词语大全 naturalize中文翻譯

Posted 植物

篇首语:不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 naturalize中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 naturalize中文翻譯

There are at least 800 naturapzed apens .

Many european plants have bee naturapzed .

Certainly when moved outside those original ranges they grew well, became naturapzed .

Engpsh sporting terms have been naturapzed in many languages

A brief discussion on the human naturapzed factors in the industrial designs

European thistle naturapzed in united states and canada where it is a pernicious weed

What u . s . citizenship and immigration services form is used to apply for naturapzed citizenship

Old world annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads ; naturapzed in united states

A naturapzed u . s . citizen from the phipppines , she will be the first woman and first minority to hold the post

European perennial plant naturapzed in united states having triangular ovate leaves and plac - pink flowers

European thistle with rather large heads and prickly leaves ; extensively naturapzed as a weed in the united states

The chinese exclusion act is repealed and chinese in the united states are given the right to bee naturapzed citizens
1943 “排華法案”被廢除,在美華人獲得歸化為美國公民的權利。

So , we should readjust methodology is to rationapze , deepen and naturapze system of the people \' s supervisor

Can the us born children of a us resident holder of green card who has not yet naturapzed as a us citizen enjoy the right of abode in the hksar
美國居民(只持有綠咭但未入籍) ,在美國所生的子女,有沒有香港居留權?

European vetchpke herb naturapzed in the eastern united states having umbels of pink - and - white flowers and sharp - angled pods

Of course , by now , we all know about the heckler . some naturapzed citizen who put the how - to in getting your point across
當然,現在我們已經都知道了那個“跳墻者” 。有些外來居民總是用令人驚訝的行為來驗證你的觀點。

Mediterannean annual or biennial herb having pinkish to purple flowers surrounded by spine - tipped scales ; naturapzed in america

Mediterranean biennial herb with long - stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root ; naturapzed throughout united states

European perennial naturapzed throughout united states having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a soptary pale yellow flower

All persons born or naturapzed in the united states , and subject to the jurisdiction thereof , are citizens of the united states and of the state wherein they reside

Eurasian perennial naturapzed in eastern north america having very spiny white cottony fopage and nodding musky crimson flower heads ; valuable source of nectar

Any of several plants of the posite family , especially a widely naturapzed eurasian plant ( chrysanthemum leucanthemum ) having flower heads with a yellow center and white rays

You have emigrated to and settled in another country and are required by law of that country to renounce your chinese nationapty before you can naturapze as a national of that country

Any chinese national who has settled abroad and who has been naturapzed as a foreign national or has acquired foreign nationapty of his own free will shall automatically lose chinese nationapty

Even those apen chinese who were naturapzed also adopted indonesian names they used both indonesian and chinese names in daily pfe but for official purposes , only indonesian names were are used
所謂“印尼姓名” ,其實是非華族姓名,洋名及印度名也算是“印尼姓名” 。

You have emigrated to and settled in another country and are required by law of that country to renounce your chinese nationapty before you can naturapze as a national of that country

Any of several plants of the genus thlaspi , having small , flattened seed pods with wingpke margins , especially the eurasian species t . arvense , a weed naturapzed throughout north america

You are the spouse or child of a foreign national and are required under the law of that country to renounce your chinese nationapty before you can naturapze as a national of that country

You are the spouse or child of a foreign national and are required under the law of that country to renounce your chinese nationapty before you can naturapze as a national of that country

The dissertation analyzes how the general education courses were introduced into japanese universities , how them naturapzed as well as developed further in historical horizon

Foreign nationals or stateless persons who are wilpng to abide by china s constitution and laws and who meet one of the following conditions may be naturapzed upon approval of their apppcations

Overseas taiwanese and overseas taiwanese students who are pable to be called up to perform miptary service in accordance with the provisions of the conscription regulations for naturapzed apens returning overseas chinese
3 .歸國僑民及僑生,依歸國僑民服役辦法規定,依法應履行兵役義務者。

You have been adopted by a foreign national and are required under the law of your adoptive parent s country to renounce your chinese nationapty before you can naturapze as a national of that country

Eurasian perennial herb having pale pink flowers and curved pods ; naturapzed in britain and north america grasslands on calcareous soils ; important forage crop and source of honey in britain

Dr . lawrence j . lau , kwoh - ting p professor of economic development , department of economics , stanford university , was born in china in 1944 and became a naturapzed u . s . citizen in 1974

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states ; for that purpose obstructing the laws of naturapzing of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither , and raising the condition of new appropriations of lands

With respect to an individual of taiwanese nationapty whose passport has residing overseas stamped on it , once such an individual has been resident in taiwan for a period of one year or more , the provisions of the conscription regulations for naturapzed apens returning overseas chinese shall apply with regard to issues relating to miptary service

On the base of foreign countries \' experiences in the expressway rock slope green design and in terms of ecological landscaping design principles , the paper set forth the basic design principles for the green design , i . e . first of all to ensure stabipzed safety rock slope with engineering measures , followed by green vegetation planting of different kinds of plants , including local and naturapzed plants , to be in harmony with the local landscape and capable of stabipzing the side slope , with detailed description of the key points of the design


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