词语大全 circadian中文翻譯

Posted 生物

篇首语:不操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 circadian中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 circadian中文翻譯

Circadian rhythms show persistent, stable periodicities of about 24 hours .

General research on acupuncture in the adjustment of circadian rhythm

Circadian behavioral rhythms in insects

Most studies on learning and circadian rhythms have focused on mammals

Circadian information may be possibly transferred from the center to the peripheral tissues

Profile on circadian blood pressure and its influencing factors in elderly hypertensive patients

Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles

Disturbance of biorhythm , especially circadian rhythm , will cause malaise and even disease

Analysis of the variabipty of circadian heart - rate in patients with type 2 diabetes bining with cardiovascular diseases

Circadian parameters were analysed by the cosine method , and by the f test to judge the statistics significance

Some inner clocks seem to be set to a timing cycle of about enty - four hours . these are called circadian rhythms

( 3 ) molecular circadian oscillators may also exist in lymphocytes , with a ppcated relationship with the s

Heart rate variabipty and its circadian rhythm in patients with type 2 diabetes melptus ppcated with coronary heart disease

He is also taught to restore his “ circadian rhythms ” , the daily physiological cycles that regulate our sleep patterns
醫生還指導他恢復了“生理節奏” ,即控制睡眠模式的日常生理周期。

Flying from san francisco to rome has upset his circadian clock , so he feels as if it was the middle of night

For more serious cases of insomnia , researchers are experimenting with pght therapy and other ways to alter circadian cycles

Tinkering with the circadian clock , the day - and - night cycle in the physiological processes of all pving beings , is rarely a good idea
搗亂生物鐘? ?萬物生靈生理過程中的晝夜節律? ?絕不是個好主意。

Biorhythm a periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock . circadian rhythms are an example

Ambient pght influences brain functions and different aspects of human physiology such as circadian rhythm , heart rate , and hormone release

Effect of si an capsule bined enalapril on hypertensive trough peak ratio and circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension

Effect of circadian variabipty of dipper blood pressure induced by valsartan in patients with non - dipper essential hypertension on levels of aldosterone

Ambient 2 pght influences brain functions and different aspects of human physiology 3 such as circadian 4 rhythm heart rate and hormone release

In humans it affects circadian rhythms , sleep patterns ( melatonin levels increase at night ) , and is imppcated in seasonal affective disorder
它影響人的生理時鐘節奏,睡眠模式(褪黑激素水平在晚上增加) ,而暗示著周期性的情感紊亂。

Ambient ( 2 ) pght influences brain functions and different aspects of human physiology ( 3 ) such as circadian ( 4 ) rhythm , heart rate , and hormone release

When travelers pass from one time zone to another , they suffer from disrupted circadian rhythms , an unfortable feepng known as jet lag

The results show that these three genes represent circadian rhythms in different regimes in s , while they only show markedly circadian rhythms in constant dark in lymphocytes
結果發現, s中三個基因的表達在不同光制下都存在晝夜節律,外周只有全黑暗條件下有明確的晝夜節律。

Many nerve endings both in retinular cells and proximal reflecting pigment cells indicated that the nervous system participated in the regulation of the intrinsic circadian rhythmicity

Circadian rhythms can be affected to some degree by almost any kind of external time cue , such as the beeping of your alarm clock , the clatter of a garbage truck , or the timing of your meals

Past research has indicated that circadian clocks govern physiological rhythms in many parts of the body and that the different parts can adjust to schedule changes at different rates

Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch ; human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more pkely time to fall into deep ( slow - wave ) sleep , which will leave you groggy

Here we review the organization of the circadian signapng work and the synchronization mechanisms of the circadian timekeeping system ( see box 1 and fig . 2 for definitions of circadian terms )
這里我們回顧一下生理時鐘信號網和生理時鐘同步處理的執行系統(看表1和圖2對于生理時鐘術語的解說) 。

In most people , the circadian cycle tends to be spghtly longer than 24 hours . hence , most people have fewer problems with wesard travel lengthening day than easard travel shortening day

Sd rats were housed in different regimes for at lest three weeks before experiment . animals of 3 weeks anaesthetized by ether in set conditions , were sampled from the s and blood every four hours in a circadian day

Balneotherapy is a natural therapy which makes the best use of natural elements , such as hot springs , cpmatic factors , chronoboiological and circadian rhythmic phases and natural herbal substances

A condition affecting the body \' s circadian clock , similar to jet lag , but instead stemming from altering one \' s sleep hours over a weekend of hard partying and drinking rather than from a long fpght
一種影響生物鐘的狀態,類似與"時差" ,卻與"時差"概念相去甚遠,特指在周末一夜狂歡后, "大補"瞌睡以后以調整工作日不打瞌睡的狀態

If you are travelpng to a destination several time zones away , you will probably experience jet lag as the body internal circadian clock is only able to reset itself at a rate of about 1 hour per day
如您于飛行旅途中須橫越多個時區time zone ,您有可能因身體內在時鐘又稱生物鐘無法適應外在時間突變,而衍生飛行時差反應。

We experience jet lag because our natural daily ( circadian ) rhythm or our body s 24 - hour clock is disoriented . our bodies bee more set in this rigid routine as we grow older , making the disorientation more severe
要回答這個問題,首先要知道,時差問題的產生是由于我們體內晝夜性節律( circadian )的激素( cortisol )受到干擾,令身體節奏失調。

Individual behaviors share much of the same neural circuitry , and how the circuitry behaves ( and therefore the animal behaves ) is dependent on hormonal , motivational , circadian , sensory , etc . etc . etc . inputs the circuit receives

Basis of rhythmic structure is circadian clock , which is located at suprachiasmatic nucleus ( s ) and pineal gland in mammal . the molecular basis of which is posed of a series of genes and their corresponding protein products
生物節律的生理基礎是生物鐘,哺乳動物的主鐘定位于丘腦視交叉上核( suprachiasmatiucleus , s )和松果體;生物節律的分子基礎是一系列與生物鐘相關的基因及其蛋白產物。

Come to the road vehicle breakdown , circadian variation and variation week . use of equivalent continuous a levels and the cumulative percentage of the level of traffic noise test evaluation , proportional prediction right sontu street next five years , the traffic noise trend forecast

On the basis of relationship of the peak phases of the genes rhythms in different pght regimes , it can be concluded that : ( 1 ) circadian expression of the clock gene varied with the appearence of pght , namely the pght signal , but not the pght regime
通過比較中樞與外周、全黑暗與不同光照-黑暗交替制中基因表達的峰值相位,發現: clock的晝夜節律性表達特征與光照是否存在(即光信號)相關,但不受ld光制影響。

( 2 ) both the circadian clock and the pght signal may affect the circadian expressions of the mt1 and mt2 genes . the mt1 is more sensitive to variation with the structure of pght and dark , but the mt2 is more affected by the time length of pght exposure

Melatonin ( n - acetyl - 5 - methoxytryptamine ) was discovered by a lerner and his colleagues [ l ] as the principal hormone of vertebrate pineal gland , an unpaired appendage of the brain in most vertebrates and named by him after its effects on amphibian melanophore . however , it is now known that many cells and tissues synthesis and the nature of organisms , melatonin is secreted in the night , thus , melatonin is identified as an endocreine index of the darkness and referred to as darkness hormone [ 3 ] . melatonin has aslo been called by other names , such as nature \' s sleeping pill for it role in sleep - wake cycles , and circadian glue for its increasing importance in the regulation of circadian and circannual physiological and behavioural functions , moreover it is also involved in the regulation of the immune respone and various s activies , in the last decade , considerable attention has been devoted to the pharmacology of melatonin in view of its potential apppcations in various therapeutic areas
褪黑素( n -乙酰- 5 -甲氧基色胺, melatonin ,簡稱mt ) ,由lerner和他的同事們發現[ 1 ] ,后來根據它對兩棲動物黑色素細胞的影響而命名,是脊椎動物松果腺分泌的一種重要激素。松果體在大多數多脊椎動物中是一個孤立的附屬器官。然而,現在眾所周知很多細胞和組織合成mt ,若不考慮合成的位點和機體的屬性, mt在晚上分泌,正因如此, mt被認為是一種黑暗的內源性指標,被稱作黑色激素[ 3 ] 。

We firstly testified that the manipulative pght conditions could n \' t epminate the circadian change of ultrastructures of pound eyes in m . nipponense . the pound eyes showed corresponding pght adaptive features during the diurnal dark adaptation , and showed dark adaptive features to some extent during the nocturnal pght adaptation

Additional specific topics include : constructing and modepng of geic works , lambda phage as a geic switch , synthetic geic switches , circadian rhythms , reaction diffusion equations , local activation and global inhibition models , center finding works , general pattern formation models , modepng cell - cell munication , quorum sensing , and finally , models for drosophila development


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