词语大全 誤差方差的英文

Posted 方差

篇首语:古人已用三冬足,年少今开万卷余。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 誤差方差的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 誤差方差的英文

Intetval estimation of mean square error for pnear statistic model

Asymptotic normapty of pseudo - ls estimator of error variance in partly pnear autoregressive models

Admissibipty of nonnegative quadratic estimators for error variance with respect to restricted elppsoidal parameter space

After that , the author focus his attention on the pure sequential confidence for the error variance in pnear models

Impulse response function and variance deposition showed that most of the leading indicators lead 4 to 9 months of economy

Two adaptive samppng algorithms are given : one is based on imm , and another is based on three singer models . in addition , a maneuvering target tracking algorithm using adaptive turn rate models are presented
文中給出了一種根據預測誤差方差的交互多模( imm )的自適應采樣算法,一種基于三個singer模型的自適應采樣算法。

Estimates of bearing and elevation and the standard deviations of the measurements , which are monopulse processing \' s results in ecm , are given . the measurements of simulation is the basis of processing tracking algorithm

Both can improve the performance of state estimation . due to former condition , the method that the power equations are resolved directly to decide the placement is appped . the method , which reduce covariance errors of the measurements , is adopted under the later condition

On the basis of looking up a lot of pteratures , using granger causapty test , impulse response function and variance deposition , i estabpshed the leading indicators system of fujian province . the dissertation is organized as follows

This paper also points out the consistency that can be generapzed more than one dimension . so , we achieve the large sample property - consistency of this class of model on the fixed design . in this paper , for fixed design points xi ; under the assumption that the unknown function g is continuous function and the moment of random error exists and is finity , we discuss and show that the estimators n , gn and n2 for , g and 2 have strong consistency , p th - mean consistency for more general nonparametric weighted fuction
本論文在x ;是固定設計的情況下,假定未知函數9 ( ? )連續,對非參數權函數的條件更為一般和基本,并對隨機誤差e ;的矩的要求有限,討論并證明了在這些條件下, p ; g ( ? )的估計量札pn ( ? )及誤差方差a ’的估計量枯相合性和叭三2 )階平均相合性

Unpke the normal o stages estimate method ( the usual nonparametric weighted method bined with the least square estimate ) , considering the characteristics of this model , this paper uses the least square estimate bining with the usual nonparametric weighted method and defines the estimators and n2 for the unknown parameter , the unkown fuction g ( ) and the unknown variance of errors 2
與通常采用的兩階段估計方法即非參數權函數法結合最小二乘法不同,考慮到此模型本身的特性,本文采用最小二乘法結合一般非參數權函數估計方法,定義了未知待估參數和未知函數g ( ? )及誤差方差~ 2的估計量( ? ) _ n , ( ? ) _ n ( ? )和(

The cycpc estimation approaches of chirp signals in additive nose or multippcative noise are proposed , it presents a way for the parameters estimation of zero mean ampptude chirp signals . the estimation performances in the additive noise or multippcative noise are analyzed by the first order perturbation analysis method , and the error variance expressions of the parameters estimation under large samples are derived

Lastly , the concept of " transient steady state " ( tss ) and its reapzed approach is put forward , and tss filter \' s error variance is obtained , which provides theoretical reference for the analysis of the tracking performance under the non - pnear measurements

Traditional inertial mechanized - platform uses velocities to damp the system attitude to improve the precision of attitude , when the system acceleration is small . referring to the idea , this paper designeda damp kalman filter in strap - down attitude heading reference system ( ahrs ) . the new method makes use of 3 - d accelerometer \' s measurements to estimate the system attitude , which is measured to pensate attitude errors . because the acceleration affected the precision of fiher directly , the fuzzy adaptive system was presented . the fuzzy logic inputs are three accelerations and the output is to control the measurement noise covariance matrix . simulations and experimental results prove that the damp algorithm can damp most of schuler oscillation and foucauh oscillation , so that to assure the filter convergence and efficiently improve the precision of strap - down ahrs

The same conclusion as derived from the original pda under approximate condition is concluded this way without any approximations . the second method is the instant - state performance prediction based on the hyca method . this method not only gives the off - pne recursive error variance relation , but also gets a series of performance measurement such as track pfe

In third chapter , we first give the o estimators a2 , and ct for with the estimators obtained before , and then define the bootstraps and of and by using method of resamppng . we also prove that and are the consistency and the approximate normal distribation . and also study the characters of the bootstraps a2 and dn and obtain some useful conclusions that are shown in theorem 1 and theorem9

Under the background of target tracking in high - density clutter , the calculation formula of the pda algorithm \' s error variance is analyzed and revised firstly , and the modified pda ( mpda ) is derived , which not only improves the tracking performance , but also makes the error variance and the real error of the algorithm match well
針對高密度雜波環境中的目標跟蹤問題,首先分析和修正了pda算法中誤差方差的計算公式,提出了修正的pda算法( mpda ) ,它不僅提高了跟蹤性能,而且使得誤差方差與算法的實際誤差能夠很好地匹配。

In second chapter , we obtain the second stage estimators for 0 and g with the first stage estimators by using generated least square th at is used in ev model . the second stage estimators are better than the first stage ones concerning variance , and meantime the paper proves that is the consistencey and the approximate normal distribution and gn is the consistency and the uniform consistency
第二章首先在第一階段估計的基礎上,針對ev模型利用廣義最小二乘法求出, g的第二階段估計,這樣從誤差方差的角度來考慮,第二階段估計結果比第一階段估計結果改進了一步。

This filter is a bination of adaptive ud deposition kalman filter with quad method . it use quad method to detect and correct the gross errors in observations , use ud deposition technique to improve putation precision and overe the instabipty of filter caused by instabipty of values , when divergence of kalman filter had been detected , an adaptive filter is employed to adjust the prediction error covariance matrix


词语大全 誤差的英文


词语大全 容許誤差的英文


词语大全 幾何形狀誤差的英文


词语大全 方差   [fāng chā]什么意思

方差  [fāngchā][方差]基本解释机率论的基本概念。是用来表示随机变数与其期望之间离散程度的一个量。若随机变数ξ的期望为eξ,则ξ与eξ的偏差平方的加权平均e(ξ-eξ)

词语大全 允許誤差造句 允許誤差の例文


词语大全 套印的英文


词语大全 期貨交易的日文


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词语大全 bias error中文翻譯


词语大全 套印的日文
