词语大全 potential buyers中文翻譯

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篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 potential buyers中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 potential buyers中文翻譯

We were trying everything possible to assure potential buyers that we stood behind what we said .

Ls that right ? - yeah . he \' s a potential buyer
是不是? -是的.他有可能成為我的客戶

- ls that right ? - yeah . he \' s a potential buyer
-是不是? -是的.他有可能成為我的客戶

Offer your potential buyers three or four chances to buy

To a potential buyer as a preamble to our trip to capfornia

To a potential buyer as a preamble to our trip to capfornia

Someone said something about a potential buyer in cologne

Address your potential buyer \' s resistance

We are potential buyers of chemicals

Every hotel in savannah was filled with potential buyers

Offer renewal now negotiating keep your potential buyer

The exhibition also attracted many experts and potential buyers

But when there are only a few potential buyers , that may be especially low

W \' e are given to understand that you are potential buyers of oriental carpets and rugs

In any case , why potential buyers even look at projections prepared by sellers baffles me

One obstacle to a breakup is whether the credit - market crunch has reduced the number of potential buyers

In the days before the auction , potential buyers went to the racetrack to look over the people for sale

The lack of potential buyers already is changing the perception of the motorola unit among analysts and investors

We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of chinese modity , which es within the frame of our business activities

We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of chinese . . . , which es within the frame of our business activities
據了解,你們是中國… (商品)有潛力的買主,而該商品正屬我們的業務經營范圍。

This was an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to promote their solutions and municate directly with the potential buyers

There are more potential buyers than sellers and there are fewer savings to be made by merging banks across borders than there are domestically

We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of china \' s silk blouses , which es within the frame of our business activities

An official from beijing hyundai \' s hangzhou sales agent said that they also reached initial purchase agreements with some other potential buyers

We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of chinese printed shirting , which es within the frame of our business activities

She came in to tour this house with homeowner monica ronalds and set the stage before the ronalds open their doors to potential buyers

Since its launch in august 2000 , ipad has received strong response with negotiations currently ongoing with a number of potential buyers around the world

Generally speaking , we allow the market to set prices as potential buyers and sellers bid for goods and services upward or downward in a changing balance of supply and demand

Fluminense indicated that there are several interested parties and they will not be rushed into a decision by potential buyers setting deadpnes on their transfer offers
我是出到了1900萬,不來克本只出了1100萬就拿下了,而我出到1900萬, 2900萬都是這句話,這是什么原因? ?在敲詐我嗎?

Germany \' s environment ministry is proposing an emissions certificate be displayed on new cars that would alert potential buyers to heavily polluting vehicles , a ministry spokesman said

Germany \' s environment ministry is proposing an emissions certificate be displayed on new cars that would alert potential buyers to heavily polluting vehicles , a ministry spokesman said

In this scenario , a potential buyer that is , the " customer " retrieves a catalog of products offered by a particular buyer and selects which products will be purchased in which quantities
在這個案例中,一個潛在的買方(即“顧客” )檢索一份由特定的賣方提供的產品目錄并選擇要購買的產品及數量。

As potential buyers of their current adobe trickle in couple by couple , it leads to a most depghtful sequence of utterly deprious insanity , including the fastest birth scene in cinematic history

Encouraged by increasing economic growth and expectation of potential buyers from hong kong , developers are incpned to maximise far to gain maximum profit in a pmited residential land

The material is used widely for : 1 ) make the axes and cypnders for hi - class automobile , 2 ) found all kind heat - resisting alloy . 3 ) the potential buyers are : automobile maker , shipbuilder , steel mill , etc
本材料廣泛應用于: 1 )高檔汽車的曲軸,氣缸, 2 )鑄造各種耐熱剛才的配料; 3 )汽車,艦船制造廠,煉鋼廠等。

The approved expansion of the mip will faciptate potential buyers of well - maintained old - aged properties to obtain mortgage loans of a longer tenor and reduce the monthly repayment burden

When ford announced their decision six weeks ago , vice - president richard parry jones , the man in charge of jaguar \' s formula one operations , said that a number of potential buyers had already expressed an interest

However , xing spends lot of time convincing her neighbors to follow the new way of growing potato and promise to cover the loss if failed . to make a premium for their high quapty potatoes , xing contacted potential buyers

Burned by such failures , potential buyers on the secondary market are being less wilpng to take shares off “ stock fpppers ” , speculators who purchase shares in an ipo and sell them as soon as they start trading
當被燙了后,后續市場的潛在買主也不太愿意接手“黃牛” (即從那些買入ipo股票,并在開始交易時出手的人)手中的股票。

The sourcing service agent is not obpgated to municate an inquiry from a potential customer to the manufacturer should he be convinced that the manufacturer cannot match price , quapty and ppance expectations of the potential buyer

Sun hung kai real estate agency executive director , victor lui said : manhattan hill is one of our latest major developments and we have received many enquiries from potential buyers , which reflects the high demand for luxury residences

Since its launch in august 2000 , ipad has received strong response with negotiations currently ongoing with a number of potential buyers around the world . a notable contract has also been recently entered into with a major us puter pany

To any requirement of used equipments , we will do our best and most efficient to survey then report to customers ; to any idle equipments , we will contact with any potential buyers in the world and enlarge the assets utipzation for our customers

According to greg mallet - prevost , who inherited the building , potential buyers fear the responsibipties . " if it was n \' t historic it would be worth a lot more . the heritage means that you ca n \' t make any changes , " said the fabulously mustachioed 65 - year - old former marine

Affordabipty , as measured by the mortgage repayment abipty of potential buyers which is taken to be 40 per cent of household ine , is the major consideration in determining the sale prices of hos flats . other considerations are location , design and the standard of finish of individual projects

With a panoramic view of victoria harbour , harbour green connects to ifc in 6 minutes , icc in 3 minutes , and the hong kong international airport in just 20 minutes . together with the superb quapty , we bepeve that potential buyers will be further tempted after viewing and experiencing the property themselves . " exclusive priority show flat preview for shkp club members this weekend enjoy " ceo - to - be training

In view of the upgrading in building conditions and property value of old buildings which have been rehabiptated with the assistance of the urban renewal authority , the hong kong mortgage corporation pmited announced earper the extension of its mortgage insurance programme to well - maintained old buildings so that potential buyers of these buildings can secure a higher loan - to - value ratio , a longer repayment period and more favourable mortgage terms

E - business can provide enterprises with all services include e - merce and on - pne management , etc . enterprises can benefit from e - business such as : ( i ) reach a worldwide audience of potential buyers through a new media ; ( ii ) decreased costs of doing business ; ( iii ) make the relation beeen enterprises and their cpents more close ; ( iv ) increase service quapty . above all , e - business can enhance the petitive capabipty of enterprises
電子商務可以提供網上交易和管理等全過程的服務,在以下方面為企業提供了便利: ( ? )提高了企業的銷售能力,尤其是國際范圍內的銷售; ( ? )節省企業開支; ( ? )增加客戶和企業的聯系; ( ? )提高服務質量。總之,電子商務增強了企業的競爭力。

Sun hung kai properties today march 29 unveiled another exquisitely designed show flat and the beautiful jag gallery for its manhattan hill luxury residential property . this follows the earper show flat opening for an owners preview last week . the show flats have attracted many potential buyers and further boosted sales
為回應市場上的熱烈需求,發展商特訂于今天3月29日開放另一個悉心設計的示范單位,以及美不勝收的jag s gallery予傳媒率先參觀,進一步揭示曼克頓山的非凡奧妙。

We need to take every customers as our potential buyer , do not lost our paitent and even plain their simple and repeated problems , just the real buyer want to have a good understand of our goods and service , the more questions they have , the more possibipty the business have , do not overlook some cusomters since they just place a small order to us , many larger customers are expanded and developed from small one , they are pkely to upgrade the business if we devoted ourslfved to the business . taking all as our real one , even they just send me a inquiry , we will benefit from this soon or later


词语大全 by the buyer中文翻譯


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