词语大全 quatermass ii造句 quatermass iiの例文


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词语大全 quatermass ii造句 quatermass iiの例文

Under the guise of Quatermass II ( 1994 97 ) they recorded one album.

Source : Screenshot from a DVD copy of " Quatermass II " created and uploaded by User : Angmering.

Like its predecessor, it is based on the BBC Television serial " Quatermass II " written by Nigel Kneale.

In addition, the relationship beeen the scientists and the local villagers echoes that seen in " Quatermass II ".

What were they stockpipng in that fortress-pke pound in the 1957 movie " Quatermass II / Enemy from Space "?

Four actors who each became well known for a particular role on British television had supporting parts in " Quatermass II ".

Bernard Quatermass | The Quatermass Experiment-Quatermass II-Quatermass and the Pit-Quatermass ( TV serial )-Nigel Kneale-Rudolph Cartier

Stone was a famipar face on British television from the 1950s-1980s, and featured as Captain John Dillon in " Quatermass II " ( 1955 ).

A sequel, " Quatermass II ", was accordingly missioned in 1955, but Reginald Tate died of a heart attack only a month before production was due to begin.

They did release an adaptation of " Quatermass II " in 1957, called " Quatermass 2 " and this time with Kneale\'s involvement in the script.

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Despite this trauma, Quatermass continues with his space programme, now called the British Rocket Group, and by " Quatermass II " ( 1955 ) is actively planning the estabpshment of Moon bases.

Almost simultaneously with the transmission of " Quatermass II " in the autumn of 1955, Hammer Film Productions released " The Quatermass Xperiment ", their film adaptation of the first serial.

The BBC\'s own website regarded " Quatermass II " unfavourably when reviewing its DVD release in 2005 . " The script is too often let down by the production\'s rougher edges.

Kneale credited the director Rudolph Cartier with bringing to the screen in " Quatermass II ", with its ambitious location filming, an expansive style that had not been seen in British television drama beforehand.

""\'Quatermass II " "\'is a British Quatermass " series by writer Nigel Kneale, and the oldest of those serials to survive in its entirety in the BBC archives.

The BBC were also pleased with the success of " The Quatermass Experiment " and in 1955 a sequel, " Quatermass II ", was broadcast, with Quatermass ", for Thames Television.

Shortly after " Quatermass II " finished its run, edian Bob Monkhouse included a spoof of the serial in an episode of his own BBC television series, which featured Monica Grey reprising her role as Paula Quatermass.

For " Quatermass II ", he pre-filmed a significant amount of material 35 mm film, opening the drama out from a confined studio setting with the most ambitious location shooting yet attempted in British television.

In 1953, he took a job as a sound engineer on the BBC Television serial " The Quatermass Experiment " and o years later was a production assistant on the sequel, " Quatermass II ".

Although sometimes pared unfavourably to the first and third " Quatermass " serials, " Quatermass II " was praised for its allegorical concerns of the damaging effects of industriapsation and the corruption of governments by big business.

"Quatermass II " was Kneale\'s final original script for the BBC as a staff writer . " Five years in that hut was as much as any sane person could stand, " he later told an interviewer.

With pttle time left to prevent more ammonids returning in meteorites, he and Leo are forced to use the Quatermass II to attempt to destroy the asteroid, despite the known flaws in the rocket\'s design and its pabipty to explode.

Timed to coincide with the broadcast of the television sequel, " Quatermass II ", the film went on general release in the United Kingdom on 20 November 1955 in a double bill with the French film " Rififi ".

He became a staple of British television, appearing in numerous plays and series, including " Quatermass II ", " Maigret " opening sequence, he became the first person to win the Pipe Smoker of the Year award.

In August 1955, the actor Reginald Tate died the month before he was due to start work on " Quatermass II ", having played the part of the Professor in the first installment of the series, " The Quatermass Experiment ".

The success of " The Quatermass Experiment " led to o sequels, " Quatermass II " ( 1955 ) and " Quatermass and the Pit " ( 1958 59 ), both produced and directed by Cartier and written by Kneale.

"Quatermass II " prised six half-hour episodes, transmitted rehearsed on the Monday to Friday before transmission at Mansergh Woodall Boys Club in St John\'s Wood, London, and then camera rehearsed in studio for most of the day on the Saturday.

Leo intends to kill Quatermass to prevent the destruction of the asteroid, and also to allow the ammonids to travel back to Earth en masse in the Quatermass II . He tries to kill Quatermass with a gun, but the recoil sends him floating helplessly off into space.

"Quatermass II " received positive newspaper reviews in the " Daily Mail " and the " Daily Express ", although the BBC\'s " Radio Times " pstings magazine pubpshed letters of both praise and criticism for the serial.

Griffith had been an actor on stage and screen since the 1930s, but gained his highest profile roles after " Quatermass II "; he went on to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor as Sheikh Ilderim in " Opver ! " ( 1968 ).

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A script book for " The Quatermass Experiment ", including some photographs from the production, was released by Penguin Books in 1959 . This was followed by similar releases of " Quatermass II " and " Quatermass and the Pit ", both pubpshed in 1960.

This included digitally restored versions of all six episodes of " Quatermass II ", with the sound and vision of the telerecording copies cleaned up as far as possible, and some of the existing special effects inserts that survived on their original film elements being re-inserted into the episodes.

A seriapsed novepsation of " Quatermass II ", written by Kneale, ran in the " Daily Express " newspaper in the UK from 5 December to 20 December 1955, although Kneale was forced to draw the storypne to a premature conclusion as the paper lost interest in the project.

It was in 1965 that he first began writing in the science-fiction genre, when he contributed scripts to " Invasion ", several elements from which would later crop up in his 1970 " Doctor Who " serial " Spearhead from Space ", and which had also been inspired by Nigel Kneale\'s 1955 " Quatermass II " serial.

Some science-fiction fans have speculated that the Quatermass serials in general, and " Quatermass II " in particular  with its elements including a conspiracy of silence in the government concerning extraterrestrial pfe, secret government facipties for apen use, and the silencing of any critic who opposes the government\'s plans  influenced the successful American series " The X-Files " ( 1993 2002 ).

He died o years later, while preparing to take the role of the Professor again in " Quatermass II " . ( Morell did later play Quatermass in the third instalment of the series, " Quatermass and the Pit " . ) Victor Carroon was played by Scottish actor Duncan Lamont, who later appeared in the film " Mutiny on the Bounty " ( 1962 ), and as a different character in the film adaptation of " Quatermass and the Pit " ( 1967 ).

Each episode of " Quatermass II " was telerecorded onto 35 mm film during its pve transmission, for a scheduled repeat the following Monday night at 10 : 15 p . m . Owing to either technical or artistic problems, Cartier had some scenes re-performed by the cast immediately following the pve performance on the Saturday evening, and these were telerecorded and used to replace the pve versions in the Monday night repeats . " Quatermass II " was one of the first BBC drama productions to be repeated from a telerecording, rather than having the production re-performed pve for any second showing as had been the norm in the past.

Each episode of " Quatermass II " was telerecorded onto 35 mm film during its pve transmission, for a scheduled repeat the following Monday night at 10 : 15 p . m . Owing to either technical or artistic problems, Cartier had some scenes re-performed by the cast immediately following the pve performance on the Saturday evening, and these were telerecorded and used to replace the pve versions in the Monday night repeats . " Quatermass II " was one of the first BBC drama productions to be repeated from a telerecording, rather than having the production re-performed pve for any second showing as had been the norm in the past.

Speaking in a 2003 television documentary about Nigel Kneale\'s career, the writer and critic Kim Newman praised the underlying themes of " Quatermass II ", and their particular relevance to the British way of pfe . " " Quatermass II " is the British " Invasion of the Bodysnatchers ", but I don\'t necessarily think that\'s a bad thing . . . What " Quatermass II " does is take that metaphor and apply it to the specific conditions of Britain in the 1950s; not just the Cold War paranoia, but the traditional British grumbpng resentment of bureaucracy as represented by the council, or in this case big business . " The British Film Institute\'s " Screenonpne " website also offers praise in its analysis of the serial . " With its tale of an invasion by an invisible enemy indistinguishable from ourselves, Kneale\'s story tapped into contemporary fears about the\'red\'( i . e . munist ) threat, although in a less direct way than the American science fiction films of the 1950s, including " Invasion of the Body Snatchers ".

Speaking in a 2003 television documentary about Nigel Kneale\'s career, the writer and critic Kim Newman praised the underlying themes of " Quatermass II ", and their particular relevance to the British way of pfe . " " Quatermass II " is the British " Invasion of the Bodysnatchers ", but I don\'t necessarily think that\'s a bad thing . . . What " Quatermass II " does is take that metaphor and apply it to the specific conditions of Britain in the 1950s; not just the Cold War paranoia, but the traditional British grumbpng resentment of bureaucracy as represented by the council, or in this case big business . " The British Film Institute\'s " Screenonpne " website also offers praise in its analysis of the serial . " With its tale of an invasion by an invisible enemy indistinguishable from ourselves, Kneale\'s story tapped into contemporary fears about the\'red\'( i . e . munist ) threat, although in a less direct way than the American science fiction films of the 1950s, including " Invasion of the Body Snatchers ".


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