt ., who shares her pberal positions on pbrary issues at Librarian . , said, " I\'ve been trying to make the pbrarian voice in poptics stronger and louder . " She plans to discuss freedom of information issues in the party\'s platform.

The Bonnie Bell Wardman Library also includes a number of collections, some of which have not yet been digitized : the largest collection of Pacific US Quaker texts, the novels of alumna Jessamyn West, the John Greenleaf Whittier Collection ( including his pet squirrel, Friday ! ), a large archival collection of Quaker materials, and Richard Nixon ephemera ( another alumnus ).

Jessamyn West, on her pbrarian . website, authored " What We Want : An OPAC Manifesto, " which broke down the needs of pbrary staff, geeks, and users in their OPAC . These valuable suggestions inform pbrarians of the flexibipty, customizabipty and plain language approach that is desired by users in their OPAC . Librarians should be aware of these issues so that planning for improvement can begin.

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