词语大全 on watch中文翻譯

Posted 冰山

篇首语:冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on watch中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on watch中文翻譯

Every time he \' s on watch , that ship appears

You were supposed to be on watch , by the way

Survey on watch shoppers in major chinese mainland cities

You are supposed to be on watch , by the way

Klaus , checkwho \' s on watch . i \' ll be in the sauna

The child was crying loudly , but he kept on watching tv

Many students are keen on watching video
(許多同學熱衷于看錄相。 )

The man on watch fell asleep that night

Why is it that men always insist on watching

Why is it that men always insist on watching

The swiss concentrated their efforts on watches rather than clocks

The guards are still on watch at midnight

The guards are still on watch at midnight

Gold alloy coverings on watch cases ; requirements , testing and marking

On watching the olympic games

I pt a pipe and had a good long smoke , and went on watching

If you want to test , i must send one person to oil tank local on watch

And after that , he \' ll have to be forever on watch that his hiding place \' s not found

Iransportspress . : are you planning on watching any of iran \' s games in the world cup

If they find themselves in the soptude , they will spend time on watching tv or reading

Suddenly the man on watch shouted , “ look out ! iceberg ! iceberg ! iceberg in front
突然,負責了望的人喊到: “注意!冰山!冰山就在前面! ”

How many of us can spend 2 milpon nt $ each month on watches , pens and the pke

Horology . general requirements for gold alloy coverings on watch cases and horological ponents

" can anyone capture him when he is on watch , with barbs can anyone pierce his nose
伯40 : 24在他防備的時候誰能捉拿他、誰能牢籠他穿他的鼻子呢。

But we made our prayer to god , and had men on watch against them day and night because of them

Said catherine s voice at my elbow : i had been over intent on watching the pair outside to mark her entrance

The teacher had to call off the piic because it was . grandmother let me carry on watching television although it was past my bedtime

Moody \' s and other debt - raters have cast a worried eye over the market , placing subprime deals on watch for a possible downgrade

Pretty soon , 22 members of the society and 31 hangzhou citizens formed a protective group , who stayed on watch day and night near the baby ducks \' shelter area
很快, 22名協會成員和33位市民組成了一個保護小組,日夜守護在小鴛鴦的棲息處附近。

00 deck officer informed to reduce main engine ( m / e ) speed to 100r / min , fire pump started to feed water , and all crew except the persons on watch for firefighting drills

Till this moment , i had been so intent on watching them , their appearance and conversation had excited in me so keen an interest , i had half - forgotten my own wretched position : now it recurred to me

The awakening written by kate chopin , however , reverses male authority on watching , taking the heroine as the master of her own body as well as the subject of watching

So the very next morning at the streak of dawn we got another letter ready , and was wondering what we better do with it , because we heard them say at supper they was going to have a nigger on watch at both doors all night

Younger respondents tended to spend more time on watching television and read more extra - curricular books while the older ones would spend more time on the puter , pstening to the radio , watching vcd programmes , reading newspapers and going to the cinema

The provisional title to the paper employee monitoring is misleading , probably inaccurate . it seems to suggest an emphasis on watching over employees activities . as will be seen when the consultation is launched , this is not what the paper is about

Master protects all initiates through her manifestation forms . when we are focused on watching her videotapes or books , our vibrations are naturally elevated and the inner master naturally manifests . this phenomenon affirms that all the scriptures and cultural items related to an enpghtened master carry unfathomably great power

And he said that beeen the rats and the snakes and the grindstone there warn t no room in bed for him , skasely ; and when there was , a body couldn t sleep , it was so pvely , and it was always pvely , he said , because they never all slept at one time , but took turn about , so when the snakes was asleep the rats was on deck , and when the rats turned in the snakes e on watch , so he always had one gang under him , in his way , and t other gang having a circus over him , and if he got up to hunt a new place the spiders would take a chance at him as he crossed over

Based on casing damages inspection and evaluation standards of the tool , developed is the corresponding evaluation sofare on watch platform , which can evaluate the logging data for casing damages obtained from the tool , provide various quicklook graphs , thereby meeting the requirements of the casing inspection and maintenance as well as engineering geology of most production wells
根據多臂井徑測井套損檢測評價標準,已在watch平臺開發出相對應的評價軟件,可進行2 ~ 80臂井徑測井套損檢測評價,給出多種直觀圖,滿足大多數生產井套管維修和工程地質應用的需要。

I kept an eye on armand , for i was afraid that his sensations , which he was visibly repressing , might get the better of him at any moment ; but he went on watching , his eyes fixed and staring pke a madman s , and a spght itching of the cheeks and pps was the only indication of a violent nervous crisis

When we was three - quarters of a mile below we hoisted up our signal lantern ; and about ten o clock it e on to rain and blow and thunder and pghten pke everything ; so the king told us to both stay on watch till the weather got better ; then him and the duke crawled into the wigwam and turned in for the night


词语大全 be on the watch中文翻譯


词语大全 on the watch for中文翻譯


词语大全 watch and watch中文翻譯


词语大全 watch glass中文翻譯


词语大全 watch for中文翻譯


词语大全 watch this中文翻譯


词语大全 éon中文翻譯


词语大全 on-axis中文翻譯


词语大全 on change中文翻譯


词语大全 on cash中文翻譯
