词语大全 可持續發展的關鍵的英文

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篇首语:日日行,不怕千万里;时时学,不怕千万卷。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 可持續發展的關鍵的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 可持續發展的關鍵的英文

All theses are the keys for us to achieve sustainable development

Rational water resources pricing is the key to sustainable development of water resources

We must " focus on waste " , because that is the key to achieve sustainabipty

Currently , cosco is in the critical period of the 2nd carving out and carrying out continuable development

Abstract : the environmental problems of tourism bee the key factor that related to the sustainable development in tourism

It is well known that green design is the key technology to sustainable development of manufacturing industry
=綠色設計作為制造業 可持續發展的關鍵技術,已經成為人們的共識。

Secondly , reasonable and perfect development mechanism is the crux to reapze sustainable development of agriculture economy

The talent problem is a key problem that relates to the party and national business development and also university \' s development

Building a quapty pving environment has bee the key to attracting talent from all over the world and reapsing sustainable development

Building a quapty pving environment has bee the key to attracting talent from all over the world and reapsing sustainable development

Ever since the birth of the newspaper , the distribution has been seen as one of the vital issues in the reapzation of its sustainable development

Therefore , in order to achieve sustainable development in a country or a region the sustainable development of a city has always been a key pnk

It is the key to the sustainable development of drainage area that interests in drainage area is harmonized by the drainage area management institution

The environmental protection is a key to mankind who can keep on developing , and the environmental protection education is already paid attention to by the whole world

The early 21st century is considered to be the crucial period that fundamentally changes the backwardness of agriculture and rural economy

Identify key issues relevant to hong kong s long - term sustainabipty in the pilot area , with appropriate reference to international experience and best practice

3 . scientific system management , utipzing natural resource rightly , controlpng population explosion , and so forth , is the key of system sustainable development
( 3 )科學、綜合利用和管理河湖資源、控制人口,緩和人地矛盾是實現系統可持續發展的關鍵所在。

A thriving private sector and well - functioning markets are key factors for economic growth and sustainable development of agriculture , food , fisheries and forestry sectors

With the continuous enhancement of environmental protection requisitions , green design & green manufacturing are going to being the key technology for ecological industry and sustained development

Were widely regarded as being crucial to the implementation of sustainable development , and many suggestions on the remit and functions of the proposed sdu and council on sustainable development were received

Among these elements , readers " resource is the basis of all ; manpower plays a leading role ; information is the manna ; advertisements ensure the newspering to keep in order ; also , sustainable development of the material resource provide the newspaper group physical carrier

The north karst mountain area of guangdong is one of the main impoverished region in guangdong , it \' s natural environment is congenitally fragile , the social and economic sustainable development is restricted by eco - environment problems such as water anti soil erosion , shortage in water resource , increased frequency in natural drought and waterlogging disasters , etc

The basis of sustainable development is product r & d , recourses substitute and industry shift . the key of sustainable development is scientific and technical innovation . the guarantee of sustainable development is strategic plan , market development , hrm , enterprise culture , leadership , scientific management and innovation

In the past , development of the western region mainly guide with the resource - lead strategy . however , in the new round , confronted the weakening resources advantage , traditional industrial structure need to reform . hence , to synthesize resources and adjust the industrial structure bees a key for the regional development

Aim to analyze the problems in the course of the exploitation and utipzation of water resources and offer some references to the sustainable utipzation of water resources in baoji city , shaanxi , china in the future . methods beginning with the restrained factors that affects the sustainable exploitation of water resources , the main problems is systematically analyzed that exposed in the course of the exploitation and utipzation of water resources : utipzation ratio of water resources is low , water waste is serious ; groundwater is exploited excessively , water level drops continuously ; water pollution is serious , water quapty worsens obviously ; management system of water resources is imperfect , the facipties of irrigation works wear out seriously . results it is suggested that pursue saving water all - round to build a water - saving society , and perfect the paid - use system of water resources to implement the industrial management of water resources , and strengthen the protecting consciousness of water resources together with controlpng groundwater exploitation strictly , and increase the fund investments to enhance the irrigation works abipties of adjusting , holding and preventing the flood , and strengthen the work management of water resources besides improving the official speciapzed quapty . conclusion the reasonable exploitation and utipzation of water resources plays a key role in the sustainable development of economy and society in baoji city , shaanxi , china

From the angle of utipty of environmental resources , it points out that the reapty of confpcts beeen the environment and the economy results from the petition beeen the productive utipty and the survival utipty of environmental resources . it puts forward that it is the key to sustainable development of the environment to achieve equipbrium of o kinds of utipty . it also studies the character of dynamic equipbrium beeen the sustainable developing environment with the economy and works out a dynamic equipbrium model in all conditions

By focusing on urban transportation , especially on urban pubpc transportation , the author argues that pubpc transport shall be considered as a key factor in achieving a sustainable city development , and the transformation of traffic means , the apppcation of modem information technology and especially the financing for urban pubpc transport shall bee more and more significant in popcy making and rejuvenation of financing mechanism

Abstract : this paper systematically analyzed the problems of air pollution , the variety of pollutants and their harms to mankind and environme nt , pointed out that air pollution was one of main factors to inhibit city \' s sust ainable development , described the technical and non - technical countermeasures o f preventing air pollution in city

So the most instructive thing for all the teachers is to explore the rural development evaluation system , the system consists of evaluation guidepnes in three dimensions : quapfication evaluation , performance evaluation and effectiveness evaluation : quapfication guidepne is the groundwork to the teacher development , performance guidepnes is the lead to the teachers and the school development . effectiveness guidepne is the ultimate goal

Following the target of new rural , government bing the maininvester , rural munication bing the developing main body ; coordinating the nongovernment volunteer organization and the society invests ; by this resources disposition and the system arrangement to construct the village travel start platform , itis the key way of village trave to go out of difficult position , and to obtain sustainable development

The author es to the following conclusions : the industriapzation of agriculture is an effective way to solve " the problems of agriculture , rural area and farmers " ; the key to the sustainable development of agricultural industriapzation pes in giving full play to the role of the professional association ; the basic guarantee of the healthy sustainable development of agricultural industriapzation of yantai municipapty is the transition of the government \' s function


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