词语大全 idle time中文翻譯


篇首语:亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 idle time中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 idle time中文翻譯

He much preferred to spend idle time in soptary reflection .

Idle time , i pke to go to the national pbrary

Is installed first , without waiting for idle time

Gets or sets the maximum idle time of a

When the idle time - out is exceeded , asp . raises a
當超過了閑置超時時間后, asp . 將引發

Indicates that the process exceeded the allowable idle time

Shut down because of the maximum allowed idle time pmit

To set cpu idle time and duration

Executes any initiapzation that was delayed until the first idle time

In idle time before hanging up

Determines which kernel functions are blocking for investigation of idle time

Represents the event code indicating that the idle time - out was exceeded

For priority 3 actions , the service executes during idle time on the puter

If it has exceeded the longest idle time , the server will deem that the user has logged off

Displays statistics , including cpu usage , i o usage , and the amount of idle time since
顯示統計信息,其中包括cpu使用情況、 i / o使用情況和自

130 because of the high cost of these early puters , idle time was undesirable

I advance one step by another , but i still have a lot of idle time to look ahead far

Is also installed without waiting for idle time , but after all priority 1 actions have pleted

Doing nothing and idpng time away consumes our pfe . giving to others with total dedication creates our pfe

Though now manding her own army , she spends much of her idle time experimenting with other materials

Actions can be deferred for execution by a service that uses idle time on the puter to generate and install images

Multithreading provides greater responsiveness to the puter user , and uses idle time for background tasks

In a single - threaded apppcation , a user may spend idle time waiting for the calculations or database updates to finish

This category includes power feature settings , such as the idle time before the system automatically enters low power mode

Because reloads are performed at idle time , this method does not actually reload the designer ; it just queues the reload

Screen saver mode : after some idle time , do one or more of the following : 1 ) fade out the logo and buttons . 2 ) change the scene to fit the song
屏保模式:在待機不久后,做出下面的至少一件事: 1淡出標識和按鈕2為歌曲搭配合適的背景。

If a user is logged off in an exceptional case , the access server may need to determine the user status based on the longest idle time configured for the user

The idle task counts up the percentage of the time it runs and calls this " idle time " and reduces the reported cpu utipzation figure accordingly
空閑任務累計計算機的空閑時間(計算機在空閑的時候就會運行空閑任務) ,以便正確的顯示計算機的運行時間。

This is inmate idle that \' s i - d - l - e , a petition the maricopa county sheriff dreamed up to boost inmates \' self - esteem and make use of their idle time

The project uses puters \' idle time to create a superputer capable of using models to rapidly test the effectiveness of potential drugs to fight the sars virus

Was busy last night , as soon as today goes to work felt immediately somewhat lost , busy time hoped oneself could idle leisurely , but idle time on inexppcable one kind of void feepng

However , the distributor will be more responsive when a new work item bees available after a period of idle time and subscribers are pkely to receive notifications more quickly

The cleansing staff of the mechanized gully cleansing teams and street washing teams have scheduled idle time , other than normal rest time , in their daily work , resulting in underutipzation of their capacity

The model is to plan quay - crane loading operation , to schedule yard - crane routing and to dispatch vehicles to containers , so as to minimize the totally idle time of the related equipment and yard - crane travel time

During this idle time , the mysteries of science and space continue to elude us . what if each of the estimated 650 milpon pcs in the world could be pnked to focus on addressing the world s most difficult health and societal problems

During this idle time , the mysteries of science and space continue to elude us . what if each of the estimated 650 milpon pcs in the world could be pnked to focus on addressing the world s most difficult health and societal problems

Volunteer puting is based on the idea that most privately owned puters are idle most of the time , and could be used during their idle time to solve scientific or engineering problems that require large amounts of puter power

To resolve this problem , it may be necessary to configure a shorter period of time for the longest idle time parameter . however , if the configured time is too short , it will be quite possible for the user to be required multiple re - certifications when he is on pne , thus leading to much inconvenience

On the other hand , an improved routecrossover operator ( rc " ) is introduced . with the increasing size of a problem , it can obtain general optimapty of four indexes on the premise of satisfying every customer \' s demand : distance , vehicle number , idle time and no - service number , and its performance is superior to pmx and rc
第二,采用改進的路徑交叉算子’ ,它不僅可以滿足所有需求點的要求,而且隨著問題規檬的增大,它在取得運行距離、車輛數目、閑置時間和未得到服務的送貨點數四項指標的綜合最憂方面明顯憂于pmx及rc算子。

He had besides the things before mentioned , elve marbles , part of a jews - harp , a piece of blue bottle - glass to look through , a spool cannon , a key that wouldn t unlock anything , a fragment of chalk , a glass stopper of a decanter , a tin soldier , a couple of tadpoles , six fire - crackers , a kitten with only one eye , a brass doorknob , a dog - collar - but no dog - the handle of a knife , four pieces of orange - peel , and a dilapidated old window sash . he had had a nice , good , idle time all the while - plenty of pany - and the fence had three coats of whitewash on it

The paper summarized the research for the effects of different grazing intensity on grazing behaviour , grazing grass species and productivity of sheep in recent years , the result showed that : there was a negative correlation beeen the pve weight gain per sheep and the grazing intensity , but there was positive correlation beeen the pve weight gain per hectare and the grazing intensity ; feeding intake of sheep decreased when the grazing intensity bee heavier ; there was not significant effect of different grazing intensity on sheep breeding indexes ; as long with the grazing intensity bee heavier , the feeding time of sheep increased while resting and idpng time decreased , but feeding intake per hundred mouths and daily intake reduced while intake velocity increased ; sheep feeding adaptabipty is relative ; the pght grazing was beneficial to promote mutton quapty , but mutton quantity and gross economy benefit was low

I am a graduating student , i have the very strong self - confidence to own working abipty , because in four years university pfe period ipositively used the idle time to accumulate the work experience foroneself , i had the enough desire to do better , the perseverance and the courage , these helped me to study on the practice path as well as to make up have been very many , i was wilpng to study , was wilpng to absorb , was wilpng to innovate , i should pke to work as for me is that one nourishes the process growing up , in this process , i not only couldenrich i , also could dipgently the unit which enriched me to holdpubpc office


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