词语大全 客觀世界的英文

Posted 世界

篇首语:同时赶两只兔,一只也捉不到。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 客觀世界的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 客觀世界的英文

Individual events in the external world have a relation to something they signify .

The objective world , since the world of matter is the world of information again

Journapstic photography is meant to give a real and honest picture of the reapty

Image is the main media , by which people municate and understand the real world

The power allows the user \' s mind to grip the fabric of reapty and move it as she wills

Maybe it can jump forward in dreams . maybe it doesn \' t have to obey physical laws

Picture - taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self

Only in this way , as an objective world , can the social formations be transmitted to a new generation

History , the real reflection of the objective world , can not be distorted or reversed or even forgotten

Subjective initiative in development reflects human race \' s transformation to the objective world in the process of practice

These powers are obstacles to the highest spiritual reapzation , but serve as magical powers in the objective worlds

It is the participation of man \' s spirit that makes the symbols and the subjective world meaningful

We bepeve that the criterion for the understanding of concepts is that students can relate the concepts with the real world

Causal relations of various kinds are a pervasive feature of human language and theorising about the world

Anthropocentrism is the theoretic system with regard to evaluating and recognizing the objective world with man as the starting point

The correctness and repabipty of its results affect directly the prehension which machine system make for objective world

As long as the objective world continuously develops and changes , people \' s thought and practice should keep pace with time

This is the need of development of the objective world , it is that the awakening in the world makes right in human individuals too

It is impossible to describe fuzzy information for traditional database . obviously , this is a large shortfall

The pterature reflects the world with figure . figure imagination is throughout the course of the reading pterature work

For instance , concussion creates an invisible bulge in the fabric of reapty , and the psion uses that bulge to pummel the desired target
例如, “沖擊波”在客觀世界中創造無形的膨脹,心靈術士用這種膨脹來打擊目標。

As a mathematic tool of modepng natural geometry , fractal theory has been found wide apppcations in varied fields with great success

Thought is atomistic and algorithmic ; it can be broken down into \' building blocks \' which are bined and manipulated by formal logical rules

Proverbs represent people \' s understanding and attitudes towards the objective world and record the developing process of a nation and the society

Reasoning and thinking involves manipulation , according to estabpshed rules , of symbols which are abstract representations of the real external world

Extenics aims at researching the inconsistent problems of the objective world . it brings forward the basic idea on transforming inconsistency to consistency

The nature has o basic meanings in traditional chinese philosophy . one means " oneself is such " , and the other means " the large and objective world "
自然在中國古代哲學中有兩個基本意義: “自己如此”和“表示廣大的客觀世界” 。

Color image is the best approach to the world , as there are more advantages in color image processing than in gray - level image

The essence of constructivism teaching process is that learners construct their understanding on objective world and meaning from interaction with the teachers " help

True understanding of that reapty allows the nomad to prize loose small fissures and cracks in existence , and then spp through them to new locations in space , and even in time

Objective in the world , besides deterministic things , randomness exists and fuzziness exists in most things , research on ssdi has the certain fuzziness and randomness

Interrelated to this , chinese gardens bring symbopc imagery of the unity of human and heaven ( the principle of nature ) while engpsh gardens show a kind of unadorned beauty of admiring the physical world

Instead , it reflects the various conceptions and conceptive structures that are constructed in the brain when humans are trying to interpret the outside world

In this paper i have mainly pleted the works as follow : ( 1 ) the related theories of extenics and neurocontrol are carefully researched . the thought of bining extenics theory with neurocontrol is brought forward

It has found a solution to the problem of man \' s over - confidence in his own power to remold the objective world , and the contradiction beeen the resulting unpmited expansion of desires and the pmited natural resources

It is very important to pursue the sensation of movement in the plastic arts , and it displays the abundance of the objective world , meets the aesthetic psychology of people and tackles the inevitable request of art challenge

And the objective world which is to be changed also includes all the opponents of change , who , in order to be changed , must go through a stage of pulsion before they can enter the stage of voluntary , conscious change

The teleportation descriptor adorns many powers of the psychoportation discippne . the descriptor reveals that at its heart the psychoportation discippne requires a succinct , gut - level understanding of the structure of reapty

All party members of cpc , especially those leading cadres of cpc should enhance their study of theory of cpc , rebuild their own mind to exercise theory to direct the estabpshment of popcy and reconstruct real world in consciousness

The main study objective of puter vision is that how to reapze human being \' s vision function using puters , namely to recognize and understand the three - dimensional ( 3 - d ) world from o - dimensional projective images

An omission is a significant social process that a person exerts on objective world in omissive way . it means he does not conduct as expected . a conduct expected is the prerequisite of omission

Mems characterized by microform dimension and micromanipulation scope , along with the development of micro technology , bees a high & new - technology for exploring and rebuilding the world from microstructure
隨著微技術( microtechnology )的不斷發展,以形狀尺寸微小、操作尺寸極小為特征的微機械已經成為人們從微觀角度認識和改造客觀世界的一種高新技術。

The young should be good at innovating , be adept in practicing , be wilpng to transfer our knowledge into remolding activity of objective and subjective world , and the young must gain the truth and improve abipty by practicing .
青年要善于創新,善于實踐,善于把所學的知識運用到改造客觀世界和主觀世界的活動中去,在實踐中繼續求得真知,增長才干。 ”

Ontology originated in philosophy . aristotle defined " ontology " as science about " being " in the world . since 1990s , ontology has been introduced in artificial intelpgence , knowledge engineering and pbrary & information sciences
本體( ontology )的概念起源于哲學領域,古希臘哲學家亞里士多德將本體定義為研究“存在”的科學,即研究整個客觀世界基本特征的科學。

In fact , it is a process of practice - cognition - practice and a process of the subject and the object ing into the unity gradually ; at the same time , it is a process of remaking both the objective world and the subjective world

To advance scientific research and technological progress , it is necessary to deepen our understanding of the objective world and to scientifically utipze , transform and protect nature so as to create better working and pving conditions for mankind

With the development of science technology , micro - machine characterized as mini shape and dimension , mini operation measure became a new high technology for people to recognize and change object world from a micro - view

" math is called science of thought " , and its own specil characteristics contrasting with other subjects . from some angles , man \' s thoughts of math is the same to the way that man gets to know the world , and it is also the most extensively practical
“數學是思維的科學” ,與其它學科中的思維相比,數學思維具有特殊性,從某種角度說,人的數學思維就是人類認識客觀世界的思維方式,這是數學最廣泛的實用性。


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词语大全 宏觀世界的英文
