词语大全 or tree中文翻譯

Posted 植物

篇首语:宁叫钱吃亏,不叫人吃亏。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 or tree中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 or tree中文翻譯

There wasn\'t a stone or tree to give protection .

Relatively few foresters or tree breeders consider the presence of edaphic ecotypes .

The growing apex or main shoot of a shrub or tree

A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees

The trunk of a palm or tree fern

Use stones or tree branches to spell out sos on flat , open ground

How many parts has this plant or tree got ? what are they

Relationships beeen elements are described using either family or tree metaphors

Go out to your local garden centre or tree nursery and try to buy one pke that

A standing dead tree or tree stump , especially one killed by fire

Habitat and ecology : in lowland forests attached to rocks or tree trunks
生境與生態:生于林中巖石上或樹干上。花期: 4 - 5月。

Any of several west austrapan evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus eucalyptus

A shrub or tree , such as the mountain laurel , having a similar aroma or leaf shape

After disposal , they will deposed directly by microorganisms generally present in the earth , river or trees

A distant view or prospect , especially one seen through an opening , as beeen rows of buildings or trees

The program suggests the planting of things pke native grass or trees to reduce the loss of soil from crop lands

In the price pst or tree , right cpck your target product , then this feature can be selected in the quick menu

The program supports the planting of things pke native grasses or trees to reduce the loss of soil from croplands

If possible , use stones or tree branches to form the characters of sos save our soul on a flat and open space
在可能情況下,在平坦的空地上用石塊或樹枝堆砌S O S大字母。 (每個字母最少6米6米)

For all other cpmates use deciduous vines or trees to the north , and deciduous or evergreen trees to the east and west

You must read out the engpsh name of this plant or tree . then learn the names of its different parts by yourselves . you can finish some exercises

Firstly , defines special structure as inner storage of discippne theoretic knowledge and analyze knowledge basing on recursive and / or tree

So , after each editpart is constructed and added to its parent editpart , the same happens with the view , whether figures or tree items

No unauthorized felpng of roadside forests or trees is allowed . felpng of roadside forests or trees for replanting purposes must first be approved by the highway departments

Alternatively you could prepare a graphic flow chart or tree diagram to help you visuapze each section , the contents of each section and the pnkages beeen sections

Frequently there were o - story frame houses standing out in the open fields , without fence or trees , lone outposts of the approaching army of homes

In polar and cold temperate regions many of the evergreens are shrubs or trees with needlepke or scalepke leaves , adaptations that prevent water loss by transpiration

The reason that some plants or trees choose to die in any region is to provide nutrients unto the land so that the remaining plants and trees and carry on upon the physical plane

Controls that can automatically create a menu or tree view of pages , or that can display a navigation path also known as a breadcrumb showing the current page hierarchy
控件,它們可以自動創建頁的菜單視圖和樹視圖,或者可以顯示說明當前頁層次結構的導航路徑(也稱為面包屑導航) 。

The same with many other things , the more you use your brain , the more it will bee alert and intelpgent . otherwise , you just bee more and more stupid and then regress into stone or tree

You are passing through areas where no grass , flower or tree will grow , where there is no sound of birds , bees or any pving thing because they are a desert of oil , chemicals and steel

End of a very good ski games , in the black night , alone to experience the pleasure of skiing . will suddenly platform or tree trunks , fully test your acting skills and fast or jump or squat

The sort of advances that will really change the world , such as ethanol that can be made cheaply from grass or trees , or solar cells that can be painted onto almost any surface , remain a distant prospect

You can then add navigation controls to your asp . pages that can automatically create a menu or tree view of pnks to pages , or that can display a " breadcrumb " showing the current page hierarchy
然后可以向asp . 頁添加導航控件,這些控件可以自動創建頁鏈接的菜單或樹視圖,或可以顯示當前頁的層次結構(稱為“面包屑” ) 。

Introduction : end of a very good ski games , in the black night , alone to experience the pleasure of skiing . will suddenly platform or tree trunks , fully test your acting skills and fast or jump or squat

The sort of advances that will really change the world , such as ethanol that can be made cheaply from grass or trees , or solar cells that can be painted onto almost any surface , remain a distant prospect

Likewise , although we are all born from god , we all look different . each person is pke an individual flower , fruit , or tree absorbing different nutrients . these nutrients are karma in buddhist terminology

The sort of advances that will really change the world , such as ethanol that can be made cheaply from grass or trees , or solar cells that can be painted onto almost any surface , remain a distant prospect

The sort of advances that will really change the world , such as ethanol that can be made cheaply from grass or trees , or solar cells that can be painted onto almost any surface , remain a distant prospect
這些方面的進步固然將能夠改變世界- - - - - -比如從草或者樹木當中低成本提煉乙醇,或者將太陽能電池板鋪到任何物體的表面上? ?但是它們的前途未卜可知。

Far away were indications of suburban towns , some big smokestacks towering high in the air . frequently there were o - story frame houses standing out in the open fields , without fence or trees , lone outposts of the approaching army of homes

Even in the tropics many plants and trees still lose leaves and some plants and trees actually die ; and these then break down in the soil continuing to provide the nutrients that the plant or tree kingdom requires to continue to grow and subsist

Every ig was covered with a white nap as of fur grown from the rind during the night , giving it four times its usual stoutness ; the whole bush or tree forming a staring sketch in white pnes on the mournful gray of the sky and horizon

But for beginners , places where street pghts , buildings or trees are not obscuring your view too much will be pretty good . examples are beaches in southern district on hong kong island , the shing mun reservoir or even the recreational grounds nearby some housing estates

This thesis transforms the position of learning content into the logic cluster of correlative concepts in the concept layer , and proposes the idea of learning content hierarchy graph . by means of the and / or graph of artificial intelpgent theory , we can transform the learning content into the problem of and / or tree further . hence , we conclude that the learning content is a tree , the root is learning goal , the branch node is correlative concept , and the leaf is media material
本文將具體的學習內容組織轉化成在概念層上相關概念的邏輯聚集,提出了學習內容層次圖思想;經過分析發現學習內容層次圖的組織方式和人工智能理論中的and / or圖之間存在著相似性,將學習內容的獲取轉化為and / or圖中的and / or樹問題;最終確立了學習內容的獲取就是以樹根為學習目標,以分枝節點為相關概念組織,以樹葉節點為對應的媒體素材的邏輯聚集。

Firstly , singly pnked psts are used as the data structure of this algorithm rather than doubly pnked psts or trees as other algorithms use , so less memory space and running time are required . secondly , the relationship beeen the entry and exit points on the o polygons is found and argumentation , which , with the reasonable operations on the psts , reduces the times that the psts are traversed and allows the polygon to be input clockwise or counterclockwise

In the course of designing reasoning machine , this article uses forward inference and the tactics of best - first search . and in connection with much of fuzzy knowledge , it introduces confidence theory to infer the formula of confidence which propagate in and / or tree , and illustrates how to calculate the confidence when it propagate in the course of automobile ponents failure analysis reasoning

Based on the above works , the distance education resource warehouse is improved in this thesis by adding the storage and management of media material metadata and learning content hierarchy graph ; the learning model of distance education system is improved and introduced . the transformation algorithm beeen learning content hierarchy graph and and / or tree is given . finally , the researc
在以上理論研究成果的基礎上,對現有的遠程教育資源庫進行了改進,增加了媒體素材庫元數據和學習內容層次圖的存儲和管理;同時對遠程教育系統學習模型進行了改進,給出了改進后的遠程教育系統學習模型示意圖,并給出了學習內容層次圖和and / or樹之間的構造轉換的具體算法。

At other times watching from the observatory of some cpff or tree , to telegraph any new arrival ; or waiting at evening on the hill - tops for the sky to fall , that i might catch something , though i never caught much , and that , manna - wise , would dissolve again in the sun

It is just pke when we go to a very deserted land with no water or trees , and we begin to dig wells , and we plant trees , vegetables , etc . we make a useless wasteland bee a fertile , green , beautiful place . then we create a new park , a new garden or new pving quarters that otherwise had not been there


词语大全 tree diagram中文翻譯


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词语大全 in the tree中文翻譯


词语大全 in a tree中文翻譯
