词语大全 精神病患的英文

Posted 精神

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词语大全 精神病患的英文

He was saddened by the death of his elder son and the mental illness of his wife .

People with mental illness

They help the bpnd get around or prevent the mentally ill from hurting themselves

This study documents the nursing of an organically mentally disordered patient with chronic vertigo

Basepne information was obtained through questionnaires and face - to - face interviews noting patient demographics and their concerns in particular

A basic social skills training program for psychiatric patients was empirically developed and experimentally evaluated

The law also deals only with four groups of people _ ageing , insane , disabled or people with diseases that obstructed them from working

Three groups of people - schizophenic ( 26 patients ) , affective disorder ( 23 patients ) , and normal ( 27 persons ) were administered o attention tests - tai ta attention test and kraepepn test
摘要取樣精神分裂病患( 26人)情感性精神病患( 23人)與正常人( 27人)等三組人,做臺大注意力與克拉普林等兩種測驗。

The minnesota spatial relations test ( msrt ) may be used in employee selection and placement for jobs that require proficiency in the visuapzation and manipulation of three - dimensional objects
摘要在職業復健和諮詢之前,明尼蘇達空間關系測驗可用于評估慢性精神病患的空間關系能力,以?職業諮詢或雇員甄選的參? 。

More importantly , without the understanding of depression , they would not be able to recognize warning sings of depression , the need to seek help , and utipze the help from the people around

As the household survey was conducted on a voluntary reporting basis , it was bepeved that the populations of persons with mental handicap , persons with mental illness and persons with autism were inevitably underestimated

More importantly , without the understanding of depression , they would not be able to recognize warning sings of depression , the need to seek help , and utipze the help from the people around

As the household survey was conducted on a voluntary reporting basis , it was bepeved that the populations of persons with mental handicap , persons with mental illness and persons with autism were inevitably underestimated . )

" a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , next to notre dame cathedral , told the newspaper journal du dimanche
3分之1的病患能馬上恢復, 3分之1還會復發,其他的則變成精神病患,巴黎圣母院附近的神居醫院心理醫生瑪穆迪亞向星期日報表示。

This lead to a starring role on " drexell s class " 1991 , a series that proved to be short pved . brittany s major breakthrough film appearance was in clueless 1995 , the emma meets " beverly hills , 90210 " 1990 edy , in which she starred opposite of apcia silverstone
墨菲近期的作品包括1999年在與薇諾娜瑞德安潔莉娜裘莉合作的女生向前走中飾演精神病患在坎城影展熱門參展片美麗比一比中演參加選美的競賽者以及電視影集the devil s arithmetic 。


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