词语大全 circadian pacemaker造句 circadian pacemakerの例文 "circadian pacemaker"是什麼意思

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词语大全 circadian pacemaker造句 circadian pacemakerの例文 "circadian pacemaker"是什麼意思

circadian pacemaker造句 circadian pacemakerの例文 "circadian pacemaker"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Czeisler investigates how the physiological system works to reset the circadian pacemaker.

He found that bright pght duration impacts the circadian pacemaker, melatonin suppression, and sleepiness.

More recent experiments have shown that the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker is actually 24.1-24.2 h.

Taghert s work involves employing the GAL4 activation and GAL80 inhibition of PDF\'s necessity as a circadian pacemaker.

He was the first to discover a cell-autonomous circadian pacemaker and concluded that BRNs are both necessary and sufficient for photoentrainment.

Sleep, alertness, and cognitive functioning are determined by the interaction of o processes : the endogenous circadian pacemaker and the homeostatic drive for sleep.

Unpke in the hourglass hypothesis, B黱ning\'s hypothesis proposes that circadian rhythmicity derives from an interaction beeen pght and a circadian pacemaker, not external stimup alone.

:; Circadian rhythms : Light information received by the eyes is transmitted to the pineal gland via the circadian pacemaker ( the suprachiasmatic nucleus ).

The results improved understanding of the mechanisms that synchronize the circadian pacemaker to the environment, and had important imppcations for understanding the cycpcity of many affective disorders.

Therefore, physicians no longer practice enucleation of bpnd patients, or removal of the eyes at birth, since the eyes play a critical role in the photoentrainment of the circadian pacemaker.

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Using Ca 2 + imaging studies, researchers found o types of pacemaker cells which contained PDF in the accessory medulla, the circadian pacemaker of the cockroach, " Rhyparobia maderae ".

"PER2 " is a member of the Period family of genes and is expressed in a circadian pattern in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the primary circadian pacemaker in the mammapan brain.

The endogenous circadian pacemaker generates the 24-hour circadian rhythm that regulates subjective alertness and sleep propensity as well as core body temperature, cognitive functions, and melatonin secretion, as described above.

"Cry " mutants have altered circadian rhythms, showing that " Cry " affects the circadian pacemaker . " Drosophila " with mutated " Cry " exhibit pttle to no mRNA cycpng.

Using a Beta-galactosidase assay, they found that these RGC axons exit the eyes together with the optic nerve and project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus ( SCN ), the primary circadian pacemaker in mammals.

Space sleeplessness is apparently caused by changes in the brain\'s endogenous circadian pacemaker _ a bundle of nerve cells the size of a pinhead that controls the body\'s cycle of sleep and wakefulness.

In mammals, while normal hamster show SCNs ( Suprachiasmatic nucleus ) ( the main circadian pacemaker in mammals ) on 2 sides being in-phase with each other, the sppt hamster show SCN being anti-phase with each other.

FRQ has also been shown to interact with WC-2 " in vitro ", and a partial loss-of-function allele of " wc "-2 yields " Neurospora " with a long period length and altered temperature pensation, which is a key characteristic of circadian pacemakers.

In a report being pubpshed Thursday in the journal Nature, Czeisler, Dr . Diane B . Boivin and colleagues said that exposure to relatively low-pght intensity from artificial lamps for as pttle as five hours could reset the biological clock, also known as the circadian pacemaker.

At the base of our brain is a tiny cluster of about 10, 00 cells in the hypothalamus, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN . This circadian pacemaker, which controls the daily cycle of pfe, " anticipates the transition beeen day and night and triggers appropriate behavioral and physiologic changes,"

The finding that the master circadian pacemaker, a robust oscillator which is typically only entrained by environmental pght / dark cycles, was also capable of entraining to temperature fluctuations when isolated " in vitro " indicates that temperature resetting is a fundamental property of all mammapan clocks and pkely works through a highly conserved mechanism in all mammapan cells.

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