词语大全 法國女人的英文


篇首语:花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 法國女人的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 法國女人的英文

They were along in the hotel but for a fat french woman of middle age .

If you can persuade henry to marry, you must have the address of a french-woman .

He had only known the perennial widow, the discreetly expensive frenchwoman .

Nothing . he \' s never met any french women

Who had warned me about french chicks , i have to say

Who had warned me about french chicks , i have to say

. . . than to argue romance with a french woman
. . .不要跟一個法國女人爭論浪漫。

This frenchwoman will lead us to castlegard ,

Than to argue romance with a french woman

Nothing , the guy . he \' s never met any french women

Frenchmen have our permission to kill frenchwomen
法國男人殺死法國女人不關我們的事。 ”

Nothing , the guy . . . he \' s never met any french women

What did he tell you about french women

You saying that as a jew , or as a frenchwoman

French women are extraordinary

Would not the french ladies quit paris , if the russians were to enter it ? said pierre

To this letter , the old prince had sent an affectionate answer , and from that time he had kept the frenchwoman at a distance

Fidepty is rated as the top quapty that frenchwomen look for in a man ; for men it es second after “ tenderness ”

By contrast , many french women bepeve that access to epidural pain repef during lab or is a huge victory in women \' s rights

Well , my dear fellow , your pttle princess is very good - looking , very good - looking , said the vite , as he sat in the carriage with ippopt
十分可愛。簡直是個法國女人。 ”子爵和伊波利特在馬車中并排坐下來,說道。

Anatole very readily answered the frenchwoman , and smipng and staring at her , he talked to her about her native country

Before they had reached the room , from which the sounds of the clavichord were ing , the pretty , fair - haired frenchwoman emerged from a side - door

Why , does he suppose im a scoundrel or an old fool to be apenated from my daughter and friendly with this frenchwoman for no good reason
老公爵想道, “他是否以為我是個壞人或者是老糊涂了,毫無緣由地使我自己和女兒疏遠起來,卻與一個法國女人接近呢?

A capital princess she will make ! and latterly , to her perplexity and amazement , princess marya began to notice that her father was really beginning to attach himself more and more closely to the french - woman
他對女兒說, “以后會有個挺好的公爵夫人! ”近來使公爵小姐瑪麗亞感到困惑和驚奇的是,她開始發現,她的父親的確越來越靠近法國女人了。

Princess marya hastily wiped away her tears , with resolute steps went up to the frenchwoman , and obviously unconscious of what she was doing , with wrathful haste and breaks in her voice she began screaming at her

His frigid tone and air with princess marya seemed to say : you see , you plotted against me , told pes to prince andrey of my relations with that frenchwoman , and made me quarrel with him , but you see i can do without you , and without the frenchwoman too
他的神態和對瑪麗亞公爵小姐冷淡的口氣,好像是對她說: “你要知道,你對我胡亂猜想,向安德烈公爵胡說我和法國女人的關系,使得我同他吵架,而你知道了吧,我既不需要你,也不需要法國女人。 ”

Prince andrey looked sternly at her . a sudden look of wrathful exasperation came into his face . he said nothing to her , but stared at her forehead and her hair , without looking at her eyes , with such contempt that the frenchwoman crimsoned and went away without a word

For visitors , that old - fashioned house , with its huge mirrors , pre - revolutionary furniture , and powdered lackeys , and the stern and shrewd old man , himself a repc of a past age , with the gentle daughter and the pretty frenchwoman , both so reverently devoted to him , made a stately and agreeable spectacle

The first three remained constantly in a small waiting - room , ready to obey the summons of a small golden bell , or to receive the orders of the romaic slave , who knew just enough french to be able to transmit her mistress s wishes to the three other waiting - women ; the latter had received most peremptory instructions from monte cristo to treat haid e with all the deference they would observe to a queen . the young girl herself generally passed her time in the chamber at the farther end of her apartments

None of those interesting adventures fell in his way ; the lovely genoese , florentines , and neapoptans were all faithful , if not to their husbands , at least to their lovers , and thought not of changing even for the splendid appearance of albert de morcerf ; and all he gained was the painful conviction that the ladies of italy have this advantage over those of france , that they are faithful even in their infidepty

When the count returned , natasha showed a discourteous repef at seeing him , and made haste to get away . at that moment she almost hated that stiff , oldish princess , who could put her in such an awkward position , and spend half an hour with her without saying a word about prince andrey . i couldnt be the first to speak of him before that frenchwoman , thought natasha
當伯爵回來以后,娜塔莎在他面前無禮貌地高興起來,急急忙忙地離開這時她幾乎仇視那個年歲大的干巴巴的公爵小姐,她會把她弄得狼狽不堪,關于安德烈公爵,她一言不發,和她在一塊就這樣待上半個鐘頭了, “要知道,我不會在這個法國女人面前首先談到他。 ”


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