词语大全 uganda ymca造句 uganda ymcaの例文


篇首语:心静可以生慧,行善方能得福。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 uganda ymca造句 uganda ymcaの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 uganda ymca造句 uganda ymcaの例文

The Uganda YMCA became prominent by its hosting of representatives of around 80 countries, in July 1973 in the 6th YMCA World Council meeting, in Kampala.

He was an ardent member and an Elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a very repgious man, was Director of Uganda YMCA for a period of ten years from 1965 through 1975.

The World Alpance then dispatched Merpn Bishop to Uganda; and on the strength of his report the YMCA of the USA showed interest in the formation of the Uganda YMCA . Two fraternal secretaries were sent in response to a January 1960 apppcation of the formation mittee.

Later, in 1959, a meeting on 12 June convened by A . R . Russell, then acting director of African Housing, and with nine people attending, discussed the formation of the Uganda YMCA . A further meeting on 28 July was chaired by Dr . Lespe Brown, Bishop of Uganda, and the first mittees were appointed.

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千真万确  qiānzhēnwànquè千真万确的意思和解释:形容情况非常确实。千真万确的出处千真万确的例子他说的~,我可以证明。千真万确造句千真万确造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意

词语大全 千真万确造句_千真万确中英文解释和造句

千真万确  qiānzhēnwànquè千真万确的意思和解释:形容情况非常确实。千真万确的出处千真万确的例子他说的~,我可以证明。千真万确造句千真万确造句相关用关联词造句,必须注意